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September 1 - Bad Day for the Block/Full Circle/Push or Flush (1)

September 15 - One Million Dollars(*)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Push or Flush (2)

September 22 - How to Lose $500,000/Blame Game/Play the Percentages

September 29 - In Pursuit of Perfection/Saywha?/Good News Bad News

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

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Episode 9.4
October 6

Jason: I didn't see that.
Chico: Rich was in a skit on Friday. One of the best Showcases to come across in a while.
Jason: About time :)
Joe: Except it was first.
Chico: Yeah. But I'm not complaining.
Joe: Me neither
Chico: And all those who are complaining... they need to get jobs. Knock this crap off. The one hour you look forward to all day, and you're killing it DEAD!
Gordon: Um...this is America. we can complain if we want.
Chico: Hey, I'm just complaining about your complaints. And I'm within my right to do so.
Gordon: What game are we starting with first?
Chico: We're starting with Infiltration. So what if I got the Ho of the Week wrong. we can still have fun with it, right?
Jason: Right
Gordon: Sure could
Chico: So what would happen if a big-shot primetime reality host took over for a relatively low-key daytime/basic cable show? Would it be better or worse?
Rob: If he's flexible enough and knows his stuff, then better. Because a host can make or kill a show.
Chico: That's right. So that said, let's play Infiltration. We'll start with...

An easy one... Jeff Probst hosting Jeopardy!.

Rob: Yes, I buy this.
Jason: I predict this will happen. And this will be fantastic.
Rob: He has great experience with a Jeopardy Variant with Rock and Roll Jeopardy, so if he tones it down, then we will be fine.
Chico: I'm so ready for that.
Jason: This will be accepted a lot more than Carey for Barker.
Chico: And besides, it's something to do between Survivor seasons.
Joe: I'd debate that people wouldn't complain, but I wouldn't mind
Gordon: He already hosted Rock and Roll Jeopardy and was successful. I can see him hosting this with no probems in the transition. This is definitely the optimal choice.
Chico: And him delivering clues on location... it feels like he's being prepped for something bigger.
Jason: This is not something that is needed. This something I WANT. This is the ONLY choice.
Chico: Doesn't it feel like that to you?
Rob: Right.
Jason: Sony and Harry need to throw the big bucks at Jeff when Alex decides to hang it up.
Rob: If they are smart, and they are, they will. I give Alex till like 2015.
Chico: 2012.
Jason: I would say 2013 That's 30 years.
Chico: I could see him hanging it up as early as this year or next.
Gordon: He could hang it up sooner rather than later
Jason: That COULD happen.
Chico: Okay, so Jeff on Jeopardy... BETTER. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Since The Mirror brought it up, why not. Cat Deeley on Millionaire. Could it work?

Jason: Hell. No. Next.
Joe: Yeah, probably not
Jason: There is only one person I see taking over Meredith. His name: Tom Bergeron.
Rob: His name is Tom Bergeron, and I wish it would happen next year. I really hate Meredith.
Jason: Hey!
Rob: Cat Deeley, no way.
Chico: Umm.. Sorry, don't see it.
Joe: No love for the triumphant return for Regis?
Chico: I say get Michael Davies' favorite punching bag on the line. Regis is busy. He's busy being Allen Ludden.
Jason: Pat Kiernan?
Chico: Yes.
Jason: Well, if he was like WSOPC 2, then maybe. WSOPC 1 he was like Zytol. But Meredith isn't hateful at all. Sorry, Rob. There is a reason why the show is third in Syndication.
Chico: No, but she's heading in that direction if you noticed this season.
Jason: You really think she has gotten that bad?
Chico: I just feel like her eyes have gone listless, you know.
Jason: I don't.
Gordon: I think Tom is a good choice. I think you need someone more grounded than Cat Deeley. I don't think she'd bring in the numbers that you would want for the host - and I don't think the So You Think You Can Dance crowd would stick around for more than a week.
Chico: Nope.
Jason: Agreed.
Chico: Millionaire is about as hard a quiz as you can get without being called "Jeopardy!." So... Cat Deeley for Millionaire... WORSE. Next...

Wayne Brady on Wheel of Fortune.

Jason: Brady is good...but his fit isn't that good for WOF. I don't know who would replace Pat when he goes. That's something I haven't really thought about.
Chico: No one ever does. He's that darn good.
Rob: I'm going to say worse, but not by much. He's got a ton of energy, but I don't think wheel would be the same without Mr. Sajak.
Gordon: I know who I'd want. Brady isn't a bad choice, but...what about Vanna White?
Jason: Gordon, you have a great idea.
Gordon: Vanna as the host, and get a nice young sexy fox as the new wheel turner.
Jason: Bingo.
Rob: Or just have it automated.
Chico: Kinda like the game show version of "Electra Woman and Dyna Girl.", right?
Rob: I don't get the reference.
Jason: 1970's Sid and Marty Krofft show
Chico: you're too young, Rob.
Jason: Starring Deidre Hall
Gordon: Featuring 2 females in the title roles
Chico: :-D
Rob: Oh, ok.
Chico: Wayne on Wheel... WORSE... Vanna in Pat's place... perhaps better. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Let's change gears from Host to contestant. Assuming they are of legal age (or could be), would any of the America's Got Talent finalists have a chance on American Idol?

Chico: Umm. no.
Jason: Not a chance.
Joe: Yeah, it's doubtful
Rob: Seacrest or bust.
Chico: Well, Eli Mattson, MAYBE.
Gordon: I think Mattson has a shot to get into the Top 6. I think the rest of them get dusted long before then.
Chico: Apparently the Jon McLaughlin/Jason Mraz dude on a piano thing is big nowadays
Gordon: David Cook was dude on a guitar and that worked out pretty well. David Archuleta was dude on a piano also did not too shabby.
Rob: I don't think they'll do quite as well as the usual fare of contestants. So, worse
Jason: With all due respect to Neal...there has been only one heavy set winner of AI. And the voters wouldn't vote for him. The Ashley Perls of the world would consider him ugly. Just saying.
Chico: Ugly people have won Idol before. No offense.
Jason: Not typically though
Gordon: Before we get the ugly people writing one?
Chico: Next one... staying on contestants...

Let's say that fortune dealt the two tolerable groups on MTV's Top Pop Group a winning hand and THEY were on AGT... who would go farther?

Gordon: Mosaic gets to the Final 5. No one else gets to the round of 40.
Chico: Agreed.
Jason: Mosaic by a mile.
Chico: Could take it all the way if they applied on their arrangements. Perhaps install a metronome in their heads.
Gordon: They are raw - but so was everyone else on the show.
Jason: True.
Gordon: Maybe get SuperCr3W as their upfront dancers while they sing.
Chico: Maybe. Add some variety there. But then again there's the Piers Morgan corollary... Less is more.
Jason: But there wasn't much there for the most part.
Gordon: Nope. Last one...

We've seen dating shows. What about this season's Bachelor...Clay Aiken?

Rob: I'd watch.
Chico: One word... BRAVO
Jason: I agree with Joe. Although if Clay went on a gay dating would get ratings.
Chico: That's not a cheer, by the way, that's where he should go to look for his soulmate.
Gordon: Bravo already did this on Boy Meets Boy. Didn't turn out too good. I think if they were serious and didn't throw in straight people, it could work. But I agree. Not on ABC, this goes to Bravo or MTV. BUT...I think it gets a massive audience.
Joe: It would.
Rob: If it's very (pardon the expression) straight-forward and Bachelor-esque, then it would really work on either Bravo or LOGO.
Jason: Absolutely Rob.
Rob: And to be honest, I would watch it.
Jason: I wouldn't watch it. But I know a lot of people who would.
Gordon: If millions of people watched Tila Tequila, imagine the numbers with a REAL celebrity.
Jason: Sn-ap.
Chico: I still couldn't watch it.
Rob: I bet those millions were people she paid to watch that train-wreck of a show. Or sent suggestive photos to.
Chico: She didn't have to pay them, because people who would befriend a woman like that on MySpace have have no discernible brain skills.
Rob: I quote Star Wars: "Who's the bigger fool: The fool or the fool who follows him?"
Gordon: It's like leading the cows to McDonalds.
Joe: mmmm, Angus 1/3 pounder
Chico: And there you have it...the source of Tila's power.
Joe: Hamburgers?
Jason: Raw Meat.
Gordon: And with that, we end this segment. we hear a crying baby...Next!
Chico: The sun rises in the east, (^_^)es..

(This segment has been brought to you by OJ Simpson's new BFF. Now that OJ is going to be going away for awhile, he needs someone to be his BFF...and write him letters...and take care whatever's left of his sports stuff when he...gets out in 2069.)

Chico: Yeah, that's not gonna happen :-)
Jason: Karma is a female dog, Orenthal.
Chico: And it comes back to everyone.
Gordon: I don't hear any dogs. I do hear a crying baby...and sunrise...and..we got a new game, don't we?
Chico: Sure do.
Gordon: This game is called...(drum roll please)
Chico: *drumroll*
Gordon: Match This!
Rob: Hey, A Remote Control Category, awesome!
Chico: *wonky music*
Gordon: Who's up for a little matching?
Rob: Sure Am.
Jason: Sure.
Gordon: And the contestants for the first game - Rob and Joe. Who have to match everyone - including each other.
Joe: oh geez
Gordon: You get points for matching. However, if the contestants have different answers, they BOTH can play against the panel.
Jason: Ok.
Gordon: Rob, you can go first for round 1...A or B?
Rob: B
Gordon: 1 point per match in round 1. First, before the question, a little history. In the news, the PTC has gnoe after Survivor, for not blurring Marcus' winky during the show. This is what the PTC had to say about it.

"CBS's decision to hide behind excuses that the incident was 'fleeting' and didn't generate an immediate flood of complaints is the epitome of  irresponsibility. The number of 'fleeting' penises we expect to see on broadcast television is zero."

Chico: Nice....
Gordon: So here's the question.

CBS said 'We're sorry that we didn't do the blurry aspect on Marcus' Penis in Survivor. We were too busy using the blurry tool to blur out _____'

(wonky music)

Rob: GC


Gordon: Now this is a Round 1 question. What do you have, Jason?
Jason: I said they needed the tool to blur out something more important...JULIE CHEN. (BUZZ)
Chico: I figured about 90 percent of the time, when they're using the blur, they use it when the ladies are showering, so I put down "my hump, my hump, my lovely lady hump...." [LADY PARTS]
Jason: LOL
Gordon: Judges...say it's not a match with GC...though close (BUZZ)
Chico: LOL
Joe: Maybe this is more of a personal preference, but...[BIG BROTHER] (Buzz)
Jason: Almost matched me.
Gordon: and Joe would have gotten a point. I said the CBS was more busy trying to blur...Their TV Ratings' (BUZZ)
Jason: Oh well :)

0 0

Gordon: No points for anyone this round. Here's the question for Joe.
Joe: I'll pick A

Cheap Charlie said, 'I know we have a really cheap budget, but this is ridiculous. VH1's Version of Charm School is being hosted by Sharon Osbourne. Our version of Rock of Love Charm School is being hosted by _____'

(Wonky Music)

Gordon: Everyone's in. Joe, what's your answer?
Joe: Yeesh, this is tough. I'll go with my relatively first instinct: Ozzy Osbourne
Gordon: (light applause)
Chico: Wow...
Gordon: I would think that Ozzy may be a bit too expensive here. Rob, what did you say?
Rob: He is quite expensive. So, I went with someone that's cheaper and a bit more disgusting. KELLY Osbourne (Applause) (Buzz)
Gordon: Jason, do we have a match yet?
Jason: Well...I was thinking Cheap right.
Gordon: Yes
Jason: And this person would do it for a pack of cigarettes, a Big Mac and a bottle of wine....AMY WINEHOUSE. And she could be the first contestant and host.
Gordon: lol (BUZZ) I matched....Jason (Amy Winehouse) (BUZZ)
Jason: WHOO-HOO! (High Five)
Gordon: Too bad we're not playing
Jason: Oh well.
Chico: Hey...I matched Rob! (Kelly Osbourne) (DING!)
Gordon: Hey! We have a score!

0 1

Gordon: ok. Round 2. All matches are worth 2 points. Joe, your pick. A or B?
Joe: I'll pick B
Gordon: B it is...

Mike Darnell Says, 'I know what I'm going to do to make Hole in the Wall more exciting! I'm going to fill up the water pool with _____'

(Wonky Music)

Rob: (ding)
Gordon: ok Joe.
Joe: It epitomizes the show.....POO!
Gordon: Ah..poo (Applause)
Jason: LOL
Gordon: We're looking for poo. Rob, do you have any poo?
Rob: I'll refrain from any poo humor. That's beneath me. Sharks. (BUZZ)
Gordon: Ah. Jason, do you have any poo or sharks?
Jason: No I don't...But this would make it really about ACID?
Gordon: oooh...acid (BUZZ)
Chico: I watch too much CSI... [BLOOD] (BUZZ)
Gordon: I matched...Jay. Again (Acid) (BUZZ)

0 1

Gordon: This one goes to Rob.

Bob Barker said, 'I just got a strange call. This person wanted me to get _____ spayed and neutered'.

(Wonky Music)

Rob: I'm torn between 2
Gordon: Well, you have to pick 1
Joe: pick the other :P
Rob: Drew Carey
Gordon: Drew Carey (Applause) What was the other one?
Rob: Himself
Gordon: I think you may have picked the right one. What do you have, Joe?
Joe: I had Drew
Gordon: Match for Rob! (Ding!)
Chico: I'm sorry... I'm so sorry.. [Drew Carey] (DING!)
Gordon: Another match for Rob! Jason?
Jason: know we are wrestling buddies, right?
Rob: Of course, last night, best show ever.
Jason: I would never let you down...DREW CAREY. (Ding!) What did you say?
Gordon: I'm Mr. Political... G.W. Bush (Buzz).
Jason: Booooo Besides...already been done :) by Nancy Pelosi!
Gordon: That would be a lobotomy.
Chico: Too late.
Gordon: There's too many of them in office. Make it stop.

0 7

Gordon: Round 3...Matches are worth 3 points...Joe...A or B?
Joe: A
Gordon: Here's your round 3 question.

Tom Bergeron says, 'We have a new show about Celebrities Surgery. It's called Dancing with the _____'

(Wonky Music)

Gordon: (Applause) I think you may get on the board. Rob, what do you have?
Rob: Damn, I matched. Scars (DING!)
Gordon: Jason, do you have any scars?
Jason: Definitive answer time: SCARS. (DING)
Chico: [SCARS] (DING)
Gordon: I've got some scars too. On my knee..and...oh yes, the answer. Scars! (DING)
Joe: All I have is this sorta disfigured ring finger
Gordon: ...ewwww.

12 7

Gordon: So Rob, here's one for you. And its the last one. Meredith Vieira said. 'Dumb Donald is REALLY Dumb.'
Everyone: HOW DUMB IS HE?
Gordon: Glad you asked.

Meredith Vieira said. 'Dumb Donald is REALLY Dumb.' He's SO dumb, he thinks you can only use the Double Dip when the question is about _____'

Rob: Chips
Gordon: Chips! (Applause) Joe, you got any chips?
Joe: Sorry, my lunch was a sandwich [ICE CREAM] (BUZZ)
Gordon: That's what I had, so I matched Joe (Ice Cream) - (DING!)
Chico: [Potato chips] (DING!)
Gordon: Jay - you got any chips?
Jason: I do. And they are very delicious. (Potato CHIPS) (DING!)

15 13

Joe: Yay!
Gordon: But since this is the first time we're playing this, you both have 30 seconds. Go!
Jason: That was quick.
Joe: Oh, listen to me at Fridays from 7-9. I play music and sound like a moron. Whoo radio!
Rob: If we're plugging radio shows, then listen to Mine and Jason's wrestling show at The North American Wrestling Connection is the name and is worth the hour wasting on it.
Gordon: Thank you. Speaking of plugs, here's an ad.

(Sponsored by Insomnia. We see how long people can stay up without sleep. Game Show Recappers...don't win.)

Joe: lulz
Jason: Poor Chico.
Rob: Yeah, sorry Chico.
Chico: ZZZZZzzzz
Gordon: Ok. Time is short and I'm getting sleepy...Speed Round! Dancing With The Stars. Kim and her butt is out. Who's next?
Rob: Leachman is out
Jason: I think Cloris is gone.
Chico: Cloris
Gordon: I think Cloris is going to have problems. Who's going to have problems on Survivor?
Jason: GC if its Fang. And I am going to say Sugar on Kota
Rob: Ace, Sugar and GC. All of them are on the bubble.
Chico: GC and Sugar.
Gordon: I'll agree with GC and Sugar. Does Ken Jennings break the bank on 5th Grader?
Chico: Yes.
Jason: Of course he does.
Rob: He should.
Jason: Without any cheats.
Joe: John Carpenter that ho?
Gordon: He should. I don't think he will. I think he gets tripped up by the wording, because FOX would have trumpeted it to the moon if he won it.
Joe: I thought they would trumpet Ken Jennings NOT being smarter than a 5th grader more.
Jason: I am not sure about that. Fox didn't promote the first MDW. Why now?
Gordon: But this is Ken Jennings. The 2 million dollar man. I'd be promoting it. Wheel of Fortune. Any interest this week?
Rob: No
Jason: Not until the 14th. I have to cover it. But only one show that counts.
Gordon: Your email counts - and we continue Josh Johanessen's letter.


How many people will join America's version of the 1p club before the 500K is delivered? And I do realize one is already there from the primetime version. The gutsy player is a bit of a double-edged sword, after all...

Gordon: I don't think we'll see that many. It seems like these people want to leave with SOMEthing. There's only been one penny winner on any DOND version in the US.
Jason: Correct
Gordon: And I don't think anyone wants to be part of a game show trivia question.
Jason: Nope.
Joe: Yeah, if we get any, it's going to be 1 or 2 before the Jackpot
Jason: It's the double edged sword that cuts too deep. I think we will get people play for the $500,000 before the $1M, even if it just one.
Rob: I'll say that with the daytime version, we'll see quite a few. About 5 this Syndicated year.
Jason: Not that many
Gordon: I dont know, Rob. We've already seen someone quit with only the $100,000 and the $500,000 left in play.
Joe: We already had a couple people selling off the half-mil correct?
Gordon: 2
Joe: We may get 1 who wins it all
Gordon: Maybe. and that's what we have time for this week. Jay - if there's anyone who wants to send us mail, where does it go?
Gordon: or
Gordon: Yes. You get a cookie!
Jason: Yummy.
Gordon: And with that, we end the show. Thanks to Lee DiGeorge, Jason Block, Joe Mello and Rob Seidelman for joining us today.
Rob: Danke, Gordon.
Jason: Pleasure as always.
Joe: Good to assist
Gordon: For everyone, and the slumbering Chico Alexander, this is Gordon Pepper, saying Game Over and Spread the Love.
Jason: See ya!
Rob: Adios Amigos.