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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

January 7 - This Was Supposed to Be Our Week Off!/Say Wha?/Push or Flush (1)

January 14 - Take Four Capsules/Good News, Bad News/Push or Flush (2)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 17.3
January 21

Jason: I can take Pickler. I know I can take Pickler.
Chico: I know you can take Pickler, you pre-vert. :-)
Jason: I was talking about a competition of brains and skill.
Gordon: I bet he'd like to pickle Pickler
Chico: In a mental fight, yeah.
Gordon: If you were a blackboard, would you chalk her?
Chico: And then... ... Welcome back. You ever watch Idol this week and wonder "What Were You Thinking?"
Jason: Oh yeah.
Chico: Guess what... so did we. So here's what we're going to do. I'm going to give you a name, and their claim. You tell us... what the hell were you thinking?
Jason: Got it.
Chico: We're going to start with an easy one.

Renaldo Lapuz, the guy in Dallas who dressed in silver and thought that Simon was the second coming.

Jason: He was trying to get a deal with Reynolds Aluminum to use his song in a commercial.
Gordon: are my friend...we are all friends...the money from making my first album is my friend...William Hung is my friiiieeeennnnnnnd...'
Jason: Is everyone your friend?
Gordon: 'George Washington , Abraham Lincoln, we are all friends.'
Chico: Are the WLTI guys your friends, Renaldo?
Gordon: Sure you are - give me money. Buy my song.
Chico: How about no.
Chico: Is no good for you?
Gordon: are not my brother. But Simon is my brother. Simon loves me. Simon put me on TV, so I can make friends with George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
Chico: Good on you, Renaldo. Okay, next?
Gordon: Next one...

Drew Carey, after watching someone bid $10,900 on a Spa in the Box

Chico: "I better get on the horn to the ComfortSpa guys. They might want to go talk to this guy."
Jason: "Now I know how Bob feels. Am I going to deal with that level of idiocy for 35 years?"
Gordon: I wonder if I can convince this guy to put down a few G's on my new Seattle Soccer team'
Jason: Gordon wins. I was trying to get that in there.
Gordon: Thanks. Next one?
Chico: Next up...

Alexis Cohen, the hippie chick from Philadelphia who called Simon... very very bad words.

Jason: "Gee, even if I fake the fact that I am nuts...I can get on TV...and it worked! Bwhahahahah!"
Gordon: Maybe I can find Sunshine that hippie chick and we can get a band going. We can call ourselves 'The Trippers'
Jason: Oh yeah...from last year, I remember her. She was 15 shades of crazy.
Gordon: She was on American Idol...and 1 Vs. 100...and The Tyra Banks Show.
Chico: "Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! Take it! TAKEITTAKEITTAKEIT! Hey... I could get into voice actressing!"
Gordon: Next one...

Ty Treadway, after watching the latest one answer winner on Crosswords

Chico: "Love you? I hardly even know you!"
Jason: "I love these people. Let the smart guys do the work. And then this one answer guy wins...and our budget stays low."
Gordon: 'I wonder if this is how Bob Barker started'
Chico: That was a simple one. Next...

Star Wars fans after seeing Ben Harr and Christina Tolisano try out. Christina was Leia before episode 6. Ben was Leia... AFTER.

Jason: It was good to see Jabba the Hutt get work after all those years again.
Gordon: 'My stomach just went over to the dark side'
Chico: That's it. I'm switching over to Galactica.
Gordon: Would you settle for a Time Lord?
Chico: Maybe. One more for the show?
Gordon: Last one...

Chico Alexander making plans for his 28th Birthday (Happy Birthday, Chico!)

Chico: I'm going to let you two take this one first
Jason: "Please Let Keira Knightley respond to my invite....PLEEEEEEEAAAASSSSSSSEEEE!!!!"
Gordon: Let's see. Singing in my Boxing Shorts to wake up my brother...check. Treating my sister Quisla to some Idol...check. Bothering the heck out of Gordon by waking him up at 5am when I get out of work...check.
Jason: rofl
Chico: So what was I really thinking?
Jason: yeah
Gordon: What were you thinking, Chico?
Chico: "I love it when former Spanish students sing to me."
Jason: Really?
Chico: Long story. Not going into it here.
Jason: lol
Gordon: Nothing ruins a segment like an in-joke :P
Chico: We'll make it up to you. In fact, here's one for you to play with. This is to the fans. The best responses finds their way up here next week.

Paul Marturano... Paula Abdul's stalker audition

What was he thinking?
Your name:
Your e-mail:
(we don't spam. We promise)

Chico: Give us your best reason/excuse/alibi, and you may see it in print right here.
Gordon: Best ones get their name here - just like what we're about to do from last week's. I'll give you the top 3. You tell me which one you like the best
Jason: This was Good News/Bad News
Gordon: Yes. Now Chico, what was the bad news?
Chico: The bad news... Thanks to the writers' strike, there's no Golden Globes
Gordon: Here's the top 3 choices

#1.... The Good News - American Gladiators doesn't get pre-empted

#2.... The Good News - We don't get to see The Golden Globe Awards.

#3.... The Good News - Thanks to the Writer Strike, that's four hours of your life you actually DID get back.

Gordon: Select your favorite.
Jason: I like them all, but #3 more
Chico: #3!
Gordon: No fence sitting. you only get one choice, Jason.
Gordon: Ok. Let's see who you didn't select #1 was...Tyrone Allen. #2 was...Mike Klauss. #3, and the winner is...Rob Hoffman. Congratulations Rob. And also congratulations to Tyrone and Teacher K for getting here.
Chico: THE Rob Hoffman?
Gordon: I don't know if it's THE Rob Hoffman. But it's A Rob Hoffman. But if it's THE Rob Hoffman, we like your stuff :)
Chico: A Rob Hoffman is good enough for us. Thanks, Rob!
Gordon: Coming up, just when you think it's safe to put the plungers's not. We do this for an unprecedented 4th week - right after this.

(Brought to you by Chico's Chili and Chimichangas. Her on Chico's birthday, we give out Chili, Chicken, Chimichangas and anything else starting with 'Chi' all at Grizzlebees! You wish you had less fun!)