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Previous Episodes (Season 19)
September 1 - Bad Day for the Block/Full Circle/Push or Flush (1)

September 15 - One Million Dollars(*)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Push or Flush (2)

September 22 - How to Lose $500,000/Blame Game/Play the Percentages

September 29 - In Pursuit of Perfection/Saywha?/Good News Bad News

October 6 - A Million Four Times/Infiltration/Match This!

October 13 - In Times of Crisis/Excessories/Would You Could You?

October 20 - The Most Perfectest Show Ever/How Not to Play... /Trios

October 27 - Who Says There's a Recession?/Deserted Island/Buen Trato

November 3 - A Car in Every Garage and an Asterisk in Every Suitcase/List Abuse/WLTI Theatre


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 19.9
November 10

Chico: I'm pretty sure we got rid of all of those last Tuesday... Let me see.... Elizabeth Dole... gone... George Bush... gone...  John Sununu... gone. I'm sure there are more.
Gordon: And somewhere out there, Jason Block is preparing to write us a nasty letter.

Chico: Oh, I'm sure of it.
Gordon: Meanwhile, while we talk dollars and cents, lets talk higher or lower.
Chico: I like that game
Don: Same here.
Gordon: And we'll start with this:

It's 1:18 for Deal or No Deal, and we've had 5 people take...and not win...the million. When will someone win it? Higher or lower than...March 1, 2009

Chico: Higher
Don: I do see it happening eventually, but not for some time. Higher.
Gordon: I don't see it happening this season. higher.
Chico: Maybe at the end of this season... Next....

Sugar seems to be just coasting along by the seat of her pants. How many more people have to bite it before she finally gets her comeuppance? Higher or lower than... 3.

Don: I'm thinking lower. I think her time may be coming soon, and she'll forget to use that Idol when that time comes.
Gordon: Higher. Sugar isn't a threat at any given point right now. I think she'll stick around for awhile, until either original Kota is finished or until Fang is demolished. Plus she has the idol, and no one wants to be the casualty of a brushback.
Chico: I say she gets called up to use it. She won't forget.  Higher, but not by much. Next?

Gordon: Next one.

We've talked about hosts and their expiration dates on their shows. What about John O'Hurley? When will we see him end his run on Family Feud? Higher or lower than 2 seasons?

Chico: Lower. I think one more season, and then that's it.
Gordon: Lower, but for a different reason. I think the show lasts one or 2 more seasons, and that's it.
Don: I was originally thinking higher, but maybe if the show itself doesn't last long enough...
Chico: It's like the show itself is holding steady, but Deal or No Deal may be the better option come renewal time
Gordon: DOND is definitely the better option
Chico: Yep. Next...

Now that Fox has laid out its plans for the winter, how long before Moment of Truth returns? Higher or Lower than... 4 months from now?

Gordon: Much lower.
Don: Lower. I'm expecting to see it return quite soon.
Gordon: FOX needs something to run in November and December
Chico: Oh yeah. Lower. It's running full steam ahead in November... but February remains a grey area
Gordon: Next one...

The judges love Brooke Burke and expect her to win. Will they sacrifice their sense of bias? The score they will give Brooke in the finals out of a possible 60...Higher or Lower than 59.5?

Chico: Higher. They have to give the perfect 10 to somebody.
Don: I'm going to say lower, but barely. She'll get a high score, but there's always the possibility of a screw-up.
Chico: Especially this season.
Gordon: I think this may be the first time in a while that we see the audience disagree with the judges. I'll say lower, because I'm not convinced the gets to the finals
Chico: That's a lofty prediction. And finally...

Drew Carey says he's got a five-year contract... He's already got a year under... So how many more will he successfully carry out? Higher or lower than 2?

Gordon: Lower, I'm afraid. I think that if the show is in serious trouble, that they will make drastic changes on it.
Don: I'm also fearing that it'll be lower.
Chico: So am I... so long as it appears to be hemorrhaging viewers. So there you go. Higher/Lower... and now that we had fun with that... We do a little preemptive Christmas shopping on the other side...
Gordon: Black Thursday comes early...after this.

(Brought to you by America's Next Top Hologram. Sixteen models compete... with freaky blue glowy things around them)

Chico: "Help me, Obi-Wan Tyra... You're my only hope."
Gordon: Are Mr. and Mrs. J wearing Jedi robes?
Chico: Yep. And the kicker is... They're not really holograms... They're projections.
Gordon: ah
Chico: Which drives one contestant to tears... Like, "I don't believe in NOTHING NO MORE!"
Gordon: I believe in good presents though.
Chico: So do I. I like blue things. And hats. And blue hats. But what would you like for these six people? First up...

Simon Cowell's going to have Christmas without his girl. Get him something to make him feel better.

Gordon: What else? A date with Paula Abdul!
Don: Heh.
Chico: How about a two-way with Paula and new judge Kara DioGuardi?
Gordon: I think Kara is taken
Chico: ... really?
Gordon: not 100% certain though.
Chico: Oh well. just a thought.
Gordon: Next one...

You're Chuck Woolery. You apparently need money for Holiday shopping if you're hosting 'The Meow Mix Think Like a Cat Game Show'. What to buy him?

Chico: A cat, obviously.
Don: Some cat food.
Gordon: ...kitty litter
Chico: Natural progression. Cat needs cat food... which in turn leads to kitty litter.
Gordon: Which will probably also describe the show.
Chico: Ha. Next...
Don: lol

Chris Knight's getting a visit from his second family this week. What do we get them?

Gordon: A restraining order between Adrienne Curry and Florence Henderson
Chico: Ha.
Gordon: I'd also get him a circus set for the kids. Next one...

50 Cent. The economy has not been good to him. Give him some love.

Don: ... 50 cents?
Chico: 10 Nickelback CDs.
Gordon: Credibility. If I can't do that, then bring in someone like a Mark Burnett type to help him steer his show.
Chico: And instead of MTV, go somewhere with a larger audience.
Gordon: It just doesn't feel like a good fit.
Chico: Next...

We need to show some love to Sharon Osbourne... She has to deal with Charm School girls.

Don: Um... How about some extra charm?
Gordon: I'd get her tickets to see Terry Fator. Maybe she can help the women with some culture.
Chico: This is the first moment where I noticed that the teacher could use some charm herself. If she wants culture... Nothing But Stringz or Neal Boyd, Mr. Paul Potts V. 2.0.
Gordon: But they didn't win the title. Finally...
Get something for the person with everything money can buy - The Banker from Deal or No Deal.
Gordon: What about a bald Howie Mandel cut?

Chico: An office makeover. The last person who won the million caused him to trash up the place real bad.
Don: Maybe a plaque saying "I'm always the smartest person in the room"?
Gordon: That scares me. Then you may have Joey Fatone come in and attempt to make The Banker sing.
Chico: ... why not?
Gordon: You really want to hear the banker sing?
Chico: ... good point.
Gordon: And with that, we sing along to the Speed Round - after this quick break.

(Sponsored by The Baby Game. Don't just have a child just to get on a game show. That's too cruel. You should only have a baby if you're in love - or if you want to get some German engineering).

Chico: Thanks, Brooke. Want a Routan to go with that? Speaking of babies, it's time to wrap this baby up. Speed Round starts... now.
Gordon: Survivor: Who's next?

Chico: I want to say Crystal.
Gordon: Fang losing means that Bob has no cover. he bites it next.
Chico: How about Dancing? Who trips up where Susan left her ego?
Gordon: Bye Maurice. Don't forget to write. Any other million dollar wins during November Sweeps?
Chico: Maybe one on 5th Grader. Other than that... no.
Don: I don't see another one.
Gordon: I don't see it either. but I do see email. Starting with Bobby McBride. Thanks Bobby!

FROM: Bobby McBride

After watching Wednesday's episode of syndicated "Deal or No Deal", we have all been reminded of a lesson for anybody that decides to get on the show- if the top two amounts on the board are still up there very late in the game, YOU HAVE TO GO FOR IT. It's silly to deal with the top two still available, especially if the offer isn't six figures. What Sabrina did was about as bad as Chelsea Drake's bailout a while ago.

Gordon: Thanks Bobby. I completely agree. If you take a small bump, that's not even close to the sting you will feel if you stop before cutting through your safety net.
Chico: That's right.

Don: Yep.
Gordon: Next letter? What about the next episode in...The Letter?
Chico: Here's Josh.

EPISODE 7: Bingo America

There is one more show I know you folks are bemoaning the return of, Bingo America. But, with a mega-money payoff, I have to ask. What are the chances that Season 2 sees a 2nd $100,000 winner? 20% in my book. 

Gordon: 30%. Its not as hard as you think.
Chico: I'd have to say since this week had a Superball try, pretty good.
Gordon: And with that, we're out of mail. Where does the mail go, Chico?
Chico: It goes to or you can visit our Myspace Site at It's good for what ails you
Gordon: And with that, we end the show. Special thanks to Don Harpwood for joining us this week.

Don: Always nice to be around.
Gordon: And with that, we're done here. Game Over. And Spread the Love.