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Previous Episodes (Season 23)
December 28 - 2009 YEAR IN REVIEW

January 11 - Love, WLTI Style / Resolutions / Push or Flush (2)

January 18 - The Mercury Retrograde / 6 Things We Think You Should Know / Push or Flush (3)

January 25 - Happiness & Heartbreak / Simon vs. Ellen / Push or Flush (4)

February 1 - Pants... Dance... Revolution / WLTI's Vs. / List Abuse

February 8 - Sweeps Clean-up / What Your TiVo Says About You / Trios

February 15 - Love Stinks / Good News, Bad News / Higher-Lower

February 22 - Tiger-Free / Really Big Board / What Happens First

March 1 - Blame It on El Nino / Play the Percentages / Snaps

March 8 - Instant Reversal of Fortune / March Madness / Should or Will

March 15 - Spring Forward / Ask the Doctor / Are You Buying What They're Selling?

March 22 - Three Days of Snow / Pineapple! / Five Good Reasons

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 23.12 - The Former and the Current
March 29

Chico: That's the show, goodnight, everyone!
Jason: There goes our rating.
Chico: Welcome back, and if you're still tuning in... God bless you.
Gordon: Hey Chico!
Chico: Yes, Gordon?
Gordon: You know that The Hills just finished the last season of their series, so they left us an island.
Chico: Yay.
Gordon: Let's populate it.
Chico: Although it looks kinda fake.
Gordon: It's not fake. Just a scripted island.
Chico: Ah. Let's populate it then. Starting with...

Chris "Jesus" Ferguson or Phil "Poker Brat" Hellmuth. One broke even and left. The other went broke and left this week on Poker After Dark's Cash Game.

Gordon: Explain, sir.
Chico: Well, this week was part 2 of a 50K cash game. Chris Ferguson made his stack back and left without much of an incident. That was wednesday. Later that Wednesday... David Peat, who replaced Chris, plays K-9 to Phil's AK. Flop comes up K-7-3. Phil has top pair top kicker. turn comes up 9s. David goes all-in. Phil calls... River... 4c. Phil loses his stash and walks away in a huff.
Gordon: I'd say Ferguson, to be honest. If you blow all your stack, i can understand why you'd want out of there, but if you're even, why not continue to play?
Chico: Me... Helmuth can walk straight to the island. Block, you're going to have to break the tie.
Jason: I like Ferguson. He comes there.
Chico: So Chris Ferguson plays on the island. Gordon, who's joining him?
Gordon: Chris needs a card buddy.

Let's give him a group of players. Do we send over Amanda, Colby, JT, Rupert and Candace from Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains, or the 5 piece set of Tim, Didi, Katie, Aaron and Andrew from American Idol?

Chico: Wow. Hard call. One group sucks. The other group sucks...I'd have to go with Survivor. They're used to island life.
Gordon: I'll go with the Heroes also. It's their fault by selecting old alliances over people who they need to win challenges that they are in this mess.
Jason: I would go with the Heroes as well. :-) They are playing stupidly and emotionally.
Chico: There you go.
Gordon: So Chris has a table to play with. Next group?
Chico: Next...

A whole troupe of actors (Instant Recall) or one Jerry Springer (Baggage). Both will be on GSN come April as GSN gives the greenlight to "Baggage".

Gordon: Send the actors over. I think Springer will be good on Baggage.
Chico: I agree.
Jason: Actors need some place to play
Chico: He's got experience on game shows. He's got experience with people. I say heed the advice of certains and "give him a chance to work"
Gordon: Next one...

Chuck Nice or Robert Wuhl. These have been 2 or the more worthless Ask the Experts in the hisotry of Millionaire. Who goes?

Chuck Nice. Funny works on the Island :-)
Chico: Robert Wuhl. At least Chuck knows something about something... maybe.
Gordon: I'll go with Chuck. Can we add William Shatner in there, too?
Chico: Not until April :-)
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next up, we need something to play with...

The old stage of Most Expensive or the old stage of Temptation. We have a new HD-ready LCD display for Temptation, so no need for the old one.

Gordon: Actually, can we send both Temptation sets over? Seriously, if you're going to update the set, why not put a spot in the middle for the value of the prizes you may be giving up to try for the car?
Chico: There's an idea.
Gordon: It adds to the drama of the game play. It would be nice to see some substance to go along with your style. Why not put the total value of the gifts in the Temptation slot?
Chico: Not a bad idea. Hey Fremantle, listening?
Gordon: Well the new me set looks like a botched graphic design experiment with beginning programmers from IKEA. BLue and Gold much?
Chico: Saw a lot of gold... blue.. not so much.
Jason: I don't like the new Most Expensive set...but thats just me.
Chico: I think the new ME set is sexy. Anyway. Next, last, and final?
Gordon: Last one...

Gordon Ramsay or Chad Ochocinco/Sesentaynueve. One of these people will have far too much tv time this Summer between Masterchef/Hell's Kitchen and Dancing With the Stars/Basketball Bracket of Love or whatever it's going to be called.

OCHOCINCO. He needs to be the Island hunk
Chico: Agreed. Besides... we like Gordon Ramsay.
Gordon: As long as he keeps on his pants and doesn't cook commando, sure. So to sum this up...

On the island of Chicolandia, it's Temptaion: The Stage Play! First item: A Poker table featuring Chris 'Jesus Ferguson and the Heroes of Survivor modeling it. Second prize: a Camcorder being used by the troupe on Instant Recall. Third Prize: A $3,000 Gift Certificate to Foot Locker, modeled by Rupert and his stolen show collection. Finally: home gym and aerobics kit modeled by Chad Sesentaynueve. What's the right prize? Hosted by Chuck Nice.

Gordon: You all approve?
Chico: Beautiful.
Jason: I do!
Chico: i love it.
Gordon: Let's hope you love numbers, because we'll be doing that next!

(Brought to you today by the Phil Hellmuth Crybaby Doll. It cries when it doesn't get its way and.. well, does little else.)

Jason: ROFL
Jason: That goes with the Big Mouth Mike Matusow Doll.
Chico: Yep.
Gordon: Collectors items!
Chico: I understand you have a collection of your own.
Gordon: I do. I have a collection of numbers.
Chico: I wanna see.
Gordon: I'll give them to you, you tell me what they signify. And I changed the format a little to give you both a fighting chance.
Jason: Alright :-)
Gordon: We start with...

1 C S T P I A

Jason: Hmmmmm
Jason: That's tough
Chico: I'm stumped.
Gordon: Let's reveal some puzzle.

1 C S T Premiere I A
1 C Shows T Premieres I A

Gordon: Jason?
Jason: 1 cooking show that premieres in April
Gordon: Yes. Top Chef Masters, Season 2 debuts April 7, 2010. Thoughts?
Chico: Can't wait to see this one.
Jason: Top Chef Masters 1 was amazing. Can Rick Bayless be topped? We shall see. I cant wait to watch.
Gordon: It should be fun. They are adding Gail Simmons in as a critic, so we will have some more Top Chef flavor instead of an aftertaste.
Chico: This is going to be top of the wall class.
Chico: Next one?
Gordon: Next one...

5 S O B T W

Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Five Showcases Over Bid This Week
Gordon: Yes! Thats pretty bad, with a Double Overbid on Monday
Chico: It was a bad week.
Jason: I blame Stan Blitz.
Gordon: I blame the idiotic contestants who go 8-21-1 this week.
Jason: OUCH.
Chico: That's a weighted average, by the way, of 28.3%
Gordon: Which is bad.
Chico: Very.
Jason: Indeed.
Chico: With the bailout counting as only 1/2 a win. So yeah... I'm being generous.
Gordon: You are. Next one...

10,000 W M S L O A T L M T W I W N

Gordon: Starting puzzle...now.

10,000 What M S L O A T L M T W I W N
10,000 What M S L O And T L M T W I W N
10,000 What M S L O And T L M T W I With N
10,000 What M Staniec L O And T L M T W I With N

Chico: (BUZZER!)
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: What Mark Staniec Lost on and the Last Minute to Win It ... I got nothing.
Gordon: I'll give it to you. 10,000 - What Marc Staniec Lost On And Thus Leaves Minute To Win It With Nothing
Jason: Ouch.
Chico: Buckethead! He has to bounce ping pong balls off of the floor and get them to land on his head. Doesn't work that way.
Gordon: Mark only gets 8 ping pong balls in his bucket head. He needs 10. He becomes the first goose egg on the show.
Chico: Waaa waaaaaa.
Jason: He got ponged
Gordon: Next one

20,000 G T M K A T M A W F F W T W C A C
20,000 G To M K A T M A W F F W T W C A C
20,000 G To M K A T M A W F For W T W C A C
20,000 G To M K A The M A W F For W T W C A C
20,000 G To M K A The M A W F For W The W C A C

Chico: This is really helping :-)
Gordon: More concentrating, less yapping.

20,000 Goes To M K A The M A W F For W The W C A C
20,000 Goes To M K And The M A W F For W The W C A C
20,000 Goes To M K And The M A Wish F For W The W C A C

Chico: (BUZZER)
Jason: Darnit.
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: 20,000 goes to Maria Kanellis (had to squint there) and the Make a Wish Foundation for winning the Week's Celebrity Apprentice Challenge.
Gordon: That's it!
Chico: YES!
Jason: There you go!
Gordon: 2 weeks have gone by. Any favorites?
Chico: Bret Michaels. for being a man-whore.
Gordon: I don't see him or Cyndi too long for the show
Jason: Honestly, Bill Goldberg He has been great in both weeks.
Chico: Okay, I can see Bill Goldberg
Gordon: I think Goldberg also, though Michael Johnson could be a dark horse. Next one...

90,700 I A B R R I F D

Chico: (BUZZER!)
Jason: What?
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: I don't know what the letters are, but that's Regina Robbins' 4 day take on J!.
Gordon: I'll give it to you. 90,700 is accumulated by Regina Robbins in four days
Chico: And nothing against Regina, but the talent wasn't really there for her to take on.
Gordon: The Final Jeopardy Question on Friday, in the subject of 'Phrase Origins':

In 1945 George Orwell coined this 2-word phrase for "an epoch as horribly stable as the slave empires of antiquity".

Jason: What is I have no clue?
Gordon: That would be 4 words, so you're wrong (BUZZ)
Chico: I have the real answer and the Gordon answer.
Gordon: Let's hear it.
Chico: The Gordon answer: "What is 'Republican Congress'?"
Gordon: That's It!
Jason: Hey now!
Chico: The REAL answer... "What is 'Cold War'?"
Gordon: I would have also accepted Rodeo Drive or Britney Spears
Jason: LOL
Gordon: But Cold War is right. Last one...

54,754 A B M H, I T C
54,754 A By M H, I T C
54,754 A By M H, I Three C
54,754 Awarded By M H, I Three C
54,754 Awarded By M H, Including Three C

Gordon: Jason?
Jason: 54,754 Awarded by Monty Hall, Including Three Cars!
Chico: Nice.
Gordon: Yes!
Chico: And nice.
Gordon: I'd love to see Monty Hall return to the big stage sometime soon
Jason: This was the peak of a great 1st season of Deal.
Chico: But for now, I think we have the family who'll more than hold it down.
Jason: You can see the cast and crew were loving it
Chico: Oh yeah. EVERYONE loved it. This is going to be one of those moments, if not THE moment of the year.
Jason: Do you think they will do it again next season?
Gordon: I would, all participants willing. We'll finish it up with the Speed Round next!

(Brought to you by The NIT Bachelor. Who will the NIT bachelor choose? It could be North Carolina, but will they be jilted at the buzzer? Proudly sponsored by Kentucky Fried Tarheels, The Favorite to be the pick for the NIT Bachelor's older and much more succseeful brother.)

Jason: LOL
Gordon: At least North Carolina is still in some sort of tournament, Chico.
Chico: Hey, we're still playing basketball.
Gordon: Like the basketball version of the Poulan Weedeater Bowl, while everyone else got a BCS bid.
Chico: Wait till next year.
Gordon: How is your bracket doing this year, Chico? (Gives Chico Hamtaro Shredder)
Chico: I threw it away after week 1.
Jason: (dumps shredded paper) THAT'S mine. I used it before the show.
Gordon: ...Ah. Speed Round then?
Chico: Speed Round...NOW! Who's going home on Survivor?
Jason: Boston Rob
Gordon: I'll say Rob for the Villains and JT for the heroes
Jason: I agree with that.
Chico: Good stuff. And the Race... Are we still hoping for Countdown octochamps Brent & Caite for the ouster?
Jason: ROFL I hope so.
Gordon: I think so. Idol: Tim's going home this week, right?
Jason: Unless we have a Chaos Factor bad performance.
Chico: Too early for another one. Maybe next week.
Gordon: Maybe. April Fools' TPIR: Better than last year's?
Chico: It's going to be tough to top last year's April Fools.
Jason: Even so, they are going to try.
Chico: It's going to be one to watch.
Gordon: It will be fun to watch. It's also fun to read our fan's emails. Who do we got this week?
Chico: We've got a couple. First from Steven Waldie. thanks, Steven!

FROM: Steven Waldie

About "Let's Make a Deal" on CBS...- The original "Big Dealer" Monty Hall has been nothing short of great in his return to the trading floor with Mr. Brady. Monty has given away three cars this week! How 'bout that! One of those wins came with a contestant picking the only two "Zonks" off the game board. He may be a little older at 88, but he is still sharp. I loved his remark about Jay Stewart he made on Monday's show.

Also, stop picking on Tiffany! I do agree she is a better model than Alison. Tiffany hass becoming more involved with "Zonks" and quickie deals since replacing her, plus she can dance! Who wouldn't want to go to the club with her? I think she reminds me of Chantel, the "Price is Right" model from the late '90s (and my all-time favorite) with the short blonde hair. Do you have any more 411 on her?


Chico: Thanks, Steven. The remark was made to announcer Jonathan Mangum: "You're about a head taller than Jay Stewart."
Jason: Exactly.
Chico: Jonathan Mangum... He's tall.
Jason: And talented.
Chico: And quite the rapper. As for Tiffany...
Jason: And as for Tiffany...no.
Chico: She's blonde She's a model...that's all I got. Next mail?
Gordon: I got Wuthrich Mail!

FROM: Jason Wuthrich

I think I can find you some recruits for "America's Worst Driver" here in Northern Indiana. Sometimes I wonder what brand of cereal some of these people get their licenses from. Anyway, there are 24 spaces on the Bonus Wheel, not 25, so the chances of hitting 100K twice is 1 in 576.


Gordon: Who came up with that wrong stat? (Stares at Chico)
Chico: ... *points at Jason*
Jason: AMERICA'S GAME SPIN & WIN with * ** *** ****...Oh...I counted twice. Can I have my dunce cap ,please?
Chico: Gladly. *throws dunce cap over*
Jason: (puts it on)
Chico: Gordon... where can they send e-mail?
Gordon: If you want to send us email of send us another dunce cap to give to Jason, it's wlti@gameshownewsnet.com. It's also good for Facebook, YouTube and MySpace.
Chico: Big thanks to Jason Block for his services.
Jason: Thank you :-)
Chico: Next week... it may be past April 1st, but we're still playin' fools. Ain't that right, G?
Gordon: What makes that different between this and any other week :)P
Chico: good point. Until then, for Gordon and Everyone at GSNN, I'm Chico Alexander... Game over... and spread the love.