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Hell's Kitchen
Season 6
8p ET Tuesdays

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If you can't stand the heat, you're not going to last long in Gordon Ramsay's kitchen.

Recaps by Chico & Quisla Alexander, GSNN

Host Gordon Ramsay
Sous Chefs Scott Liebfried
Heather West
Maitre d' Jean Philippe Susilovic
Announcer Jason Thompson
Creator Optomen Productions
EP Arthur Smith
Kent Weed
Packager A. Smith & Co. Productions
ITV Studios
Origins Century Studios, Los Angeles
Airs 8p Tues, Fox
Available In High-Definition Where AvailableStreaming Online

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

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13 Chefs Compete
August 4

Last week, tensions came to a head when Joseph was ejected from the competition after challenging Chef Ramsay to a beatdown. The guys lost the teamwork challenge by one dish, but came back in the dinner service. On the back of such a strong performance, no one was eliminated, but over the course of the round, Dave and Kevin were BOTH injured. Is this the march of the walking wounded?

The chefs retire for the night. Lovely and Tennille still have the capacity to drag down the red team, says Suzanne. Tennille says that she's about to slap Suzanne in the mouth. On the other side, the men almost lost thanks to Andy.

The next morning, Ramsay says that everyone has to learn to work together. On that, he pairs up the kitchen thusly for the next challenge:

- Tennille & Suzanne
- Van & Andy
- Robert & Jim
- Ariel & Sabrina
- Kevin & Dave
- Tek & Lovely

Amanda sits out. The challenge... 1) make six sausages six inches each, and 2) not make a dirty joke out of it. The first team to create six chains of six sausages six inches in length (C-Note: six... six... six... Ah, I get it) wins the challenge. Ladies are on the board first. Men follow suit, but the ladies are flying through their sausages. Kinda can't help but be embarrassed. All of the teams have produced except Robert & Jim. On the backs of that, the men lose to the ladies, 6-4.

Men will be cleaning the dorms. From top to bottom. The women will be heading to an Oktoberfest-like party at the Old World Village.

Robert and Kevin come to blows over their failure to produce, but Robert's madder at himself than anything else. While they start scrubbing, the women head out to have sausages and beer, complete with oompah band. 

Back at the dorms, Kevin doesn't fault Robert. He doesn't like to lose, especially since last season he almost died for this f'ing s. Scott says that sort of intensity needs to come out at challenges and services instead of punishment.

The blue team is basically coming off of a low, while the red team is coming off of a high. Dave goes back to the dorm to take a call about his wrist. He has to be in a long-arm cast for a fracture for a period of two weeks. He goes to tell Ramsay of the news, to which he tells him to choose whether or not he's going to continue in the competition. He decides to stay in, but first... he's gotta get that thing in a cast.

Tonight's service will include greeters. For the ladies, Ariel. For the guys, Jim.

"Jean Philippe... Open Hell's Kitchen!"

You never know who's going to show up... for example... you could have three game show hosts (John O'Hurley, Drew Lachey, and Tom Green), one rap star-turned-actor (Chris "Kid" Reid of Kid'n'Play), and one Lady Heather (Melinda Clarke of "CSI")... or a skating celeb (Kristy Swanson)... or an NFL player (Dwight Freeley). The greeters will be serving amuse bouche appetizers, and no other food will leave the kitchen before that. So they've got to be fast. Too bad for Jim, because he's being slow. The Blue Team don't know where he is until Ramsay calls for him. They find him, and now the cooking can begin, as Suzanne tries to help Tennille out... by getting in her way. Food's now making its way to the dining room... but Johnny O's food is coming back to the kitchen due to being salty. Tek starts to panic on her station, and Tennille comes to help.

Robert will try to get his redemption on, and he's impressed Ramsay and himself. Blue diners are finally getting their apps out, while Red diners are starting to get their entrees. Unfortunately, Lovely is lost on her station. The blue station is being held up by Jim's speed. Kevin's fish is cooked perfectly while Andy's is not even hot... and his lamb is no better. He can say that Robert's throwing him under the bus... Ramsay says he's too loud. Truth is.. Andy's not really performing. Robert pleads with him not to be "that guy" tonight.

And neither is Lovely. She's drawing more blanks than an episode of Match Game.

For Andy... third time's a charm. For Suzanne... not so much. It's costing her team time.

And Dave is still in the hospital. The blue kitchen falls apart, while Dave makes a return. No time for small talk. Time for dessert. Two hours into service... and three tickets left on both kitchens. Blue team is down to their last table... and a raw chicken. And crappy pasta on the red. This is going to come down to inches...

Winner of this service... BLUE TEAM! Clear down and get the desserts outta here.

Now the big question... why did the red team lose? Suzanne wants a "play-by-play". They lost on the sides...Simple. But Sabrina covered it all, so she will nominate two people for elimination. Lovely did mess up, but Tek completely broke down. Both of them are going up.

This is third time for Lovely. She says that she's moving as quick as she can. Tek says that she just loves food, she's a creator, and she's a leader.

But Suzanne gets called out. She's not shy of an opinion. Ramsay wants to know what she thinks. She says... LOVELY. Ramsay agrees. Lovely was anything but, and she's going home.

"If people were named for their cooking, her name wouldn't be Lovely; it would be Useless."

Next service, something is going to change. This will be important for all of the chefs remaining. What is it? Stay tuned.

To see this episode in its entirety, go to