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Previous Episodes (Season 19)
September 1 - Bad Day for the Block/Full Circle/Push or Flush (1)

September 15 - One Million Dollars(*)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Push or Flush (2)

September 22 - How to Lose $500,000/Blame Game/Play the Percentages

September 29 - In Pursuit of Perfection/Saywha?/Good News Bad News

October 6 - A Million Four Times/Infiltration/Match This!

October 13 - In Times of Crisis/Excessories/Would You Could You?

October 20 - The Most Perfectest Show Ever/How Not to Play... /Trios

October 27 - Who Says There's a Recession?/Deserted Island/Buen Trato

November 3 - A Car in Every Garage and an Asterisk in Every Suitcase/List Abuse/WLTI Theatre

November 10 - Post-Election Worry Syndrome/Higher-Lower/Presents

November 17 - Good vs. Evil/Welcome to Hollywood/What's My Zinger?

November 24 - Reunited/Should & Will/Five Good Reasons

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 19.12
December 8

Chico: The ironic thing... Paul Maurice was REPLACED by Peter Laviolette.
Gordon: And all he did was win you a title.
Chico: I know, right? Sure the club is struggling this year, but that's what happens when half of the lineup go for greener pastures elsewhere. Rutherford really screwed the pooch here. Yes I take my hockey seriously. =p
Gordon: I hear you also take Vs. seriously.
Chico: I do. It's a great game. I'm proud of it.
Gordon: Show me how proud you are by giving us the first comparison
Chico: Alrighty.

Better show: The Contender Vs. the Ultimate Fighter

Gordon: Ultimate Fighter. It's ruder, crasser, and louder, but what makes it work is that it's more human and shows us the 'real' people, instead of watching the celebrity-driven Contender.
Chico: Well, I will agree that the Contender is more celebrity driven, but it also historically takes more time to devote to back story, so it's more than "guys fighting".

Follow-Up: Who'd win in a fight: The guys from Contender or the guys from TUF?

Gordon: TUF
Chico: Agreed.
Gordon: You get to use all your limbs in Ultimate fighting.
Chico: Yeah, baby.
Gordon: Next one...

Better show: Top Chef Vs. Project Runway

Chico: Wow. It's like asking if I want Filet Mignon or a nice strip steak.
Gordon: Do you want Filet Mignon or a nice strip steak?
Chico: I like Top Chef. I'll go with that. They're both good, but Top Chef has a little something extra... the bacon wrapping, if you will.
Gordon: I'll pick Top Chef for a different reason - it's more relatable. Tell me,'s my fashion sense?
Chico: How can I put need help.
Gordon: I don't have a clue on fashion. At all. You could put a silver kilt on a model and I think it's great. Cooking, on the other hand, I can relate to. Top Chef is better because more people can relate to it.
Chico: True. Food is more... universal. And the fact that New York is a universe in and of itself...
Gordon: Sure is. Can't live without food. I can live being a slob...
Chico: I've seen it.
Gordon: Thanks. :P Next?
Chico: Next...

Better year: The syndicated game show class of 2008 vs. the syndicated game show class of 2007.

Gordon: 2008, if only because they are going to have one renewed show.
Chico: And I'd have to agree with that, if only because this year's shows have more depth to them and more innovation.
Gordon: One word. Temptation.
Chico: *nods*
Gordon: Next one...

Which one of these hosts will win their next game show Emmy first: Pat Sajak Vs. Meredith Vieira

Chico: Pat Sajak. He'll have more time to. He's signed on for a longer time than Meredith has at this moment.
Gordon: Keep in mind that both Pat (3) and Meredith (1) already have Emmys. I think Pat has a longer time to win another, but I think Meredith will win it first.
Chico: You think so?
Gordon: I do. I think she'll be rewarded for her time on the Today Show with a quick Emmy for Millionaire. Next one?

Bigger Dunderheaded Network: NBC Vs. FOX

Gordon: They are both dunderheads...but at least FOX hasn't given us wall to wall Idol during the Summer and Winter. They FINALLY figured out that you actually need to rest a show and it's clones. So I'll go with NBC, who hasn't yet figured out that they have to rest shows.
Chico: Or they did figure it out... 61 seconds after the minute clock started. You dig?
Gordon: I dig. Tick...tick...tick...boom. Last one...

What happens first? A non asterisk $500,000 or Million Dollar win on either the Syndicated or Primetime Deal or No Deal Vs. The Chicago Cubs winning the World Series

Chico: Cubbies.
Gordon: I'll go with DOND. You have people who do want to go for it. It has to happen...right?
Chico: Yeah, but you're talking about the planets aligning just right. The right player, the right odds.
Gordon: And of course the person selecting the right case.
Chico: A whole galaxy has to harmonically converge at just the right time... I'm guessing May of next year.
Gordon: That works. so does a break. And speaking of breaking, we break out the!

(Brought to you by Are You Smarter Than a Network Programmer.... Categories include 2nd grade Saturday programming, 3rd Grade Needless Shuffling and 5th Grade Overplaying)

Gordon: My favorite is 2nd grade Saturday programming.
Chico: Ironically, they're airing it Saturday night.
Gordon: I prefer shopping on Saturday night
Chico: Me too.
Gordon: We've got some ideal gifts to give out...maybe.
Chico: So the question now.. Are You Buying?
Gordon: What you got?
Chico: First up...

The Million Dollar Password home game. It's like the previous Endless release... but this one has Regis' picture on it.

Does it have the scary Regis like last week?
Chico: Nope. This has real Regis
Gordon: Ok. I'll buy real Regis
Chico: Me too. Next item?
Gordon: Next one...

Dancing With The Stars 2009 Calendar

Chico: Hmm... I'll pass on this one. I already have Pearls Before Swine. Besides, I don't like the show THAT much.
Gordon: You don't want La Lucci on your wall?
Chico: No. Do you?
Gordon: I'd take Brooke Burke on my wall :)
Chico: Yeah. The wall to your bedroom. Heh.
Gordon: And there's something wrong with that?
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: I'd settle for bathroom, With a cold shower afterwards.
Chico: That's what she said.
Gordon: I hope she would say it. Next one?
Chico: Next one...

Jeff Foxworthy on the Wii! It's "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Make the Grade".

Chico: You like 5th Grader, right?
Gordon: Right. It is a buy for me. Not for Jason - but Mr. Block isn't here to argue.
Chico: I'd rent it for myself. I would buy it for Jason. Just as a humor, you know? Let's see what HE knows.
Gordon: He'd love it. ;) Next one...

Jillian Michael's Fitness Ultimatum 2009 for Wii

Chico: Great companion for Wii Fit. Buy.
Gordon: Even if you don't have a wii, there's going to be enough nutritional stuff in here to be helpful. Buy for me as well. Next?
Chico: Next...

Going back to Password for a moment... the Best of Password... on DVD.

Gordon: What version?
Chico: The original. Pre-All-Stars
Gordon: Buy. Good for nostalgia.
Chico: Very good.
Gordon: Last one...

David Cook / David Archuleta. They both have CD's coming out. Do you want either of them?

Chico: I'll take Cook's. I may download Archuleta's, if only to get that blasted "Crush" song out of my head.
Gordon: I'm buying...neither.
Chico: Really?
Gordon: I'm waiting for the club mixes so I can get those. The original versions of the songs usually suck.
Chico: Ah. You probably won't have to wait long.
Gordon: Do I have to wait long for a commercial?
Chico: I'd have to say, you wouldn't have to wait long until that. After all, the Speed Ro...

(Brought to you by I Survived a Chinese Sweatshop. Sure, you survived a Japanese Game Show, but wait until you get to events like 'The Lead Poison Relay' and 'Living for a Week on $1.50 an hour.')

Gordon: I think you forgot '...but it looked like pure milk'.
Chico: ...It did.
Gordon: And it tastes like Speed! Survivor - who goes next?
Chico: Crystal. Please?
Gordon: I think Crystal is going to get to the end. She's an ideal person who you want to bring to the finals. Corinne, with her allies in the jury, is not, so she goes next.
Chico: Amazing Race. Is there any way the Super Spanglers don't win this?
Gordon: No.
Chico: Well, the bottom will have to seriously fall out... and I mean "big time". Not gonna happen. Deal or No Deal. Will we ever see it again before the end of the season?
Gordon: Before May? Yes. Before 2009? No. NBC will bring it back once the first disaster hits - like another Rosie O'Donnell variety special.
Chico: Don't remind me.
Gordon: Any big money winners in Prime Time before 2009?
Chico: Nope. I think the time for that has passed... for now. But it's always time for MAIL!
Gordon: Yay! Who do we got?
Chico: First up, from the voice of Brainvision News, Mr. Doug Morris...

FROM: Bobby McBride

Seeing the Ohio State team on "Family Feud" win $60,000 followed by the Buckeye football team beating State Up North did this OSU fan's heart good.

Chico: I bet it did, Doug.... I bet it did.
Gordon: They need to win SOMEthing, right?
Chico: Yeah. They ended up winning TWO things. That's... that's a good day. You want to win one, you end up winning two.
Gordon: Very true. Next email?
Chico: Next... only time for the next episode of ...

EPISODE 10: Alfonso

Alfonso Ribiero was recently tapped to fill the gap that Fred Roggin's 'departure' to the afternoon edition of GSN Live left behind. To me, it was an interesting choice going with someone who already has a show on the network. But, maybe they have heard some of the complaints about his hosting... my question is... Will Alfonso's time on GSN Live help him to become a better, more smooth host if/when Catch-21 returns?

Gordon: It certainly couldn't hurt.
Chico: Nope. I mean, he was... at least passable in season one. This stint on GSN Live... it will help him be more at ease thinking on his feet.
Gordon: Doesn't the fact that we've lost a few people on GSN Live concern you?
Chico: Not really. I think it's just another sign of the times we live in, you know?
Gordon: True.
Chico: That's all the mail we have time for. The mailbag is blowing up all over the place, but we gotta roll. But you know, e-mail is a lot like Jello. There's always room for more. Tell'em how, G.
Gordon: We'll continue with more email next week. if you want to add to what we already got, send it to YouTube.
Chico: Our Bingo America win is turning out to be quite the hit there. If I can find some vintage Video Wall, I'll put it up.
Gordon: Like Mega Match
Chico: Yep. That was a good one.
Gordon: Anyways, that's it for the show this week. Special thanks one in particular, since we didn't have any special guests.
Chico: Well, thank you for reading. We can do that.
Gordon: Thank you all. We'll see you next time.
Chico: Until then, He's Gordon, I'm Chico. The Show is We Love to Interrupt... GAME OVER and Spread the love.