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Previous Episodes (Season 16)
September 3 - Call the Whaaambulance!/What's My Zinger?/Push or Flush (1)

September 10 - Sixteen Candles/20 Questions: Brad Rutter/Push or Flush (2)

September 17 - Viewers Special #3/Ask the Doctor/What If...

September 24 - We (BLANK) Brett/The Good, the Bad & the Ugly/Paula vs. Simon


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 16.4
October 1

Gordon: Take my kids, please.
Chico: But seriously... nothing's funny about selling human beings... Robots, however, are hilarious.
Gordon: Love robots. Also love Trios.
Chico: Great, because I've got six Trios that you're going to love. Ready?
Gordon: Ready.
Chico: First Trio..

- Jamie Sadler
- Terry Fator
- Ben Fagan

These three went from zero to millionaire in the summer. Who had the hardest time at it?

Gordon: Fator. No brainer. He had to not only deal with his own act, but he had to hope that millions of Americans liked his act as well. THAT'S pressure.
Chico: True. Terry had to only outdo HIMSELF for the duration of the series. That takes guts. A lot of guts.
Gordon: It does. At least Ben and Jamie had some sort of control on their game. Terry had none.
Chico: Yep. Next Trio coming...

- Drew Carey
- Tyra Banks
- Meredith Vieira

These three all supplement their game show gigs with other gigs. So who's the busiest?

Gordon: Drew. Not only does he have 2 shows, he has shows completely out of his non-game show element and they are both huge cash cows for CBS.
Chico: You forgot one crucial thing. They both tape on opposite ends of the country.
Gordon: That too, but you don't even need that in the equation for Drew to have the busiest sched.
Chico: Yeah, but it's also worth noting. Take that, Tyra.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next..

- Why no one saw the Donatos as legitimate threats
- Where to put the Amazing Race on the schedule
- Putting together that damned Shrine of the Silver Monkey.

Which is the hardest to figure out?

Gordon: Why no one saw the Donatos as threats. They are the most open duo of the game. You know they are not going to vote each other out. It's funny - the first two votes were getting rid of Carol and Joe, 2 of the 3 dyads. They had to get rid of the third one, too, regardless of how likable they are, because they would come back to bite you - and they did.
Chico: I think I know why that came to pass... Seems like the jury members were playing two factions against each other and by the time Eric saw it, it was too late. So that said, and me thinking that Viva Laughlin's going to tank. I'm going to go with the monkey on this one.
Gordon: Well, why worry about a 2 some when you had to get rid of a 4 some? But after that, they had to get rid of a Donato and they didn't.
Chico: Take this adage into heart if you plan on becoming a hamster in the Big Brother house... "Kill the head, and the body will die."
Gordon: True - and they didn't. Next one?
Chico: Next...

- Dr. Phil...
- Jeff Probst...
- Me in the Papaya Cap.

Who is the best therapist?

Gordon: Has to be you, You're the therapist with the most. Do you need a bald head waxing, Dr. Chico?
Chico: No thanks. But I pale in comparison to Jeff, who has so far conducted therapy sessions out of Tribal Councils. Which, if you ask me, is kinda jacked up.
Gordon: Well, its not really therapy as much as it's truth digging.
Chico: Well, that's true.
Gordon: Jeff is trying to get the answers for us to delve into the psyche of the people. It's fun to watch.
Chico: Okay, on the other side...

- Any of the Bachelor's women.
- Chris "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE" Crocker.

Who is the most in NEED of therapy?

Gordon: I'd like to go off the board.
Chico: I'll allow it.
Gordon: The production company who gave Chris Crocker a TV contract.
Chico: ... That wins.
Gordon: One word. Why?
Chico: One more word. Because. People are dumb. Will watch anything. And finally...

- A singer on the X-Factor...
- A winner at the Lucky Case game...
- Any person on Crosswords that answers one question and wins...

The question... who's the luckiest of the three?

Gordon: Lucky Case Game. I've got more money than the Crosswords winner and didn't have to deal with cranky British judges to do it.
Chico: Yeah, but the singer would've died if it weren't for the judge.
Gordon: True. Lets make them both winners.
Chico: That works. Okay, that's Trios.
Gordon: After the break, we want to know, Chico, what you would do - and would not do
Chico: I'd stay tuned.
Gordon: Stay tuned - after the break

(Brought to you by Crocker's Markers. Chris will give you 3 markers with price tags attached to various Britney Spears items. You have to place them on the right itens. This week's items - a set of Britney Wigs, a dented umbrella, and her new CD which is already in the Bargain Bin. Can you put the Markers on the right prices?)