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Previous Episodes (Season 16)
September 3 - Call the Whaaambulance!/What's My Zinger?/Push or Flush (1)

September 10 - Sixteen Candles/20 Questions: Brad Rutter/Push or Flush (2)

September 17 - Viewers Special #3/Ask the Doctor/What If...

September 24 - We (BLANK) Brett/The Good, the Bad & the Ugly/Paula vs. Simon

October 1 - On a Mission from Howie/Trios/Would You? Could You?


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 16.5
October 8

Jason: Oh man
Rob: Buckwheat gets all the love, what about Alfalfa or Spanky?
Jason: Alfalfa has his own problems
Chico: Now that's a celebreality show I'd watch.
Rob: I'm just tired of all the _____ Of Love shows.
Chico: Isn't everyone? Apparently, VH1 isn't. Oh well. Welcome back. Who got paid this week?
Gordon: Me!
Chico: Who wants to buy stuff?
Rob: Sure, I'm down with buying stuff.
Don: Depends on what the stuff is.
Chico: Well let's see what we've got, alright?
Rob: Sounds fine by me.
Chico: First...

Are you buying the Fox/Capcom mobile version of "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?"

Jason: Nope. Sorry.
Rob: Don't like the show, don't like mobile games anyways.  SELL!  Sorry, Capcom.
Don: Nah.  I don't have a cell phone anyway.
Chico: Me, I only use my phone for calling up people. SELL.
Mike: No.  I know I'm smarter than a fifth grader. Sell it
Gordon: I'll buy it.
Chico: You'd buy it?
Gordon: I know people who still play Millionaire on their cell phones in the Bowling Alley. It's more educational than the newest Grand Theft Auto series, and it's not awful. Yeah, Id buy it.
Chico: Fair enough. What's next?
Gordon: Next one...

The Biggest Loser Clothing gear. Yep, they are selling them. Are you buying?

Chico: I need new gymming clothes. Sure, why'd not.
Jason: Nope. Sorry. Don't like that either.
Don: I'm fine with the clothes that I have.
Rob: I don't hit the gym, and I'm fine wearing jeans and good fitting shirts. So, sell.
Gordon: I've still got my Bally shorts. I could use an upgrade
Chico: What I really need though are weight gloves.
Mike: Are they size-appropriate for people who want to lose weight?
Gordon: I'm sure there's a size for all. Next one?
Chico: Next one...

So you're watching VH1 run a mega-thon of I Love New York Season 1... and you suddenly want the DVD coming out Tuesday. Are you buying?

Jason: must be kidding right? Nope.
Mike: Why would I be watching anything about I Love New York?  Sell fast.
Don: Not a chance.
Chico: Buy, put on eBay. Profit. Boo-yah.
Rob: She's a witch, both on the show and in real life. SELL!
Jason: Buy, put on ebay, not get the reserve. Sell.
Gordon: I think the hamsters are going to use it as an endurance challenge for Last One Standing. Sell.
Chico: So in a first, we have NO ONE who'd buy something. Gordon, get us out of this.
Gordon: What about...

Padma Lakshmi's New Cookbook. Just in time for the finale of Top Chef 3.

Jason: That's I would buy.
Chico: Oh yeah. We're buying that.
Jason: I love cookbooks and cooking. I have a big collection
Mike: If it's not microwaveable, it's too much work for me.  Sell.
Jason: Geez, Mike
Chico: I'm thinking of making Philly cheese calzones myself as I type this.
Rob: As soon as I'm done with the Ramsay cookbook, i'm getting hers.  Buy.
Mike: Mmmm...Philly cheese calzones... OK, that might be a stretch.  I'm not into fancy cooking.
Don: Sounds good.  I'd buy.
Mike: If I had more culinary talent, I'd buy.
Gordon: I'm hoping there's some Top Chef recipes in there. Buy it. Next one?
Chico: Next up... Oh, you're going to love this.
Rob: That usually means we won't.
Gordon: I second Rob
Chico: TRUST ME. You're REALLY going to love this.
Mike: I think Chico's playing my audible.

Dick DeBartolo is putting some of his Match Game questions up for sale on his site: ... Are You Buying?

Chico: Yes, I'm playing Mike's audible.
Mike: Buying?  I already did!
Jason: Seriously?
Mike: I got them earlier this week. Since I can vouch for it, here's what you get for $20 plus shipping...You get 3 Match Game questions which are a combination of 60s questions and 70s/early 80s questions.  One of these is autographed by Dick DeBartolo. You get an inscribed and signed copy of MAD Magazine. And you get some photocopies of Match Game promotional material.
Rob: I'm not interested, SELL!
Chico: Geez, Rob. I thought you'd be totally into this.
Rob: I'm not really a fan of Match Game.
Jason: I think this is very cool. Buy.
Don: Ooh, nice.  I'd buy that.
Mike: I'm a fan of Match Game and MAD Magazine.  It was an immediate buy for me.
Gordon: Great stuff. Definitely worth buying. Ready for the last one?
Chico: Last one!
Rob: I'm ready for it.
Gordon: Going back to food...
Jason: Yes.
Chico: It's always food with you.

An evening for 2 at The Mixing Bowl. This is one of the places revived by Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares show. You buying the night out?

Rob: Wait, is this the UK or US version?
Gordon: US
Jason: Sure. Why not. I always like to sample good food.
Rob: No, no a thousand times No.
Mike: As long as Gordon Ramsey didn't scream at my food. Oooooooh, there's always a catch. 

(Catch: Trip to UK not included)

Mike:  Trip to UK not included.  No.
Rob: If I want to visit a Gordon Ramsay fixed restaurant, I want to go to either Momma Cherrie's Big House or Lanterna.
Chico: I'm in. Although if he called my ladyfriend a whore while she was waiting for her food.. That would be a "Oh yeah, we're done here."
Gordon: I think it would be interesting to see if the changes actually held from the time that he was there. Id go.
Don: If it was before Ramsay revived it, I'd have said no.  As for now... I'd consider it.
Rob: La Panna in Spain would be good too.
Gordon: And that's it for the goodie bag this week.
Chico: I've always wanted to go to a tapas bar. Heh. Next, we play the $17,500 Pyramid on List Abuse. This is the show...
Gordon: We're the guys. This is the break.

(Brought to you by Wheel of Gnats. Don't forget the mystery wedge, which sends a swarm of flying insects to the baseball team of your choice. 'A-Rod Curse' wedge sold separately.)