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Previous Episodes (Season 30)
May 28 - 400 And Counting / WLTI's Vs. / Push or Flush (1)

June 4 - Summer Road Trip / Game Show Mash-Up / Push or Flush (2)

June 11 - Love & Kisses / Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews / Push or Flush (3)

June 18 - The Father of All Game Show Hosts / Who's Your Daddy? / Welcome to Hollywood

June 25 - Red Hot Summer / Play the Percentages / Poetry Corner

July 2 - Loca People / Really Big Board / Would You, Could You?

July 9 - Hot Mess / Read Between the Lines (1) / Picture Something

July 16 - Two Houses Both Alike in Dignity / Read Between the Lines (2) / 20 ?s: Scott Hostetler

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 30.8 - An Escape from Reality
July 23

Chico: Yup. Welcome back. Thanks for being a part of our week and allowing our week to be apart of you. It's time to throw this into Vs. mode with WLTI's Vs. Gordon?
Gordon: We'll give you 2 things to consider. Consider this...

J-Lo VS. Steven Tyler

Chico: J-Lo has movies and dance mixes. Steven Tyler has his band and a tour. They're both equally done, but given that J-Lo is younger and has more years ahead of her, HER.
Gordon: Her but for a different reason. According to the popularity polls, the fans are happy they are both gone, but they thought J-Lo added more to the show. So I think she leaves with more credibility.
Chico: I'll buy that. Steven had.... onomatopoeia. And it rhymed.
Gordon: More like...Oh. nice legs and boobs.
Chico: And... also... boobs.
Gordon: I wonder if Steve has met Fred Willard.
Chico: NEXT!

Take Me Out VS. The Choice

Chico: Let's be completely honest... they're DONE... but which could've been saved with a little creative rejiggering?
Gordon: Neither. But if you're going to make me choose, The Choice, because they had celebs. They just needed better ones and a better game to go with the gimmick.
Chico: Right. Much like the show it borrowed from, once the gimmick is gone, it's... gone.
Gordon: Next one...

Hell's Kitchen VS. Top Chef

Chico: Top Chef. It's creating for creation vs. creating for an audience. A very. Very. Hungry... Audience.
Gordon: I agree.  Would it matter if Masterchef was added to the mix?
Chico: Yes it would, because MasterChef is the complete package. Creating for creation, creating for the masses, and stuff you can try at home.
Gordon: Well, sort of. I have yet to see a show where we get a full recipe.
Chico: I think you have to go to the interwebs for that. Sucks, really, I LOVE lava cake.
Gordon: I'd love it more if I knew howw to make it. My ranking, btw - Top Chef / Masterchef / Hell's Kitchen
Chico: Nice. Next...

Figure It Out VS. Splatalot

Chico: You only had half an hour and are babysitting. Which one do you expose your kid to?
Gordon: Of course Figure it out, but here's the question. You're the kid being baby sat. Which one do you play?
Chico: Splatalot! Because it looks imitable!
Gordon: See, you'd play that. I'd play Figure It Out, because the first game show I ever watched was Jeopardy! - the 70's version. Of course, I couldn't understand it because I was in the womb. Next one...

Russell Hantz VS. Brandon Hantz VS. Willie Hantz

Gordon: None of them win. Rank them in order of who you'd want as your partner.
Chico: Brandon... Russell... Willie. In that order.
Gordon: I'd go the same. I'll pick the Hantz that doesn't want to cook me for dinner.
Chico: Brandon's a little more loyal than Russell, who'll beat a door open if it'll keep him in the game. And Willie... well, he'd just beat a door open. I guess we know were the gamesmanship in THAT family went.
Gordon: Do you want Gamesmanship Vs. Someone that you know will get to the end, regardless of cost?
Chico: The latter.
Gordon: Same here. Gamesmanship be damned. Final one?
Chico: Finally...

"Just Men!" VS. "Off Their Rockers" (maybe)

Chico: Which will mean more to Betty?
Gordon: Off Our Rockers, if she wins. The first one was a win for women everywhere. This one would be more personal.
Chico: Agreed on both counts. One was landbreaking. The other is sentimental.
Gordon: That's it.
Chico: Speaking of famous firsts, we have a few infamous ones after the break.
Gordon: We will. Break comes first.

(Brought to you by Storm Takeshi's Ice Cream Parlor. Takeshi has all sorts of cool devices. Can you get through the obstcales to get to it? Then again, if you get knocked into a pool of water, you may want to stay there.)

Chico: Cake Batter and Cookie dough is my favorite.
Gordon: Yummy.
Chico: Welcome back. Or if you're just joining us, where've you been. It's time to play... WHAT! HAPPENS! FIRST! Simply put, two items. Tell us which one happens first. First up...

What Happens First: American Idol produces a judging panel or... J Rome produces a single that sells more than 500 copies.

Gordon: That's evil. I like it.
Chico: You know how we do.
Gordon: Idol produces a judging panel. J Rome may not get to 100 copies.
Chico: I'll be surprised if J Rome breaks 50; I'm going to go with the panel and say the panel. And again... Producer, songwriter, ex pop tart. That's the formula. Do not deviate.
Gordon: Now, if Duets is smart, they'd put out a 'DUET' as a single between those two, which will sell based on the popularity of the one.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: Is Duets that smart?
Chico: No.
Gordon: I'll go with No. Next one...

What Happens First: Jillian Michaels rejoins the Biggest Loser or Michael Symon rejoins Iron Chef?

Chico: Jillian Michaels. Symon is on the Chew getting his chew on. Jillian needs Biggest Loser. Biggest Loser needs Jillian. We've been here before.

Chico: ... We have a graphic for everything, don't we?
Gordon: We do.
Chico: Hold on, I got a Block text.... "Haven't we seen this before?" *texts back ".... Maybe."
Gordon: See, not THIS is how you do a segment properly.

Who gets a renewal first: Let's Ask America or the Pyramid?

Gordon: I expect both shows to be successful as they don't have high expectations on ratings. I'll say Pyramid, after it turns out monster in the first week.
Chico: I'll also say Pyramid, but for a different reason. It's on GSN. So expectations are already not high. So if it surpasses lowered expectations, blows it out of the water, GSN is going to act on it. IF THEY'RE SMART. And I think our friend Jim Williams said it best... "Just give Pyramid a chance"
Gordon: I think Pyramid will be monster. Yes fan-boys, I said it. It will be good.
Chico: Now how you gon' act?
Gordon: I'll support both shows. I have a feeling both will do well.
Chico: Gonna be a great fall. :-)
Gordon: Next one...

What happens first: So You Think You Can Dance wins an Emmy, or The Glass House's Finale is on a Saturday night?

Chico: Emmy. I think ABC's going to run out the show on a Monday. Why? Because it fits with Bachelor Pad. Not actually giving it any credit, but they fit.
Gordon: Well ABC doesn't have anything else there, to put on.
Chico: There you go. Next one...

What happens first: The Voice wins an Emmy, or Steve Harvey is nominated for one.

Gordon: The Voice wins an Emmy. I think they are there for a reason, and quite honestly, none of the other shows had impressive years.
Chico: Right. I think it's going to be a race between Race and Voice for who gets the trophy, and Emmy likes the new hotness, but I think next year is Steve Havey's year, so... yeah Steve Harvey.
Gordon: Difference of opinion. I like it. Last one...

What Happens First: Chico gets on a game show, or Emily Maynard gets married?

Gordon: Let's Ask America looking good?
Chico: Seriously, I interviewed for Let's Ask America... and I'm hoping for a phone call.
Gordon: Awesomeness.
Chico: Basically portrayed myself as excitable.
Gordon: I'd love to get on...but I am the 1%. You may boo me.
Chico: BOOO! On that note, let's go to a break, and then the Speed Round.
Gordon: Break away

(Brought to you by the real heroes of Aurora, Colorado.... Stay strong. Stay united.)

Gordon: Well done. And again we hope that we can do our part to keep you all remotely entertained while you are dealing with this tragedy
Chico: ... does this mean we have to be entertaining?
Gordon: ...well, we try.
Chico: Heh. Right now, it's Speed round time1 So Willie's gone from BB. Who's next?
Gordon: I'll say JoJo, without K-Ci
Chico: All my liiiiiiiiiiiife,
Gordon: AGT: l Give me someone who gets in the Top 4
Chico: Eric & Olivia.
Gordon: I'll go with All That and play the nepotism game
Chico: NEPOTISM. Jeopardy!... Superchamp?
Gordon: Nope
Chico: K
Gordon: Superemail?
Chico: We have a FACEBOOK mail! This is from our FB /wlti.gsnn This is from James Craven. Thanks, James!


James Craven
Is it just me or does my Spidey sense tell me that marblemedia will soon get some sort of lawsuit from Endemol or Tokyo Broadcasting for Splatalot?

Gordon: Hi James. I expect the lawyers of Dewey, Cheatham and Howe to show up at their offices.
Chico: If we had the clip of Andrew Garfield saying "You better lawyer up a-hole"... we'd play it here. But yeah, they went after Wipeout. Why not go after Splatalot? Especially now that it's playing in America.
Gordon: Exactly.
Chico: But if you're not a lawyer and you want to talk to us, you can email us at wlti@gameshownewsnet.com
Gordon: Even if you're a lawyer, come chat with us. Chico makes good cookies.
Chico: I do. Next week, another hamster goes bye-bye, and will we crown a Ninja Warrior?
Gordon: Maybe. We'll find out next week. because that's all we have for this week. Special thanks to no one in particular, as it's just Chico and myself.
Chico: Until next week... Game over and spread the love. :-)