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Previous Episodes (Season 16)
September 3 - Call the Whaaambulance!/What's My Zinger?/Push or Flush (1)

September 10 - Sixteen Candles/20 Questions: Brad Rutter/Push or Flush (2)

September 17 - Viewers Special #3/Ask the Doctor/What If...

September 24 - We (BLANK) Brett/The Good, the Bad & the Ugly/Paula vs. Simon

October 1 - On a Mission from Howie/Trios/Would You? Could You?

October 8 - Back to School/Are You Buying What They're Selling?/List Abuse

October 15 - Our Fifth Birthday

October 22 - Drew Carey... He Gets It/Whose Your Daddy/Roleplay (2)

October 29 - Halloween Party/We the Jury/Excessories

November 5 - Half a Mill in a Shoe/Higher-Lower/WLTI's Vs.

November 12 - The Strike/Deserted Island/What Were You Thinking?


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 16.11
November 19

Don: Yipes.
Chico: HA! But it's okay, because Marion Jones became a real-woman of Jesus afterwards... Or something. Welcome back. Sometimes what we say is accurate...  Sometimes what we say is idiotic.
Gordon: You think?
Chico: Today, we take the spotlight off of us and put it on some other people for a chance. You know, return the favor.
Gordon: Agreed. Hence, we have Accuracy ...or Idiocy. Start us off, Chico.
Chico: First up, from Michael Davies concerning his newest game, "Empire"...

"One of things I find sad is that so much of the alternative business is focused around strike contingency, and this show has nothing to do with the strike. This is a ground-breaking show that is good to enough to get on the air at any time."

Gordon: Accuracy. I think his game, due to its multinational flavor and format, would make waves, regardless of there's a strike.
Chico: Yeah, I mean, look at Playmania...
Gordon: Do we have to?
Chico: before the bottom fell out, mind you.
Gordon: True. We love to participate, and I think that a global participation game will draw numbers.
Chico: And Michael Davies being Michael Davies, he always has a vision in mind. So you think Davies.. you think Internet... you think weekly TV show. Could be a winner. ACCURATE.
Don: Accuracy. Sounds good to me.
Chico: Next?
Gordon: Speaking of said strike.

The fact that they are having talks now will mean nothing for the rest of 2007.

Chico: ACCURACY.  I mean, you may have enough content for the rest of the year. It all depends on what you do with it.
Don: Accuracy.
Gordon: I agree. There really isn't enough reason for the AMPTP to fold quite yet. Once the January ratings come out or once any other group makes a deal for their new contract, things may change.
Chico: We'll just have to wait and see, no matter how painful it is.
Gordon: Agreed, unfortunately. Next one?
Chico: Alison Grodner, EP of BB says of the upcoming season...

"We want it to be special, because we've never done something like this before. I promise you it will be different from any other 'Big Brother' you've ever seen."

Chico: I'm going to call BS on this, because it always starts out different, but by the end, it ends up looking all the same.
Don: Idiocy. Somehow, I get the feeling that whatever they're planning may not change the game as much as they're saying.
Gordon: I'll say Accuracy. With the changes from 'game' to 'producer fueled entertainment, legally'
Chico: But will that have any bearing on how it'll be different?
Gordon: That allows the producers to take liberty on the fairness to the 'game' aspect. I think there will be changes. As for the contestants, a word of advice - you had better be more concerned on entertaining than playing the game. You have all been warned.
Chico: They'll entertain. I'll be annoyed. It'll be another year at the house. No different from the last.
Gordon: I can easily see this turning back into Season 1, where the audience has more control on the hamsters as to who stays or who goes. I also could easily see this turn into Paradise House, where people leave and new ones cycle in. We do have a strike, we do have spaces to fill in, and we need episodes to fill it. Why only last a half season when CBS can use it to fill 3 hours as long as they need to?
Chico: That's a scary thought. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

The fact that Jeff Probst is making the team stay at Tribal Council instead of going back to camp and grab immunity plaques spells the end of James.

Chico: IDIOCY. I smell something far more sinister.
Don: I'm guessing Idiocy. I think they may have something else in mind instead of another vote-off.
Chico: And it's not just a clip show next week either. I mean something EVIL.
Gordon: I sense something evil. However, I don't think they can get their stuff and you know Todd has had an itchy finger to get rid of James. If there is a final tribe of 3, this is the BEST chance to get rid of him, so I sense they will do so. Accuracy.
Chico: I don't think so. There's still another fish to pluck out. If you follow.
Gordon: I don't agree. Erik is not a threat. Neither is Peih-gee or Courtney
Chico: I honestly think Courtney is a serious threat or well on her way to becoming one.
Gordon: She has to have something come out of her mouth that represents strategy and not complaining in order for her to do so.
Chico: This is going to turn into one of those "lesser of two evils" seasons. Just watch. Next.

From the AP re: the strike... What viewers are ready for, everyone seems to agree, are family-friendly game shows

Gordon: Idiocy. What viewers are ready for is original ideas, and not retreads.
Don: I'd say Accuracy, but only as long as those shows turn out to be good.
Chico: I say. The viewers are ready for what works.
Gordon: Once the 4th family-friendly game show shows up and the audience gets tired of 'me too' programming, then the 'experts' will brand something else.
Chico: If it happens to be family friendly... All fine and good, but theyr're going to be held to the same standard as everything else. So let the chips fall where they may. IDIOCY
Gordon: Every hit this season is because of either an original idea or a fresh twist on something new. Every clunker this season is because we've seen it done before. That's not coincidence. And note to the networks - Sticking an interactive 'Vote for the best' sticker on something will not guarantee you either a hit or ratings. Ok. Second to last one...

GSN's 'Viewers Choice' Thanksgiving Feast results are skewed at best and tainted at worst.

Gordon: If you go to GSN's schedule, they have the results of the poll.
Chico: I find it a bit odd that all of it is purely old school. Nothing against old-school, but come on...
Gordon: And someone explain to me how mysteriously, none of the Prime Time programming (you know, the stuff that gets the best ratings) are not there, yet we have...Bullseye?
Chico: Like someone had nothing better to do than skew the outcome. It takes all kinds, right?
Gordon: So no Millionaire, no Jeopardy, but somehow, we have to think that Trivia Trap and The Jokers Wild got more votes than either of those shows. Accuracy.
Don: Yeah, that was strange that none of the more recent stuff is there. Accuracy.
Chico: I'm going to go with you two on this one and say ACCURACY. Although me myself being the skeptic... I'm favoring "tainted"
Gordon: Last one, because it's Thanksgiving...

In a Viking Obstacle Course, A Ninja will beat a Pirate

Chico: Kat, I do hope you're reading this one... ACCURACY!
Don: Accuracy. GO NINJA!
Gordon: Even if the pirate has a gun?
Gordon: If the pirate shoots the ninja, the ninja can't run the course. Idiocy.
Chico: Not a chance. Ninja dodges the bullets. Snaps pirate's neck in two. Ask any ninja. Ask the "Ask a Ninja" Ninja.
Gordon: And it's accurate that this game is over. Next up - game. Ooooh.

(Brought to you by The Next 30 Percent Iron Chef... Searching for the best alien/robot/multiform cook... Do you have what it takes to master Chairman Koji's arena?)