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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

October 16, 2006

Jason:  Yeah we do.
Gordon: I hear that's good for Bankers, too.
Chico:  Yep. Especially sexy ones.. Arrr...Muy caliente. Meanwhile, you remember a long time ago, we did a feature called "What Your TiVo Says About You..."
Jason:  I don't think I was here for that one.
Gordon: You weren't. It was VERY old.
Chico:  Well, I dusted off the cobwebs for today's show. It's "What Your TiVo Says About You."
Jason:  Cool. Something from the vaults.
Chico:  Yep. I give a show, you suggest any hidden connotations for people who like to watch it. For example...If you TiVoed the season premiere of "The Real World Road Rules Challenge: the Duel", it means  "I'm a big fan of Nick Cannon, but I guess I'll watch just about anything."
Jason:  Got it.
Chico:  Or it could mean anything else you suggest.
Jason:  I am ready to rock and roll.
Chico:  Okay, we'll start with...

If you TiVoed the premiere of "1 vs. 100", it means...

Gordon: I am a Deal or No Deal Fan and I happen to have kept the TV on while I am in the other room making my favorite meal, catfish with banana and honey glaze.
Jason:  While on my date with my girlfriend, I needed to get my Bob Saget fix.
Chico:  I heard Marisa was contestant #10.
Gordon: If you're with your girlfriend and you need a Saget fix, then you, my friend, have issues
Chico:  HAH! Now you're getting it.
Jason:  If you have seen the Aristocrats, the man is funny.
Chico:  Indeed. I can't wait for Farce of the Penguins.
Gordon: Let's waddle over to the next show
Chico:  Next one...

If you TiVoed any episode of "American Idol Rewind"...

Jason:  You are Brian Dunkleman trying to find your career
Gordon: If I am a historian, then I want to see the origins of Idol and what made the show a monster success. If I am a television executive, I am here to see what I can steal for my latest music clone.
Jason:  Very good, Gordon.
Chico:  I'm too damn cheap to just go out and buy the DVD set. So it's like, you know... why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free? And most of what you see is on the DVD set.
Gordon: Exactly. And besides. American Idol Rewind is more entertaining than a rerun of Dr. Keith Ablow.
Jason:  Or Greg Behrhendt or Megan Mullally.
Chico:  Rachael Ray on the other hand... Heh.
Gordon: I like Rachael Ray.
Chico:  I like Rachael Ray, too. That's a very talented woman there, and I can't wait to see her on the Jeopardy!... next up.

If you TiVoed any episode of "That's The Question"...

Gordon: You like to see a new show's premise while completing ignoring the game play (or lack of) by the contestants.
Jason:  You are a fan of European Robots.
Chico:  Giant... European... Robots.
Jason:  LOL
Chico:  I'm sure there's a European Gundam in there somewheres.
Gordon: Next?

If you TiVoed all of CBS' program schedule to get some clues on "Gold Rush"...

Jason:  You are a contest pig...and I admire you immensely :)
Chico:  Your best friend works for AOL, and can hit you up on the DL... It's called cronyism.. The Chairman is on ya!
Gordon: Hopefully, I would have a bunch of friends playing it and it would be a social party.
Chico:  Didn't work out that way, did it, G?
Gordon: If you base it on the ratings, no
Chico:  And it's telling, because you're an AOL subscriber. And I'm on Roadrunner, which is in the corporate family.... and we couldn't give two craps about it. Sorry, Burnett. You really laid a stinker with this one.
Gordon: The biggest mistake that Burnett made was to not advertise it as a group event. The internet is a SOCIAL machine, and any game should be based as such. Otherwise, most normal people will not play for fear that they have no shot against the nerdlets. Based on what we have seen so far, they are absolutely right.
Chico:  See, Rich List is textbook example of how to use the net to promote your show. How many people do you know are on MySpace? And Myspace is owned by Fox, er go....PROFIT!
Gordon: I don't think the ratings will be as far up as you think. The game is highly flawed.
Chico:  I didn't say all that. I'm just saying Fox knows their business.
Jason:  They do.
Chico:  Okay, I think we have two left.

If you TiVoed Playmania...

Jason:  You have no life and can't afford Skinimax.
Gordon: Then you truly have been hypnotized by Shandi Finnessey's assets, and that's all you want to watch all day long.
Chico:  You hate anime. Because that's the only thing worth watching at 1 in the morning. Inuyasha owns you for free =p
Gordon: Actually, if I tivoed Playmania, that could also mean that Midnight Money Madness isn't on that night
Chico:  True. Okay, final one.

If you're GOING to TiVo "The Rich List"...

Jason:  Anything will satisfy your game show fix. And British hosts do it for you.
Chico:  I am gainfully employed by Fox.
Gordon: I don't care about the human anatomy, of people either losing weight or looking good.
Chico:  And that... is what your TiVo says about you. Of course, your personal "you" may vary. And speaking of vary, that's what Gordon's going to be doing after the break.
Gordon: We're going to vary it up a little bit and see what goes where - after the break.

(Brought to you by "The Richie Rich List". Can you guess all of the characters in the Harvey Comics universe? Hope so... because that's basically the game right there.)



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