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Previous Episodes (Season 19)
September 1 - Bad Day for the Block/Full Circle/Push or Flush (1)

September 15 - One Million Dollars(*)/Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews/Push or Flush (2)

September 22 - How to Lose $500,000/Blame Game/Play the Percentages

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 9.3
September 29

Chico: No, we're never going to let you live that down, Ginger.
Jason: Heck no.
Chico: Welcome back to the show...
Gordon: This week, with the debuts of shows, has been strange. And that leads to people saying strange things.
Chico: Now we hear a lot of things around the TV... and we usually like to share the weirder ones in a segment we call...SayWHA?
Gordon: We'll get a quote. We ring in to say who said it and discuss. See if you guys can play at home or work. Shall we begin?
Chico: Yep.
Jason: Lets.
Gordon: First one...

"Jeff said they were in denial about being a really sucky tribe, and they didn't realize it until the next Tribal Council and they were like "Yeah we need to get our sh*t together." It's like, "Oh, well you should've thought about that while I was still around."

Jason: BUZZ
Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Michelle?
Gordon: That is correct
Chico: Gee, that was easy.
Gordon: The question. how sucky is Fang?
Chico: I'll go with "very", Gordon. We're one tribal away from a Pagonging.
Gordon: They can lose one more, but that's it. They better pray for a tribal swap real soon.
Jason: I was about to ask when was last the year a tribe got just manhandled?
Gordon: Ulong was the one that lost every single challenge.
Chico: That was just poor.
Gordon: Fang sort of looks similar to Ulong, doesn't it. Pagong.
Jason: It's looking that way. I see Chaos. I see trouble.
Chico: I see dead tribesmen.
Jason: Someone has to step up.
Gordon: So for all up and coming Survivor People: Don't start on a tribe whose last letters end in 'ng'. It could stand for not For Long.
Jason: It's amazing how one elementary school choice game can cause chaos.
Gordon: Next one...

"It was the first decision I made as a father...I cannot raise a child to lie or to hide things. I wasn't raised that way, and I'm not going to raise a child to do that."

Jason: BUZZ
Chico: (BUZZER!) Damn it.
Gordon: Jason again
Jason: That is Mr. Clay Aiken.
Gordon: That's true. He's gay. No one's shocked. How much of this is actually news-worthy?
Chico: Umm... 20%. Even that's a bit generous. In other news... water is wet, sky is blue, and that green button makes TV go now.
Jason: Honestly. It wasn't. I didn't care before. And I didn't care now. I am happy he is out. What will be newsworthy is when an AI Contestant is in the top 24 and out and proud.
Gordon: I'm happy he's confident about himself. I hope the public won't hold it against him. Next one...

"So what's it like? It's the coolest thing in the world. It's great...If I was just being here, buying a ticket, I would say, 'Oh it's OK, it's a good race.' But when you're a celebrity and the grand marshal and they give you the VIP treatment -- I wish this was a prize they could give away to the average person, or somebody could win this so they could get a police escort in, get to sit in the pit, get to hang out in the Presidential Suite with all The Price is Right models."

Gordon: Jason?
Jason: Drew Carey--about his NASCAR experience.
Gordon: Very good.
Jason: I saw him actually do it. He was a nutboy :)
Chico: A nutboy?
Jason: He is was SCREAMING the words "Gentlemen Start Your Engines."
Chico: Heh.
Gordon: Did I mention how glad I was that Jason wasn't here last week so I could win The Blame Game?
Chico: I see what you mean, G.
Jason: His face was almost purple.
Gordon: If only he could carry that same emotion with him when he hosts The Price is Right.
Chico: Heh. Next one?
Gordon: Next one...

“We think poker on Sunday night is a great way for viewers to end their weekend and begin their week. With High Stakes Poker and World Poker Tour, we’re proud to have the best poker in the world and we’re looking forward to establishing Sunday night on GSN as the home of poker on television.”

Chico: (BUZZER!)
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: GSN VP Kevin Belinkoff
Gordon: And Chico's on the board.
Jason: There you go.
Gordon: Funny he says this as GSN not only doesn't have the WPT Tour anymore, but it will be going to FOX - and debuting on Sunday nights. Coincidence?
Jason: Nope. In the words of Bugs Bunny. "Of course you realize this means war."
Chico: I think that's just the corporate way of saying, "We're going head to head against Fox instead of going with what works." Never mind that more people get FSN than do GSN.
Jason: And GSN is being incredibly short sighted. Can't we have TWO poker nights and be happy about it? Hmmm
Chico: My guess... corporate sabotage.
Jason: Dumb.
Chico: Wouldn't exactly be the first time this happened.
Jason: Not at all.
Gordon: And this is why GSN can't average over a 0.3 in the national ratings.
Jason: Yep.
Gordon: Next one...

"I want you guys, when you're singing, to think about an All-American Boy like Tyson Beckford or David Beckham."

Chico: *BUZZER!*
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: Michelle Williams, on MTV's Top Pop Group
Gordon: Correct.
Chico: Which would be accurate, except for one thing. David Beckham is about as American as Estelle.
Jason: Pretty much. Last time I checked, he still plays for the English National Team. (picks up copy of 4 -4 -2 magazine)
Gordon: last one...

"This isn't Survivor. You can't vote people off. The only way to get rid of them is to beat them off....that didn't sound too good"

Chico: GOT IT!
Gordon: Chico?
Chico: Dana White, president of UFC
Jason: That's a quote of the year. ROFL
Gordon: Good. This promises to be (according to them) the wildest season of UFC ever. Are you buying the hype?
Chico: Yeah.
Jason: I am.
Chico: All things considered.
Jason: They always know how to bring it.
Gordon: You already have 4 people in the house who are calling themselves smart-ass punks. Should be fun.
Chico: Oh yeah
Jason: Let's see what happens in the ring.
Gordon: And that's Say Wha? When we come back, we make the best out of a bad situation. Stay right there.

(Brought to you by Family Freud... where there is no such thing as an innocent answer.)

Jason: Holy id
Chico: There's also no such thing as a good answer. It's just ... Freudian.
Gordon: It's all in your mind.
Chico: Lots of slips.
Jason: Sometimes clothes...are just clothes.
Chico: Thanks, Jerry. Welcome back... and now, the news. Some of it bad.
Gordon: But sometimes, the news...can be fun.
Chico: For example..
Jason: Mets win 2-0
Gordon: Definitely bad news. (Waves Milwaukee banner)
Jason: lol
Chico: He likes Milwaukee.
Gordon: No. I hate the Mets. METS = My Entire Team Sucks. The good news - the Mets can be the first team to get knocked out of the regular season on the last game for the second straight year. Yay!
Chico: Just like that. So you won't miss Shea Stadium...
Gordon: ...Nope.
Chico: Didn't think so. Okay, if everyone's ready...
Jason: I am
Gordon: sure
Chico: He're we go...

The BAD news... Two people have lost out on the $500,000 on Deal or No Deal.

Chico: The good news... the banker gets meaner and meaner every time.
Jason: The Good News....NBC can spend more money on crappy remakes like Knight Rider 2008.
Gordon: The Good News: NBC can use the money for Ben Silverman's Golden Parachute Retirement plan.
Chico: See how easy that was?
Gordon: Easy. Next one...

The BAD news: The Bankrupt on Wheel of Fortune bit the contestants on last Friday's show TEN times.

Chico: The Good News... All of a sudden, the Whammy doesn't look so bad.
Jason: The Good News: The Whammy and the Bankrupt look like a nice new power couple.
Gordon: The Good News. At least 4 Bankrupts didn't end the game and Pat Sajak didn't have to scope out the audience to find new players.
Chico: Ha. Next...

The BAD news: Ted McGinley gets his walking papers early...

Gordon: The Good News: I think I saw Samara attaching herself to Ted when he left, avoiding any curses that DWTS would have.
Jason: The Good News: The Curse Continues.
Chico: The good news... we've saved DWTS!
Gordon: Yay! Next one...

The BAD News: Thanks to lawyers, and more lawyers, the judge has ruled that Project Runway does NOT have clearance to go to Lifetime, leaving the show in limbo between them and BRAVO.

Chico: The good news... this limbo period should be shorter than WPT's.
Gordon: The Good News: At least it now gives them more time to pick out a better cast than what we saw this past season.
Jason: The GOOD News: The judge ruled that Lifetime and Bravo have to fight it out in a knock down drag out fashion show. Winner takes all. The models...Hedda Lettuce and all the drag queens from earlier this season. Take that!
Gordon: That's fierce, Jay.
Chico: But how do you REALLY feel? =p
Jason: Can't you imagine it?
Chico: See, that's the thing. I CAN imagine it
Jason: The drag queens knocking it out in Bryant Park...while a judge and jury would be the coolest. Better than wasting the bucks the stupid lawyers are getting.
Chico: Next up...

The BAD news... Flavor of Love girls on Hole in the Wall this week.

Jason: The good news...this is the first time that the girls wont be having someone try to get into THEIR hole.
Chico: The good news... come on... we get to see Flavor of Love girls get injured.
Gordon: The GOOD News: We see the women do what they do best - probing and penetrating each other's holes.
Gordon: No bonus?
Chico: No bonus either.
Jason: I thought it was funny.
Gordon: Last one...

The BAD news... Inside The Box is averaging under a 1.0

Jason: The Good News: Crosswords is still off the air.
Chico: The Good news: We could still see Ryan Vickers on TV. He'll get on the TV somehow.
Gordon: The Good News: They may bring back the Best of Crosswords, and then we can see Joe Van Ginkel's episode on HIS BIRTHDAY! Happy birthday, Joe!
Chico: Yay! *confettis*
Jason: Happy 30th, Joe!
Chico: And with that, it's time for one more break before we hit the Fast Forward button.

(Brought to you by Battle of the Sexes: Model Wars! The women from America's Next Top Model go up against the Drag Queens from Project Runway to see who's the fiercest of them all! Isis hosts.)

Chico: It's gonna be a drag-out brawl.
Gordon: Since we don't want to drag the show out any further, it's time for...The Speed Round!
Chico: Survivor: who's next?
Jason: Ken The Video Game Dude.
Chico: I'll buy that.
Gordon: Susie if Fang goes again. Sugar if Koto goes for the first time.
Chico: How about dancing?
Gordon: Bye Kim. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way...too late.....
Jason: That's sounds right.
Gordon: AGT: Who wins?
Jason: I am sticking with my choice Nuttin But Strings
Chico: Same here. It's theirs to lose
Gordon: I'll stay with Eli Mattson.
Jason: How many of the 5 get deals?
Chico: 3
Gordon: 5
Jason: You think they all do?
Gordon: I think they all get deals. I don't think they are all successful.
Jason: Ah ha.
Gordon: If you said successful, I'd say 3 - but maybe not the 3 you'd think.
Chico: Maybe not.
Gordon: I think the 3 who would be successful would be Nuthin' But Strings, Eli Mattson...and Donald Braswell.
Jason: I agree with you on that.
Chico: I'll buy that for a dollar.
Jason: Braswell I can't stand...but he has a niche that fits.
Gordon: They all have niches they can fill. Queen Emily doesn't have the chops as most R&B singers and Neal E. Boyd is too one dimensional to go past a one song talent show. Do we have any mail, sir Chico?
Chico: Yes we do.
Gordon: Do tell.
Chico: This one from Alex Jennings. Thanks, Alex!

Alex Jennings

Dear WLTI-ites,

I seriously doubt there will be a non-asterisk million-dollar DOND win given the current format and contestant selection. The banker's too nice, and the contestants are personality/charity cases that--a few mostly unfortunate and woefully misguided exceptions aside--are not going to risk large sums of money when the offers start approaching expected value of the remaining cases, especially with only one big-money case left.

Either "the banker" is going to have to get much meaner when making offers, as in the UK version (which, even though it would likely make for better TV, would alienate a fair number of US viewers), or DOND has to have contestants who are not of the charity-case variety (I think some sort of contestant selection process a la Miljoenenjacht, the precursor to DOND, could help quite a bit).

To be honest, and I know I'm in a minority here, but I think DOND would work much better as a bonus round to a show that requires some, god forbid, intelligence? One can hope :-) Just my 45,000 Pounds (the final offer for the legitimate 250,000-pound winner of UK DOND)


Jason: I agree 100% on this letter. He is right on the money.
Gordon: I agree too. However, I also feel that the banker is purposely being nice so the contestants take the deal.
Chico: Oh yeah. After al, the point of the banker is to get you to take his money and go home, instead of... well, go for the money.
Gordon: He's mean enough to make them continue the show - and nice enough for them to bail out so they don't go all the way.
Jason: Right, G.
Chico: What we need is someone who has no remorse whatsoever.
Gordon: Who could that be (looks around)
Jason: Uh....right. :)
Chico: Hmm... No idea.
Gordon: ...fine, I'll do it. We have more Deal or No Deal mail. This one from Bobby McBride. Thanks, Bobby!

From: Bobby McBride

I'm sorry, Jessica Robinson and Michelle Falco, but I personally thought that Chelsea's game last Friday was the most exciting U.S. "Deal or No Deal" game I've ever seen!!!! With a $275K win coming so soon, I have a feeling the $500K's going out the door sometime during a sweeps period.

Jason: As we discussed...yes, it was exciting. But was it great...almost. And yes, the $500K will go out the door.
Chico: It'll take a while, though.
Gordon: Maybe it will. Maybe it won't. but I do think if it goes, it goes in November
Chico: Or February.
Gordon: I agree with Bobby that it was the most exciting game. That being said, you know that it SHOULD have been the first $500,000 win.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Jason: It was THIS close.
Gordon: Finally...shows on TV aren't the only thing that gets new seasons. We have season 2 of our favorite email show - but this time with a new writer.
Jason: Ah.
Chico: *plays "The Letter" by Joe Cocker*

The Letter.
Season 2.
Written by Josh Johannessen
Episode #1: Deal Or No Deal

We all know that you guys believe the Deal or No Deal syndie has a fair chance of giving away the big one in its first season, which would be something. We also know that the company is owned by NBC Universal, the same people who gave us the most anti-climatic ending in the history of game shows. So, here is my question. What is the percentage chance that NBC Universal will see fit to spoil the hell out of the episode, so that we know that someone has taken the big one at least...3 weeks ahead of time?

Jason: 3 weeks = 0% 2 weeks= 100%
Gordon: I actually think they won't spoil it that much. Keeping in mind that sunce its in a double run, they won't know exactly when that episode airs.
Chico: Nah. It'll be that week... if ever
Gordon: And with that, we're out of episode this week. Special thanks to Jason Block, for showing up.
Jason: Thank you as always.
Chico: Remember, we love your mail.
Gordon: or wltiongsnn at myspace.
Chico: Until next week, he's Gordon Pepper, I'm Chico Alexander, the show's WLTI... Game over... and spread the love.