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Previous Episodes (Season 19)
September 1 - Bad Day for the Block/Full Circle/Push or Flush (1)

September 15 - One Million Dollars(*)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Push or Flush (2)

September 22 - How to Lose $500,000/Blame Game/Play the Percentages

September 29 - In Pursuit of Perfection/Saywha?/Good News Bad News

October 6 - A Million Four Times/Infiltration/Match This!

October 13 - In Times of Crisis/Excessories/Would You Could You?

October 20 - The Most Perfectest Show Ever/How Not to Play... /Trios

October 27 - Who Says There's a Recession?/Deserted Island/Buen Trato

November 3 - A Car in Every Garage and an Asterisk in Every Suitcase/List Abuse/WLTI Theatre

November 10 - Post-Election Worry Syndrome/Higher-Lower/Presents

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 19.10
November 17

Jason: Baker's Dozen?
Chico: Good
Jason: Got it. (pops a Donut)
Chico: Anyone know why 13 is a baker's dozen?
Jason: Do you?
Chico: ... No, I don't.
Jason: The oldest known source and most probable origin for the expression "baker's dozen" dates to the 13th century in one of the earliest English statutes, instituted during the reign of Henry III (r. 1216-1272), called the Assize of Bread and Ale. Bakers who were found to have shortchanged customers could be liable to severe punishment. To guard against the punishment of losing a hand to an axe, a baker would give 13 for the price of 12, to be certain of not being known as a cheat. Specifically, the practice of baking 13 items for an intended dozen was to prevent "short measure", on the basis that one of the 13 could be lost, eaten, burnt or ruined in some way, leaving the baker with the original dozen. The practice can be seen in the guild codes of the Worshipful Company of Bakers in London.
Chico: That's a nice Wikidemia there, J.
Alex: Ha
Jason: Thank you. You watch Jeopardy too!
Chico: Of course I do. Welcome back. It's game time, as we look to cast people who need 15 more minutes of fame in a game we call... "Welcome to Hollywood! Where notorious people from the last week get their game on. I'll give you a person, you suggest a game show that they could go on.
Jason: Got it.
Chico: First up...

Sarah Palin has not yet ruled out a presidential run for 2012. How can she spend her time until then?

Jason: Wow.
Chico: This one should be easy if you've ever heard me talk of her.
Jason: I would love to see her as a judge on Project Runway. Or are you smarter than a 5th grader.
Chico: You HAVE heard me talk of her!
Alex: She might be better on think Like a Cat; the cats may give her good competition
Jason: a Conservative here...I am seriously going to have to hurt someone.
Alex: Conservative VS Liberal. It's on.
Chico: I keep saying "You know, if she gets out once in a while and really applies herself, she may pass the $25,000 question on Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader"
Jason: She was not the Dan Quayle-like idiot people made her out to be. Joe Biden was a freaking gaffe machine.
Chico: Oh dear... Next subject! NEXT SUBJECT!

Since we're all about equal time... let's do Joe Biden next, shall we?

Jason: He wouldn't pass the 1st question on 5th grader...he thought FDR was president when the Market crashed in 1929.
Alex: I don't know why but I just have this funny image of him on Don't Forget the Lyrics. No reasoning at all. Just a funny thought.
Chico: You too?
Alex: That's me!
Chico: That's just... weird!
Jason: Fine. Lyrics.
Chico: It's a Fox free for all. I still maintain that both shows should be back on Thursdays where they belong... stupid Fox.
Jason: Right.
Chico: Next...

Michael Jackson is losing his house... Do we have a show that'll help him out?

Jason: So you think you can Dance. Or Dancing with the Stars.
Alex: He can't be on Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader; the kids would be in danger.
Chico: *ding ding ding* Three bell bonus. But yeah, I'd go Dancing with the Stars for him. He dances... he's a star.. He can't be any creepier than Cloris bloody Leachman. And it's not like he's doing anything else.
Jason: Or a shot as a mentor on American Idol. Can you imagine Michael Jackson week?
Chico: I can imagine Michael Jackson week... with at least three Archuleta types... SCARY.
Jason: Seriously though. I would love to see that.
Chico: Oh yeah. He's got the catalog for it.
Jason: It would be a career comeback attempt...that might work.
Chico: We'll see. Next...

The cast of Night Court made an appearance on 30 Rock this week... so how about a team game for them?

Jason: Family Feud mayhaps?
Alex: that works
Chico: Oh yeah. Who would you team them against?
Jason: The cast of the Golden Girls.
Alex: Haha, OK I'd watch that
Chico: Minus the late great Estelle Getty.
Jason: Rest her ever loving soul.
Chico: .. I miss Night Court. So there's your celebrity Family Feud right there...Next... going back to the splash mail we sent this week...

Katy Perry flashed a crowd in Germany... surely there's a reality show for THAT.

Jason: Big Brother!
Chico: YES!
Alex: Works for me!
Chico: That was easy.
Jason: Have people gotten nekkid and did the nasty on BB In the US?
Chico: Yes and yes.
Jason: Ah yeah
Chico: And finally...

World of Warcraft gamers. Their new expansion pack came out this week... What show could you see them on?

Chico: I vote for Cha$e.
Jason: Beauty and the Geek! And we ain't talking the beauty here. When a French guy takes almost 30 hours to reach level 80! And he was the first in the world to do it.
Alex: Ha
Chico: I have no idea what that means, but I'm guessing that that qualifies him for "Geek" status.
Jason: Just to show you I ain't lying
Chico: Oh yeah. He's so in. I wonder how he WOULD do in Cha$e.
Jason: I don't know. But he is wow.
Chico: So there you have it. That's Welcome to Hollywood... Next up... looking for a decent punch line. This is the show...that is the dungeon...up next!

(Brought to you by The Amazing Race Postal Service. When it absolutely has to get there...sometime next year, once the drivers figure out how to read the directions properly.)

Gordon: Welcome back to the dark side. Thank you for joining us.
Travis: *SCUBA pump* Ah, the Dark Si-yeed.
Gordon: And what's more fun to be in the Dark Side than to have fun at other people's expense? Time for What's My Zinger, where I give you the first half of a snarky article, and you all come up with the punchline.
Travis: Woo!
Don: Sounds fun.
Gordon: For example, if I start with this...

William Shatner is the one of the new celebrities to be a guest on the new season of Million Dollar Password.

Gordon: You answer...
Don: At least he's not hosting.
Travis: .................................................................
Gordon: He'd have a better chance of winning if he was against a tribble.
Travis: ...Overacting.
Robert: I'm expecting 12 dancers with scrolls and a man-purse at any moment.
Travis: You mean, "Murse".
Gordon: Good answerrs. next one...

MTV will bring back Name That Tune to it's airwaves.

Robert: Viewers will have heart-attacks when MTV finally plays music.
Don: Music? On MTV? ... Inconceivable!
Gordon: No word if one of the games will be Bid-a-Lip Sync
Travis: The entire audience will be made up of screaming 12-year-old girls excited to hear 9 seconds of The Jonas Brothers.
Gordon: Next one...

American Idol has given away more than $64 million dollars around the world with 'Idol Gives Back'

Robert: That's what Ryan Seacrest makes in 1 day.
Travis: The only good addition to American society that they've provided in their history.
Don: All from 2 hours of filler.
Gordon: Unfortunately, Idol has failed to give back Sanjaya Malakar to wherever they got him from.
Travis: Point: Pepper.
Gordon: Next one...

Wheel of Fortune, in honor of it's 5000th show, is giving out a $5,000 cash giveaway.

Don: Giving those who can't spell a chance to win as well.
Gordon: No telling if there'll be a 'Mystery Recession' Wedge to celebrate.
Travis: On a side note, to celebrate their 7000th show, "The Price is Right" is going to try to give away $7000 to their in-studio contestants...but will probably fail miserably.
Robert: To celebrate also, Jeopardy will be unveiling it's SUPER MEGA HYPER ULTIMATE TOURNAMENT! 100 OF YOUR FAVORITE PLAYERS TO COME BACK! For the grand prize of $5,000,000!!!
Gordon: Next one...

Chuck Woolery hosted Meow Mix's Think Like A Cat on GSN this past Friday.

Travis: Chuck Woolery's game show career; dead at the age of 35.
Don: Even he couldn't believe he did that instead of another season of Lingo!
Robert: Chuck Woolery Sues GSN for killing his career and is now owner of GSN.
Gordon: And apparently, by taking this gig, we realize that Naturally is not the only way that Woolery is stoned. Last one...

The People's Choice for Favorite Game Show: Jeopardy, Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader, and Deal or No Deal. Not there: The Price is Right.

Don: Also not there, albeit thankfully: Think Like a Cat.
Travis: To quote the general populous: "That show's still on? I thought Bob died."
Robert: Pat Sajak and Vanna White cry because their show isn't a peoples choice nominee, but soak up their tears with $50,000,000 each
Gordon: The next item up for bids: An executive producer position.
Travis: We can only wish.
Gordon: And those are the zingers. Chico will let us out of the dungeon...we hope....for the Speed!

(Brought to you by My Own Worst Enemy: The Video Game. The best new hit of the fall season, as you... wait, it's cancelled? Oh... well... umm... so what are we going to do now?)

Chico: We're going to do some quick predictions.
Jason: Can I have the 2010 Camaro Christian Slater drove?
Chico: No. That's mine. It's a sick machine.
Jason: No kidding.

(Banging from the Dungeon Door with screams of 'Let Us Out!')

Chico: Hush. Time to bring this together with the Speed Round. Survivor... are we still looking for a moron lovefest? And if so, who will not live to reap the benefits?
Jason: Sugar stays. It all depends on who wins personal immunity and if Bob plays his "fake". I will say Corinne goes this week.
Chico: Sounds good.
Jason: Randy and Crystal will fight another week. Too obvious.
Chico: Oh yeah. Drama. So what about Dancing... who doesn't make it to the finals? I think Warren & Kym may get the shaft here. We have the kids voting for Hannah Montana guy, and the other two getting in the final in earnest.
Jason: I agree with Warren/Kym. Lance Bass wins the whole thing.
Chico: Brooke and Derek, yo. Brooke and Derek. We have time for some mail...

EPISODE 8: More Bingo

The show returns with a new pair of hosts, which usually doesn't bode well. Will Richard Karn and Diane Mizota save the show, or is it destined for the scrap heap after 2 seasons?

Chico: I say it suffers the GSN two-season curse.
Alex: It's ratings are up more than 30 percent this season. It's staying.
Chico: you have numbers?
Alex: Round about numbers. the first week was up 30 percent from the first season. I'm sure it's leveled out a bit more but it's up, people enjoy it more, and it's just doing beter. The show works and flows better so much more before, and people are being receptive towards it. Plus the $1K you can win each Wednesday doesn't hurt.
Chico: I wouldn't be surprised if it makes enough money for GSN to give it a third season, but still... I think this is it for them.
Alex: I think you'll be shocked. Newlywed Game will bomb and Bingo America will be back.
Jason: I don't think that. I think they both will.
Chico: Well, you know me. I love being wrong as much as I love being right
Jason: GSN Radio is now 90 days in and it's getting better and better.
Chico: GSN Live is also going on strong... though I lost count as to how strong. But still, good things are beginning to happen for the network.
Alex: Eagerly awaiting the Money List
Chico: Nice. And that about wraps it up for the show. Thanks to Jason Block and Alex Davis, and thanks to Gordon, Don, Robert and Travis for...being themselves :)
Gordon: (Unlocking the dungeon door) That was fun.
Chico: Sure was. so for both of us, we wish you all a Game Over.
Gordon: And spear the evi...
Chico: (Death Stare)
Gordon: :)
Chico: Good night!