The Search for America's
Most Gorgeous Male Model
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After months of looking for female model material, the reality cameras turn their sights to the Y-factor, as Bravo stages a search for the next big thing in the world of male models.

Recaps by Gordon Pepper, GSNN


Carmen Electra
EP: Denise Cramsey, Robert Horowitz, Stuart Krasnow
Packager: TWI
Airs: Tuesdays at 8:00pm ET on Bravo

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"Calendar Boys" - November 16

Last week, Kevin's buddy Tate was sent packing, and Kevin vowed to make life miserable for everyone else. So far, that hasn't happened, as Maurice and Hunter are enjoying the trip to Puerto Rico. The guys enjoy getting served drinks as they check in, and when they do, Kevin serves them - hair spray as he tags each model with it. After that, they go down for a nightcap, but Hunter, though he can drink as he is at the age limit in Puerto Rico, elects not to, as he is taking this seriously.

The guys take the morning message seriously, as they are told that they have to sell the message. The carrier of the message is Art Minds, who is the photographer of a calendar shoot. He will be doing beach calendars - and he tells them all to be creative in their shoot. He also tells them all that the people who look in their mirrors will have the advantage. Art is going to take pictures of all 5 of them - and the public will decide who wins.

Hunter tries to be wild, Jon decides to be mellow (tough Art liked his enthusiasm), Rob doesn't think that he is a swimsuit model - and decides to do shots with his shirt on - and Art agrees with that sentiment. Kevin wants his boobs to look bigger. Wha? Art has the sense that Kevin has done this before, while he thinks that Maurice has a football player attitude.

While all of the guys play in the pool with the kayak (instead of Hunter, who
does calisthenics in the sand), they are visited by Carmen, who brings them
over to look at the calendars. Some people are happier than others, as Maurice is thrilled and Rob...wants to hide his head in the calendar. Bruce says that the person who gets the most calendars selected gets the choice in terms of the clothing for the fashion shoot tomorrow.

The first calendar to go is...Rob, who is stunned. Kevin gets the next three
and Jon gets one. Maurice gets one to, which leaves Hunter as the only one who doesn't get selected. Hunter finally gets one - but not before Jon picks up 6 more. Hunter gets his second one selected by...a guy. That embarrasses both Hunter and Rob - though some guys do wind up picking up Rob. Jon winds up getting all of his calendars taken off the rack first, so he wins the challenge. Kevin comes in second, Hunter comes in third, and Maurice comes in fourth, which leaves Rob to grab the leftovers for the Elimination challenge.

At the celebratory dinner, the guys want to serve Hunter booze, but he wants none of it. It's a good thing to, because he is bright and cheery as the guys get the next message - that they are going to be doing a runway shoot. Maurice does a runway pose, but he says that he needs more in the personality than a fashion walk.

The guys go to the pool - and they see that the runway is a glass catwalk over the pool. Bruce tells them to own the runway and make it their own. He says to either acknowledge the crowd -or be aloof and ignore everyone. They will be judged on their presence, their mojo, and to see who performs in front of a crowd.

The guys do a practice run for Bruce - and he tells them all to be less stiff and to project more. The guys also meet Doug Ordway, who is the photographer for the shoot. He tells them all to wait for a second when they get to the end of the catwalk - but don't let it look posed.

Jon gets to see all 5 shorts that are on display. He selects baggy green flower shorts. Kevin takes the small pink bikini briefs. Hunter gets short see-thru beige shorts, Maurice grabs baggy orange jumper shorts, which leaves Rob either blue Adidas-like bike shorts - or the green leaves used to decorate the board that the shorts are pinned on. He is thinking about using the leaves, but despite that - and the other guys egging him on - he takes the shorts.

The guys go inside to get their clothing that they will be wearing over the
shorts. Maurice thinks that the clothes, with all of the gold jewelry, make
them all look like Puerto Rican pimps. Heh.

After a trip to get made up, Jon is the first person to pimp out. He almost
forgets to look at the photographer, but he gets some good shots. Maurice is next, and he tips his glasses to the cuties in the pool - and the cuties judging him. They seem to be impressed. Kevin works the crowd a little bit as he decides to play some macho oneupsmanship. Hunter bites as he unbuttons his shirt - which doesn't seem to make Bruce happy. Rob makes Bruce happy in regular clothes catwalk session...

...but he comes off very stiff in the bathing suit run, as he swivels his hips. Bruce loves what Jon does, as he swings his arms. Maurice feels comfortable performing in front of Carmen and Marissa - but Kevin, with the tight pink shorts, wows the girls - and then does a flip into the pool and shakes his buns. I don't think that's what Bruce had in mind. He definitely didn't have what Hunter did in mind, as he bobs his head in the water and lets it splash all over his body - and then does sets of pelvic thrusts. Even Doug thought he went too far, and asked Bruce if it was for modeling or Chippendales. Bruce says 'both', adds that it was some of the worst runway stuff hat he has ever seen.

Who's going to be the objects of Bruce's ire? It won't be Maurice, as he does sit-ups. It could be Rob, who thinks he is at risk to go home. It could be Hunter, who thinks Rob is going home. Jon has been praying a lot - but I don't think it will be him.

As we see the pictures, we see that Rob is the only one who's shot has him
clothed. Carmen tells the guys that she was wondering if it got too Spring
Breakish, and she says that she wonders if Bruce, Marissa and guest judge Doug Ordway thought the same. With Maurice - Marissa sees a smile in the pic - but Doug says that it was the only one and Bruce didn't think he was having fun. Hunter - Marissa was glad that he opened up - but he opened up too much, as he brought in the cheese factor. Doug said that it was too burlesque and Bruce says that it's a fine line between sophisticated and Chippendales.

Jon - They noticed his nervousness - and he needs to be more confident. Rob - Doug loves the look and wants to progress with it, but Bruce says that it was the worst runway work that he has ever seen, adding that it was wretched. He tells Rob that he listened to the wrong people - and he got caught by trying to compare himself to Kevin. That spells disaster...

...but will Kevin stick up for his new boy? He does, saying that this was an
off-period for him, but everything else has been good. Kevin goes after Hunter and his Chippendales/Coyote Ugly stunt. He see flaws in Jon but is photogenic in pictures - but he doesn't know if Jon wants it. He perceives Maurice as overconfident and Marissa admits that Maurice needs to take criticism.

So who swims - and who sinks?
Good - Jon, Maurice
Trouble - Rob, Hunter
Mole - Kevin P.

Marissa comes up with the envelope, and the person who has their last shot is....Hunter. Rob is breathing a huge sigh of relief as Hunter leaves. He is crying as he talks about his dream of a model. He says that this is the beginning of his dream - but he says that he had fun for the last 25 days here and he loved it. Well, now Hunter has a real good reason to go to the bas and get hammered.

Rob thanks Bruce for a second chance, and as we get down to three (four including the embedded model), we get down to nature. Join us in seven days as we can see how much of a beast the jungle can be.

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