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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (2)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (3)

January 21 - Happy Birthday, Chico!/What Were You Thinking?/Push or Flush (4)

January 28 - The Truth Is Out There/Would You Could You?/Push or Flush (5)

February 4 - Groundhog Day/6 Things We Think You Should Know/Push or Flush (6)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.6
February 11

Gordon: (Chris Crocker) Leave Britney Alone (/Chris Crocker).
Don: lol
Chico: Is she singing the theme?
Gordon: I think so. She can't handle Temptation.
Jason: Who she singing on Blackout?
Chico: I... uh... I'll get back to you on that.
Gordon: You call that singing?
Jason: I call it ProTunes.
Gordon: Cher electronic voice reverb, anyone?
Chico: Oh dreadful. Welcome back. This is the show, and it's time for some Roleplay. Okay, everyone ready?
Jason: Sure. Let’s get to it
Don: Yep.
Chico: Starting with Jason...
Jason: Ok.

You are Price is Right Model Gwendolyn Osborne, and you just nailed a newscast for a Price is Right Showcase. Do you have a future in broadcast news or what?

Jason: I think saw how well I did on Price this week. I think a shot on the early show on CBS is in order. Maybe I can sub when Julie Chen is on Big Brother.
Chico: Please do.
Jason: I have the looks, the voice and the talent, don't you think?
Chico: CBS, I hope you're reading this.
Jason: It was really fun to do and I hope I can do it again. I think Price writers are loosening up with this. Give me a shot.
Chico: Give her a shot. This was one of the best Showcases in a while. Next, Gordon?
Gordon: Hi Don :)
Don: Hi, Gordon.

You are...Mark L. Walberg. How does it feel to have your career resurrected by one of the sleaziest shows on television?

Don: Well, it could've been worse. I could've shown up on "But Can They Sing?".
Gordon: That wasn't exactly a resurrection
Don: But seriously, it feels great. It's getting millions of viewers who apparently like this kind of stuff, and even though things could get really tense on the show, I think it has been worth it so far. And who knows, if this thing fizzles out, at least I could be considered for better shows in the future.
Chico: So are you still doing Trivial Pursuit in the fall?
Don: Oh yeah. I'm definitely doing that show.
Chico: I gotcha. Next up... Hi, Gordon!
Gordon: Hi Chico!

You are Alesha Stelzel, who, in a last ditch effort to get a golden ticket, learned a quick Dolly Parton song from YouTube... You think this is going to give you an advantage?

Gordon: First of all, I think my long hair and my ..assets...will give me an advantage. I think that I am nice and perky. The fact that I can learn new songs will give me an advantage. I wonder though if I may have thought about waiting a few years though before auditioning. I do have a voice, but as I showed, I don't have a musical repertoire or a good musical history. If I don't know who Dolly Parton is, that's trouble.
Chico: ... oh dear.
Jason: oh dear indeed
Gordon: I hope I get far, but maybe it's better for me if I don't, so I can take a few years to know my music, then come back when Im 20 or 21 with a more mature voice and wow everyone.
Chico: Thanks. I think you're going to go far... *whispers to the others * not a chance.
Gordon: And if worse comes to worse, I can get some Calamari with Kellie Pickler
Chico: Yummy.
Gordon: Nice now, Chico, are you ready?
Chico: I'm always ready.

You are...A cameraman on America's Best Dance Crew. Yes, you guys can shoot from many angles and switch shots every 5 seconds. Congratulations. But why are you trying to get us all sick?

Chico: Just trying to protect my job from the aerial jib that the guys at TPIR use.
Gordon: There's no contestant cam on The Price is Right. There's no Contestants Row hidden camera monitor in each podium.
Chico: True. But there's also no MTV brass calling me to make it as much like Stomp the Yard as possible. Hell, I'd do slow-motion Matrix moves if I wanted to.
Gordon: Well, you've done that. And a slow motion instant replay to boot.
Chico: Sure have.
Gordon: What about slow motion upchucking?
Jason: yuck
Don: Ewww...
Chico: Well, Randy Jackson's involved... That should've been a tip-off that the show isn't for the squeamish.
Gordon: So it will be yo yo yrrralph?
Chico: We had a couple of guys ralph on set last week.
Gordon: That's...great.
Chico: Jason, Gordon, and Don... time for an All-In Challenge!
Jason: Alright!
Gordon: whoo hoo
Don: Should be a good one!

You are three dancers from "Dance War"... The challenge is... try dancing and singing without sucking.

Don: Um, that's gonna be difficult for me.
Jason: Life is a highway....I want to ride it all night....OOPS! (trips...sorry)
Gordon: The dancing and singing I can do right now. The sucking to keep the show on the air I'll do after the performance and in some executives business office.
Jason: ...oh my
Chico: .... as I thought. Okay, last one?
Gordon: last one. And again, its an all-in challenge
Jason: alright!
Chico: Woo!
Don: Cool!

You are all...the Dalton Triplets. Jason Dalton, Don Dalton and Chico Dalton. Your dad is Jonny Fairplay and your mom is Next Top Model's Michelle Deighton. What is going through your mind?

Jason: That I can't get away with ANY lying.
Chico: I'm hot and evil... I've got the total package!
Don: Maybe I shouldn't try out for Survivor after seeing what happened to dad lately.
Jason: Chico just hit me!
Chico: No I didn't.
Jason: Sure you did. You are lying.
Chico: You hit yourself... Why you hitting yourself? Why you hitting yourself?
Jason: I am not touching you...
Gordon: (Ding Dong) Oh look who's here. You're new babysitter is here...and his name is Danny Bonaduce.
Don: *Hides*
Jason: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! I’ll be good...I promise!
Chico: We're outta here. I want my mommy.
Don: Please don't let Danny see me... Please don't let Danny see me...
Gordon: And on that, we go on Break.
Chico: But before we do, it's time for an interactive roleplay.
Gordon: As for the last contest, Daniel Westrick goes for the 'Fat men can’t dance' angle, and he wins. Nothing like self-deprecating humor.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: And if you want to have your name up here, give us the best response for this Roleplay...

You are 13 year old Shamari Berkley. You just won $300,000 on Don't Forget the Lyrics!. What're you going to do with it?

Your answer:
Your name:
Your e-mail:
(we don't spam. We promise)

Gordon: When we come back, we look for things in 3's. This is the show that straps you to a podium detector.

(Brought to you by WLTI Presents the Best of Drum & Bass, vol. 1... Hey, if the Weather Channel can do it)