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The Phone
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A mysterious phone call will send four players on the ride of their lives.

Recaps by Brian Moore, GSNN

Host (The Operator): Emmet Scanlan
Agents: Dan Newmark, Julia Vorth
Creators: Willem Brom, Beau van Erven Dorens, Marc Bennink
Craig Armstrong, Rick Ringbakk, Justin Timberlake
Packagers: Park Lane Productions & FremantleMedia North America for MTV Networks
Origin: Los Angeles
Fridays at 10p ET on MTV
In High-Definition Where AvailableStreaming Online

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The Cartel
May 29


In previous episodes, the operator would get two girls and two guys, then three girls and a guy. But for the finale, the operator gets all-female contestants. All of whom are the following...

Kimberly Hurtarte - 20, Lifeguard
Claudia Garcia - 22, Student
Nikki Schultz - 23, Bartender
Christina Tostado - 21, Nanny

Just like the contestants before them, they all have answered the phones called up by the operator and they all want the chance to win $50,000. And the last game for the season

The operator then tells the contestants that a drug cartel has figured out a way to reprocess a pain medication in to a lethal new street drug. And as they've just witnessed the cartel are taking out competition for their drug trade. Tomorrow, they'll hit the streets with the new drug and it's up to the players to stop the cartel. Kimberly will be looking for a van in the second floor of the parking garage while Nikki will look for one in the third floor. In those vans they'll be looking for a prescription bottle made out to one Marcus Cordon, and they have to find them no matter what happens. There's only one bottle made out to Marcus Cordon in each van and the first one to complete the task gets $5,000 for their accounts.

The operator then tells Claudia and Christina that the couriers for the cartel are on their way to pick up the vans. They must get to parking garage and get out with their teammates using the vans before the couriers get to them in five minutes. Although Claudia and Christina got in a chick fight when they were teamed up, the pickedy the correct bottle having $5,000 wired to their account. Kimberly and Nikki also get out of the garage, but they didn't get the correct bottle, and for their efforts...bumpkis.

Claudia and Christina's bottle has an address of an abandoned hospital written on it. The operator then texts the same addy onto Kimberly and Nikki's phone. Both teams must then use the navigation feature on their phones to find the hospital.

Both teams get to the Linda Vista Hospital where they recieve further information. Both temas learn that the cartel uses two of the abandoned labs for turning the pain medication Neurozazz into the 87% pure street drug "Z". The cartel is getting ready to burn the hospital down to cover up their tracks. Each team needs to get to one of the labs by the morgue. The teams do not have much time to waste and they better not get caught by the cartel. Kimberly and Nikki get lab A while Claudia and Christina get lab B. They both learn that the cartel is using bloody organs to smuggle "the Z" across the country. This bloddy mess has attracted some unwanted visitors, and they're talking about the mice. Among this carnage are packets of harmless ingredients used to process the drug, but three of them contain the finished product for the "Z" in which they all total 163 grams. There are scales on each of their tables, and the first team to have three packets that total exactly 153 grams will add $10,000 to their account. They have ten minutes before the hospital gets burned to the ground.

Christina and Claudia complete the task first adding $10,000 to their account, bringing their total to $15,000. Those drugs were to be delivered to the name of a club written on the side of those three packets. A limo is waiting for them and there are some clothes inside they'll change into on the way to the club. As for Kimberly and Nikki, they're eliminated and they both get "burned" with the building.

As the limo takes Claudia and Christina to one of the hottest nightclubs in the city, which is run by former cartel member, Marcus Cordon. He's in a back room hosting a high-stakes Texas Hold'em poker game. Marcus is willing to sell the location of the cartel's final drug shipment for $15,000. The operator will stake the team $2,500 to sit at the table and the rest is up to them. It's their job to buy the intel, and if they do so, they'll have $15,000 wired to their account. Christina decides to sit at the table and play poker. Claudia will give assistance from a different location where she'll watch a monitor with multiple camera angles of the poker hands.

Christina is up to $3,750 in chips when Claudia gets spotted by one of the security guards who sends her out of the back room. But in the end, Christina wins enough money to buy the intel which translates to $15,000 going into their account, raising their total to $30,000. Marcus writes the location on a playing card and then hands it off to the team.

Claudia and Christina then go back to the limo where the operator tells them that the DEA is waiting for them and needs their information on the drugs. But, unfortunately for the team, they're running out of time. The drugs are en route to the final distribution points. Claudia and Christina get to the Whiteman Airport where the tell the DEA agents the location written on the playing card. As the team is up in the sky via helicopter, they then get word that the cartel plane is flying somewhere within the mountains carrying $60M worth of drugs. And as they speak, the cartel is preparing to drop the drugs for ground transport across country. The team has to spot the plane, find the drop, and stop the cartel. Accomplishing this final mission could add up to $20,000 to their account.

The team spots the white plane causing the DEA to shoot at it, giving them one hell of a scare. But their efforts did little to prevent the drugs from reaching the ground, and this makes it dangerous to land. At this point the operator gives Christina the decision of parachuting in, ambushing the cartel, and securing the drugs. Doing so successfull will add $20,000 to their account. Christina decides to go for it and they both jump out of the helicopter and land safely, stopping the drug cartel, saving lots of lives. $20,000 has been added to their account for the maximum total of $50,000. But as with the other episodes before, only one can claim it. For the last time, it's time for Claudia and Christina to get quizzed.

What is the name of the pain medication being turned into a potentially lethal drug street drug?

Christina's Response: Neurozazz
Claudia's Response: Hydrozazz
Correct Answer: Neurozazz

Christina's ahead one to zip, next query please.

What percentage of purity did the Neurozazz in the drug lab have?

Christina's Response: 87%
Claudia's Response: 86%
Correct Answer: 87%

Christina's now ahead two to nothing, I think a shutout is a brewing.

What were the names of your opponents on the other team?
Natalie & Kathy/Nikki & Kimberly/Naomi & Beverly

Christina's Response: Nikki & Kimberly
Claudia's Response: Natalie & Kathy
Correct Answer: Nikki & Kimberly

I called a shutout on this it, and it happened. Christina is led to a briefcase with $50,000 inside. She then decides to split the money with Claudia for $25,000 a piece.

And thus ends this six-episode season of The Phone. Will another season be in the cards? IMO I don't think so, but I'll be surprised if it does. And if The Phone ever rings again, will you answer the call?

To view this episode in its entirety, along with web exclusives and more, go to