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Previous Episodes (Season 23)
December 28 - 2009 YEAR IN REVIEW

January 11 - Love, WLTI Style / Resolutions / Push or Flush (2)

January 18 - The Mercury Retrograde / 6 Things We Think You Should Know / Push or Flush (3)

January 25 - Happiness & Heartbreak / Simon vs. Ellen / Push or Flush (4)

February 1 - Pants... Dance... Revolution / WLTI's Vs. / List Abuse

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 23.5 - Sweeps Clean-Up
February 8

Chico: We saw a few. There was Jackpot Bowling back in the day. Then there was Let's Bowl...And then there was Bowling Night.
Gordon: I want my bowling back.
Chico: Gordon wants his bowling back. Welcome back to WLTI. If it doesn't make you a better game show fan, you won't see it here. And part of being a better fan is knowing what you watch. Therefore, I present to you... What Your TiVo Says About You.
Gordon: That's very true. Especially with us in February Sweeps.
Chico: Let's start with an easy one...

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains.

Gordon: You are a historian and like reading up on tactics. You won't see any airheads here. These are all veteran players who know what to do to get ahead.
Chico: You're also doing research for the next season. Study up on the greats. See their game moves, watch their mistakes and avoid them. It's called homework.
Gordon: Or I'm a villain and I like to see villainy and good old-fashioned train wrecks.
Chico: ... and that's any different from you... how?
Gordon: It's not :D
Chico: Heh. Next up, G?
Gordon: Next one...

The Amazing Race

Chico: I have an appreciation for the world. I'm a traveler. I like to take all of the sights that the earth has to offer.
Gordon: I'm an adrenaline junkie and like good exciting racing shows.
Chico: Que nice.
Gordon: It's a fun show. next one?
Chico: Next..

The Newlywed Game Valentine's Saturday marathon.

Gordon: I've got a spouse/wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend/goat that I want to play along with, or watch people crash and burn and laugh at their expense.
Chico: AGREED on both accounts. I'm also a stickler for classic smut. The new classic smut.
Gordon: Actually, the old '3's a Crowd' is classic smut. Next one...

Shear Genius

Chico: I'm training to be at the forefront of aesthetic knowledge and skill. I know what it takes to look your best.
Gordon: I'm auditioning to be part of Season 3 of RuPaul's Drag Race.
Chico: Ha.
Gordon: It does serve a purpose to a lot of people (my mom for instance, when I grew up with the infamous bowl cut), but I think the show needs to be more mainstream and relatable to the average Joe.
Chico: True. I mean. You had the bowl cut. I looked like Buckwheat.
Gordon: And now you have the sheared wheat look.
Chico: ... That. Sounds. Dirty. =p "It's only bad if you are." I KNOW.
Gordon: Heh.
Chico: Next up...

Hidden Agenda.

Gordon: I'm related in some way or form to Debi Gutierrez and am taping every show so I can treasure this series, because I may not see her for a while after this.
Chico: "I'm an employee of GSN."
Gordon: Not for long if you keep airing these shows.
Chico: Say it again, louder!
Chico: Thank you.
Gordon: And again, we know GSN, you can do better. And Michael Davies, we know you can do better. We aren't bashing you for the sake of it. We just want GOOD shows.
Chico: We wouldn't be riding your ass if we didn't care so much.
Gordon: And we get mad because we know you can do better. I'd rather see Season 3 of Chain Reaction or Season 2 of Grand Slam (which I liked A LOT) than this.
Gordon: Finally...

The Bachelor: Molly and Jason's Wedding

I'm destined to die an old maid.
Gordon: Did you know that ABC, who is in control of the wedding list, is bringing in people from the past seasons of 'The Bachelor' who are going to pass themselves off as friends of Jason and Molly even though they have never met?
Chico: Wow. That comes to absolutely no surprise. And it's awkward.
Gordon: That makes it must see viewing for you, doesn't it, Chico?
Chico: Nope. It's "must-sleep-throughing."
Gordon: I think the wedding reception afterwards should be at your house. Quisla won't mind, right?
Chico: Actually, she would. The house can't hold that may hoes. How about your apartment?
Gordon: You've been in my apartment, you tell me.
Chico: Good point. On that note, I think it's time for a break. When we come back, Trios!
Gordon: Next!

(Brought to you by Soylent Library. This week, a group of frat boys will try a new taste treat... ice cream, cola, fries, and veggie burgers... blended together. Winners get cash. Losers... well, we can't say what happens to the losers.)

Gordon: All I have to say is watch out for that Greek Special Sauce.
Chico: Heh.
Gordon: It's time for some Trios. Choices of 3, and select the best answer.
Chico: Right
Gordon: First one...

Howard Stern, Diddy, Tommy Mottola

Gordon: Forget the Media. Who's your choice for next American Idol judge?
Chico: Tommy Mottola. He's got the know how and it just makes sense with the whole Sony BMG connection
Gordon: I would say Stern, because he can be a very good critique artist, but I think after the whole Sanjaya mess (and that he tried to get people to vote him through), I don't think Idol will touch him. I think the best choice is Diddy, but I think they will go with Mottola. Next one?
Chico: Next one...

The final 9 in Lucky 7, Box 2 or 9 in That's Too Much, or the ambiguous prize copy.

Chico: We're not going to debate whether or not there's active fixing on TPIR, but if we were, what would be the dirtiest trick in the book?
Gordon: Not box 6 or 9? :(
Chico: Sorry, G.
Gordon: The Prize Copy. It can mislead you to whether a gift is more or less expensive.
Chico: Right on. I mean, it's not a trick if you can pinpoint it. The prize copy is a wild card and indeed the dirtiest of the tricks of a show in budget mode.
Gordon: And the final 9 on Lucky 7 and Box 2 or 9 on That's Too Much aren't tricks. It's patterns, like what you see on 10 Chances (last number is a 0). These are things that can help you win if you're prepared for it.
Chico: Right on.
Gordon: Next one...

Richard Hatch, Ethan Zohn, Johnny Fairplay

Gordon: None of them are in Survivor: Heroes Vs. Villains. Which one of them would you want to see there?
Chico: Hatch. He was the standard bearer. And besides, I want to see how he gets on with the others.
Gordon: I agree. The first time you did the show, it was an 'All-Star' edition, and the strategy was 'lets get rid of the people who already won'. But with almost everyone now in the Top 2 or 3, I think the mentality is a lot different. I think you could see a winner in another season repeat here.
Chico: Right on.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next up...

Price Is Right, Password, Match Game 73.

Chico: DVDs are out. What are you getting for the game show fan in your life?
Gordon: Match Game 73. Not just because it's a great game show, but the humor would fly more now and there'd be more relevancy for the non-game show fan than the others.
Chico: I'll agree here. I mean, the show is WAY underrated.
Gordon: And again, if I'm GSN, and I want to remake something, that would be a very good place to start.
Chico: And you know, a lot of people like the humor. And it's a blank slate, so why the hell not?
Gordon: Yep. next one...

We Are The World, Do They Know It's Christmas, Hands Across America

Gordon: Since we're on helping Haiti and Simon Cowell coming up with hit songs, what's the best charity song?
Chico: Have to go to Do They Know It's Christmas, with We Are The World a CLOSE second.
Gordon: I agree. Again. That's actually the only good non-clicheic song in the group.
Chico: And you know, you don't even have to play it around Christmastime exclusively.
Gordon: That's true, though we hear it there all the time. Last one?
Chico: Last one...

Valpak mail, a hotline, or a scratchie.

Favorite mode of game show sweepstakes.
Gordon: Scratchie. I won a Wheel of Fortune package that way ;)
Chico: I've won $10 on a TPIR scratchie that just came out down here.
Gordon: There you go.
Chico: And it's the easiest.
Gordon: The Speed Round is easy too.
Chico: Not that we condone that sort of thing for you all out there. We do it because we're addicts :-)
Gordon: Yay, addicts!
Chico: And yay Speed Round. That's next!

(Brought to you by Sweating to the Oldies: The Game Show. It's Dance Your Ass off, but with Richard Simmons! Who couldn't use a little Richard Simmons in their life?)

Chico: I got my Disco Sweat right here.
Gordon: I've got a headband around here somewhere.
Chico: Welcome to the 80s, dude. Okay, we're running low on time. What say we kick it up to a Speed Round?
Gordon: Let's do it. Survivor: You've seen the players. Who gets jettisoned first?
Chico: If it's me, I get rid of Russell first. But since it isn't, I say Candice gets her walking papers first.
Gordon: I think Russell goes first., he's going to be a threat early and neutralized in a mix of Alpha Dogs.
Chico: Amazing Race. Same question.
Gordon: The middle aged relationship ladies. It's a nice story, but they need more here.
Chico: Right on. Any mail?
Gordon: We got mail from Bob Levi. Thanks, Bob!

FROM: Bob Levi

Nice recap of Friday's Jeopardy game. The reason I found your website is that Lindsay Eanet is my granddaughter and I search occasionally to see what's new with the College Championship games. Go Tigers!


Chico: Thanks for the kind words, Bob. You'll want to keep tabs the rest of the week. We're kicking it up a notch for semis and finals. Not only the what, but the why. Isn't that right, G?
Gordon: Very true. This is from Paul Reese. Thanks, Paul!

FROM: Paul Reese

Since you brought it up briefly in List Abuse this week, let's chat on the chamber and the chair. Both strong premises on paper, both with critical flaws:

The Chair – unsustainably high win ratio. Three top prize winners, two of which were grand champions, in about half a season's worth of shows. And near the end, the producers ran out of gas for heartstoppers. I had really high hopes for Johnny Mac, and he seemed to actually evolve as a host (not to mention that Chris Kattan's impression post-cancellation on SNL was fantastic).


Chico: Hmm. True.

FROM: Paul Reese

The Chamber – an excellent premise and decent execution minus the waiver hype, but a virtually unknown host that added little if anything at all to the game. And, of course, the question concerning Neil Armstrong where the contestant actually gave the correct answer but did not receive a properly timed response and went on to give what was ruled as an incorrect answer.

The Cube – with much of the intrigue that surrounds Solitary, I'm really pulling for this show. Pushing contestants to physical and psychological limits seems to add elements of interest. I'd just like to see CBS invest in the program and give NPH the chance to develop his hosting persona more than FOX invested in the Chamber and ABC in the Chair.


Chico: I have a theory about that one. CBS picks it up for summer. It breaks out. Fox copies it.
Gordon: Am I the only person in the world that doesn't see how The Cube isn't going to have longevity?
Chico: To answer your question.... yes.
Gordon: Ok. So if you want to send us mail saying how wrong I'm going to be about The Cube, where are they sending it to?
Chico: They're sending it to wlti@gameshownewsnet.com. Or you can find us on Facebook, or MySpace, or YouTube, or stuff like that there.
Gordon: Sounds good. And that ends the show. Special tanks to no one in particular, since it's just Me and Chico today.
Chico: Next week, we go over the Race and the Survivor. Be here for that. Until then, for Gordon and everyone at Game Show Newsnet, thanks for being the most important part of WLTI. I'm Chico Alexander... Game over, and spread the love! :-)