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Previous Episodes (Season 31)
September 3 - Here's Your First Subject / The Moral of the Story Is / Push or Flush (1)

September 10 - Give Me 10! / Really Big Board: Dancing with the Stars / Push or Flush (2)

September 17 - Gone to the Dogs / Poetry Corner / Push or Flush (3)

September 24 - The Geeks Get The Money / Play the Percentage / Accuracy or Idiocy

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 31.4 - The Replacement Episode
October 1

Chico: Make my raspberry smoothie a double, please.
Gordon: Welcome back to WLTI. Thank you for being a part of our week and allowing us to be a part of yours.
Chico: ALL RISE!
Jason: (gets out of my chair)
Chico: We the Jury is now in session, the semi-honorable Gordon Pepper presiding.
Jason: Burger and Fries please.
Chico: A roasted chicken panini. The judge has the first case?
Gordon: The judge has the first case. We'll start with an easy one.

ACCUSED: Million Dollar Money Drop Writers
CHARGE: Deceptive Question Writing

Gordon: Did the Million Dollar Money Drop screw the pooch on a question?
Chico: This will be mistake #2. Mistake #1 is a mistake. Mistake #2 is a willful act. The question wasn't deceptive, but was riddled with loopholes you could drive a Mack truck through. GUILTY
Jason: The answer is YES. GUILTY. Gordon knows better than anyone that you have to check, double check and triple check the question and the sourcing. Anything is else is LAZY.
Chico: Right on.
Gordon: The pooch has not only been screwed, but it's walking with a limp. GUILTY! Sentence?
Chico: Drop the producers down a hole and let THEM get handled by a security guard.
Gordon: Nice. Next one?
Chico: Next case...

ACCUSED: Simon Cowell
CHARGE: Breach of contract.

Chico: Allegedly Simon wanted top billing on the Will Smith/Jada Pinkett-Smith project. He wouldn't get it, so he pulled the project, according to the New York Post.
Gordon: Honestly? He created the idea. Why shouldn't he get top billing? Not guilty.
Jason: I agree with Gordon. I think Seacrest gets some sort of exec producer credit for the Kardashian mess. NOT GUILTY.
Chico: Agreed. It's Simon's idea. It's just Will's money.
Gordon: So Simon Cowell is free to go. Next one...

ACCUSED: Wendy Pepper
CHARGE: Excessive Media-Hoing.

This would be Wendy's third stint with Project Runway. Is 3 times a charm or too much?
Jason: Here's the problem. If this was the only show with excessive media-hoing and 2nd/3rd chances I would say guilty. But since all shows are doing it...NOT GUILTY.
Chico: Project Runway is one of the few shows that has both talent and drama. A perfect blend of both from EACH of the characters on the series. Surely you could've gotten someone else. GUILTY. This one goes to the judge.
Gordon: I will not go after a potential relative. NOT GUILTY. Wendy (and all Peppers everywhere) are free to go. Next one?
Chico: Next one...

ACCUSED: Emily Maynard & Jef Holm.
CHARGE: Collusion.

Chico: It was the earlier alluded to story about Emily and Jef's relationship as "a business relationship", while Emily texts second-string quarterback Matt Leinart. Allegedly. And backed by the ex and the brother.
Jason: If the source is a gossip magazine...NOT GUILTY. You dont know what is true and what isn't.
Gordon: Not guilty of Collusion, guilty of pure stupidity though. Secondary charge to ABC for aiding and abetting someone who clearly isn't currently relationship material
Chico: I'll allow it. Sentence on the stupidity charge?
Jason: A one way cruise to a deserted island.
Gordon: And NON a Love Cruise.
Chico: JUSTICE! Next?
Gordon: Next one...

ACCUSED: The Germans
CHARGE: Subliminal Advertising

Gordon: Do they really own Stockholm?
Chico: No, it was Angie Layton's cookie boobies. Those are reality-inducing.
Gordon: I'll blame the reality-laced Survivor cookies. The Germans are free to go. last one?
Chico: Last one...

ACCUSED: Steve Harvey
CHARGE: Doping.

Jason: Say wha?
Chico: Just follow me here. Since he's started on the Feud, ratings have gone up and now it's a threat to second-place gamer Jeopardy!.
Jason: They have hit the magic 4.0
Chico: It's topped J! in the womens 25-54 demo and crested the 4.0. Highest ratings in 13 years.
Jason: It's awesome.
Chico: Ruling?
Jason: NOT GUILTY. The reason is that the move to the 5PM hour in a lot of markets...especially NY is HUGE for this show.
Chico: Gordon?
Gordon: Very cool - but I thihk it IS artificial doping due to the timeslot and not to Harvey. GUILTY!
Chico: I'm going to say guilty, simply because they've moved it because of the promise of Harvey. GUILTY!
Jason: Sentence?
Chico: The sentence... another deal when this is done, and I don't want to hear no jibbajabba about it.
Jason: BTW...this is awesome stuff
Gordon: I think a new game is awesome stuff - and we'll get to that after this!

(Brought to you by the ACME Food Company, creators of Kentucky Fried Tar Heels, O-Fer Holes and Buffalo Chips. We have a new product straight from Louisiana called... New Orleans Jambalanada! Blended from the extract of defeats and sweat from banished coaches, New Orleans Jambalanada is the official food snack of Saints fans everywhere to remind them of the number of wins they have this season...nada. This week's flavor: Raspberry Referees. Jambalanada - the food of the Aint's!)

Chico: And we just got our podcast show produced by Louisiana native and New Orleans Saints fan Carl Chenier cancelled.
Jason: Carl is going to kill you :-)
Gordon: Carl will LOVE it. Almost as much as Chico likes his Kentucky Fried Tar Heels.
Chico: Yeah, thanks for that reminder. I betcha Carl will love our new game. But first... Sunrise! Baby!
Gordon: New Game! Yippee!
Chico: As you know, Yom Kippur was this week.
Jason: Yes it was.
Chico: The day of atonement on the Jewish calendar.
Jason: Gordon and I, as Jews, atone for all the sins we have committed over the past year.
Chico: And because of that, and because Gordon's overdue for atonement...
Gordon: HEY!
Chico: Kidding. We present this new game called...

Chico: What happens is we give a statement, and we have to be contrarian about it i.e. say why a thing that sounds bad is good news.
Gordon: Or vice versa
Chico: And if anyone from ESPN Radio is listening, no this is not our version of Hill & Schlereth's "Tell Me Why I'm Wrong." Totally original.
Jason: Understood.
Gordon: Start it up
Chico: First up.

Midway through The Pyramid's inaugural season, the show has dropped to 343,000 viewers for its 6p showing, and is now in serious trouble.

Gordon: No, sorry. It's dropping because the viewers are in Primetime, not in the 6pm slot.
Jason: No, sorry. This is the biggest hit for GSN in a long time, and the numbers warrant a 2nd season.
Chico: No.... Sorry... You forget about the Thursday primetime showing, which still has a decent following of about 450,000, 500,000.
Gordon: Next one...

Face-Off is the best Game Show on the SYFY channel.

Chico: That is... until Hot Set showed up and things took a turn. No, sorry. Face Off is good... Hot Set is BETTER.
Jason: No...Sorry...Hot Set is the best Game Show on SyfY. It takes what Face-Off does and ups it a notch.
Gordon: No, sorry. Hot Set is the best show on Syfy, because Face-Off decided to go the 'audience votes on who wins' route, which diluted their show. Next one?
Chico: Next one...

With no real moments to speak of and a first 2.0 rating, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire has become old hat.

Jason: No sorry, it hasn't just become OLD HAT...it has BEEN old hat for years...where have YOU BEEN?
Chico: HA!
Gordon: No, sorry. With people already entering the $250,000 realm, this is actually more exciting than half of the seasons of the show.
Chico: No, sorry. It's not at all old hat. How can old Hat have a new set and still deliver thrills like day one?
Jason: Alright. I do begrudgingly agree it has been exciting this season.
Gordon: Next one...

The best judge on The X-Factor is Simon Cowell

Chico: No. Sorry. That would be LA. Actually... it would be the Fifth Judge (TM).
Jason: No. Sorry...the Best Judge on the X Factor is LA Reid. Because he is a real music executive with real music experience. Simon is a caricature of himself.
Gordon: No. Sorry. I disagree with all of you. The best judge has been, far and away - Britney Spears, believe it or not. She's moody and opinionated, but she's been more spot on than anyone.
Chico: I will agree with you on that. Next...

Donald Trump is right to assert that the Emmy wins by Tom Bergeron and The Amazing Race were political.

Jason: No. Sorry. Bergeron and Race winning were...SPOT ON. Both well deserved. Mr. Trump is just being Mr. Trump.
Chico: No. sorry. First of all, Homeslice wasn't even nominated. Second of all, The Apprentice is a good idea and it is executed well... then you made the show about yourself.
Gordon: No. sorry. Trump is only half right., Bergeron wasn't politically motivated. The Amazing Race winning was motivated with the 'We want something on tv besides political speeches on Sunday nights' party.
Chico: Heh. Last one?
Gordon: Last one....

Emily Maynard and Jef Holm are NOT the best Bachelorette couple ever.

Gordon: (waiting for the obligatory curse out)
Chico: I'll get you when you're sleeping.
Gordon: There we go.
Jason: No...sorry....They are because are typical of what they are....money grubbing, publicity grabbing, career advancing, media hoes :-)
Gordon: No. Sorry. I think someone who has a girlfriend beforehand and someone who goyes boyfriend hunting during and afterwards deserve each other. And now....Chico...
Chico: No. Sorry. Their CHARACTERS are the best couple ever. That being said, they're actors on a stage, the show is scripted, and they deserve an Oscar. And that's the new game, No, Sorry. Thoughts?
Gordon: Cute, I like it.
Jason: I do too.
Chico: Cool. Hopefully we can put it in the regular rotation. Meanwhile, we're gonna rotate into the Speed Round after this...

(Brought to you by Top Ramen Chef Masters.... Where world class chefs team with broke college kids to find 1001 useful things to do with ramen noodles. Haley, the nice RA from down the hall, hosts.)

Jason: Macrame
Chico: Deep fry it and toss into a salad.
Jason: Is that code?
Chico: I'll show you later.
Jason: Cool.
Chico: I'll show you a Speed Round... NOW!
Gordon: Survivor: Who's next to go?
Chico: Lisa.
Jason: Watch one of the bikini hotties from Lisa's tribe Tandang go...I will say RC
Gordon: I think there will be a female leaving that group - but it will be Lisa
Chico: Amazing Race, who gets the door prize? And who's playing for $2 million?
Gordon: Beakmans are playing for 2 mil and Caitlyn/ Brittany are toast
Chico: I think Nadiya & Natalie are toast, while the Beekmans are playing for $2 million.
Jason: Beekmans 2M, Caitlyn/Brittany toast
Gordon: Dancing With the Stars - who's gone?
Chico: Kirstie Alley and Maks makes his 174th statement that features the phrase "robbed" or "retiring".
Gordon: I'll go with that. Any email?
Chico: I got some. This is from our Facebook /wlti.gsnn. Alan Mitsugi. Thanks, Alan!


Alan Mitsugi
I was wondering when GSN was going to screw up Pyramid, and it started yesterday.....if you watch the 6pm shows, they are showing the episodes IN ORDER, but now, starting last night, they are now showing other episodes OUT OF ORDER now.....Thanks GSN, you did a good thing, and you F'd it up! Do you agree?

Gordon: Honestly? No. They are self-contained episodes, rso it really doesn't matter the order they are aired in.
Chico: Thanks, Alan. Let's talk business. Beat the chefs wasn't doing too well. Pyramid was. GSN saw that and offered up episodes. Response was huge. It's a case of throwing spitballs and seeing what sticks. GSN is still doing well by the Pyramid.
Jason: Nope.
Chico: Try thinking less like a fan and more like a programmer, and you'll see where we're going with this.
Gordon: And in GSN's defense, the move was sort of a forced one.
Chico: Right
Gordon: Thanks for the email Alan. Do we have any more?
Chico: Nope.
Gordon: But if they want to send email, where does it go?
Chico: It goes to our Facebook /wlti.gsnn. It goes to our Twitter, @wltiongsnn. Or it goes to our mailbox at wlti@gameshownewsnet.com. Once again, big thanks to Jason Block for showing up.
Jason: Always.
Gordon: Next week - we have some new shows and we continue to get down and dirty with our faves. That's next week. For this week this is Gordon saying game over and spread the lvoe.