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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

November 20, 2006

Jason: Amen.
Chico: Word
Gordon: You both approve of this message?
Jason: Yes! Big time. It's time for the executives to realize that people
get good game shows. They know feces when they see it.The people arent just going to accept anything and love it.
Chico: And so do we... Only difference is, we're not afraid to say it.
Gordon: True. We're also not afraid of playing silly games on the 'net.
Jason: Like Trios, perhaps?
Gordon: Like Trios. Three choices. 1 Question. You select the best. We start with...

Cheryl Burke, Brad Rutter, Carrie Underwood

Chico: Three choices, having nothing to do with each other. Sounds about right. question.
Gordon: All of these people are Two Time, Two Time, Two Time Winners. Which one's accomplishments are the most impressive?
Jason: Got to go with Brad. Brad has yet to lose on J!
Chico: I'm going to say Carrie Underwood... The other two did the same thing twice. Carrie won two difference acclaims.. The people and the CMAs.
Gordon: I'm going with Carrie. It's hard enough to win one country music award. Carrie has won multiple awards. That's amazing.
Jason: I will give you that. You can argue that Carrie is even more successful that Kelly Clarkson.
Chico: I wouldn't say THAT =p
Jason: Kelly has won two Grammys.
Gordon: In terms of music accolades, it's a very close call.
Chico: Next one...

#15 Keltie, Darth Vader, Omarosa...

Chico: Question: the better dark side-to-light side conversion.
Gordon: Ouch.
Chico: Keltie Martin was one of the banker's dark models before she was chosen to defect to the... errr... get me out of this, Gordon.
Jason: Vader.....
Gordon: I'll say Darth Vader. Keltie was never a 'bad girl' and Omarosa still really isn't a 'good girl'.
Chico: Agreed. Darth Vader.. still king of the badasses. Next?

Searching for a White Rapper, Searching for TV Airtime, Searching on a Celebrity Cruise Ship looking for Love,

Gordon: These are all premises of new shows that will be premiering on VH1. They all sound bad. Which one sounds the worst?
Jason: Searching for A White Rapper. Do we need another K-FED?
Chico: What Jason said.
Gordon: All 3 shows have something else in common - other shows have done it with really bad results. Anyone remember The Road To Stardom, The Reality Show and Love Cruise?
Chico: Ugh.
Gordon: What's old may be new again, but what's crap will always be crap. I'll say Cruise Ship, because I got stuck recapping ALL of Love Cruise. Not pretty. And Now we get Celebrities! oh boy!
Chico: Yeah, but at least you had Toni.
Gordon: Yay, Toni!
Chico: Whee! Next up...

The one from Great Britain, the one from the Netherlands, the one made in America by a native of the Netherlands.

Gordon: The one from the Scandinavian Bikini Team?
Chico: YES! Next one :)
Jason: Hey now
Chico: No kidding. The question: which game show made the most noise last week? Either literally or figuratively.
Gordon: For the right or wrong reasons?
Chico: Either.
Jason: I think the one from GB--DWTS...Strictly Come Dancing for you and me.
Gordon: I'll go with the one from the UK. You don't need to stump 100 people to get ratings.
Chico: I'll say Great Britain as well... Dancing with the Stars for one... Millionaire for another...
Gordon: Massive ratings > Less than well-received new shows.
Chico: Except for Heroes... And even that benefited from ... the one from the Netherlands. The third one... is just loud!... Loud and scary... and Shat-tastic. =p
Gordon: Next one...

XBOX 360, Wii, PS3.

Gordon: You know the question.
Jason: XBox 360. They have the games and the HD-DVD Drive.
Chico: Wii. One word... Excitebike. Virtual Console owns you for free... and I don't have $600. Otherwise, I'd say PS3. I'm sorry, I'm a loyal consumer of Sony and Sony products... but $600 is asking too much of me.
Jason: Way too much
Gordon: I'll go PS3. I won't get it now though. I'll wait until 6 months later when they come to their senses and drop down to $300 and get a good library of RPGs. Then it's buying time.
Chico: Word. And MGS4 and Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
Gordon: We got....a Split Decision.
Chico: That's a first... Next...
Gordon: Last one...
Chico: Dude. My turn. MY TURN! =p
Gordon: I mean this is the last one. It's your turn.
Chico: Ah, right.
Gordon: You need a hug?
Chico: I need a hug.
Chico: AAAAAAHHHH! Okay, enough!
Chico: Don't make me break out the hose...
Jason: Sorry
Chico: Last one...

A New York restaurant, a Christmas CD, and a grandchild.

Chico: The question... all of these are products of media hoes. Which one would you most like to be photographed with?
Jason: My grandchild.
Chico: It's not your grandchild, Jason...
Jason: Right.
Chico: The restaurant belongs to Gordon Ramsay. The Christmas CD belongs to Bianca Ryan. The grandchild belongs to Donald Trump.
Gordon: If it's Gordon's restaurant, then why not?
Jason: Agreed.
Chico: Hmm.. all this talk about restaurants is making me hungry. When we return, a World Premiere Game... *fanfare*
Jason: Alright!
Chico: That's up after the break on WLTI.

(Brought to you by Pac-Man: The Movie... next summer... he's hungry... for justice)



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