American Idol
Season 4
Catch it: 8p ET Fox Tuesdays and 9p ET Fox Wednesdays

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In the world's ultimate talent search - where the eyes of a nation are upon the best undiscovered singers in the country, where the audience has the power to make or break you, and where a million-dollar recording contract is on the line, there is only one rule: If you can sing it, bring it.

Is your favorite still in the running? Check out the Idol Set List!

Recaps by Chico Alexander & Gordon Pepper, GSNN


Host: Ryan Seacrest
Judges: Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
Creator: Simon Fuller (based upon "Pop Idol")
EP: Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Simon Fuller
Packager: 19 Entertainment, FremantleMedia North America
Airs: Tuesdays at 8pm ET and Wednesdays at 9pm ET on Fox

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Round of 3: Judge's Choice" - May 17-19

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and I'm feeling...lonely.
Jason: (in Bobby Vinton's Voice) I'm Mr. Lonely...
Gordon: With three people in the AI Finals, there are 3 people here.
Gordon: Joining is my male colleague in crime, Jason Block.
Jason: Good evening.
Gordon: Also joining is my female partner in crime, Rachel Kadushin.
Rachel: I didn't do it!
Gordon: Did you vote?
Jason: For Bush, yes. For Bo, Carrie or Vonzie... no :)
Gordon: Well, then you didn't do it. What happens if your favorite loses by a vote?
Jason: We will never know due to the non release of vote totals. :)
Rachel: I watched. I've had trouble with the voting from my phones.
Jason: And besides, the top 2 in my opinion were obvious :)
Rachel: I think that based on the judges reactions last night all three of the finalists will have their own albums by the fall if not this summer.
Gordon: Since it's sooooo anti-climactic, we'll start with Safe.... or.... Trouble.
Jason: Ok.
Gordon: We'll start with the safest person. This is the person who is NOT leaving tonight. This is also the person who will get no points for you if they
are out tonight.
Jason: Bo.
Gordon: Bo.
Rachel: Bo.
Gordon: Chico says Bo. Anthony also says Bo.
Gordon: Next up...the semi-safe person. This is the person who could be
leaving, so you get a semi-safe 3 points for it. Who's semi-safe?
Jason: Carrie.
Gordon: Carrie.
Rachel: I'm going with Vonzell -- she's a better performer than Carrie.
Jason: Oh wow.
Gordon: Anthony says....Carrie. Chico says...Vonzell. FINALLY - who's out? If you are right here, you get 6 points for this person.
Rachel: This call is hard, but we got to pick one.
Jason: Vonzell.
Gordon: Vonzell.
Rachel: Carrie.
Gordon: Anthony says Vonzell is leaving. Chico says that...Carrie is.
Jason: Interesting :)
Gordon: Chico isn't here tonight, but last night, we has a lovely discussion between Chico and Jason.
Rachel: ...yeah?
Gordon: Would you care to relive the conversation?
Jason: Go for it.
Gordon: Ok.
Jason: Roll the footage please :)

Chico: It's pretty obvious that Carrie is leaving this week
Jason: Yes, you are smoking big time crack.
Chico: soyouthinki'moncrack, huh
Jason: What show did you watch tonight?
Chico: Ya think I'm just Tyrone Biggums, huh?
Gordon: Did he find Bo's stash and give it to you?
Chico: Like "Hmm, Peanut butter and crack" huh?
Jason: I think you weren't paying attention. This is a lock. Bo-Carrie. Put
the house on it.
Chico: Alright, but I'm bout to move up to the east side on that. You know
who Vote For The Worst is endorsing to win?
Jason: Bo?
Chico: Carrie.
Gordon: I think they're endorsing the wrong person, if you ask me.
Chico: I think they're dead on.
Jason: You are such a Carrie Hater.
Chico: And for good reason, she's stiff as a pole with two protrusions
stapled to it.
Jason: Good God Man, you are a true hater.
Chico: I am not the only one. I live with two others and both agree with me.
Jason: They are all wrong.
Chico: Did I mention that one of them has predicted the final two right for
three years?
Jason: Doesn't mean a thing. After what I heard tonight....(and my ears are clean) Bet the house. I am sticking to my guns.
Chico: You get that, Gordon?>
Gordon: Got it
Jason: Either I am going to be proven right, or the biggest idiot on GSNN :)
Chico: I vote for idiot :-D
Jason: It's all good, dawg. Nothing personal.


Jason: That is what you call a disagreement of opinion :)
Gordon: You've had 24 hours to think about it. Still agree with your argument?
Jason: I absolutely do. Carrie-Bo. Bet the House. They were all very good,
but Bo and Carrie stepped it up big time. Bo and Carrie have locked record
deals. How many of the final 12 do you think will get record deals?
Gordon: 8 of them.
Rachel: Really?
Jason: 8? Who?
Gordon: You have to remember in Idol 3, they almost all got contracts - even John Stevens got a contract and released a single. So the question really is - who isn't going to get one?
Rachel: Tell us guru Gordon...
Gordon: I would think that all of them but Lindsey, Mikalah, Scott, and Jessica.
Rachel: I don't know I think Jessica could...maybe even Scott, but I don't know much about record business choices.
Gordon: So who do you think wouldn't get one?
Rachel: Right now, Just Lindsey ... too ordinary in her performance, I think. Even Mikalah might be able to sell a single to the teen audience, being one herself.
Gordon: Scott has talent - but not the attitude or the temperance and people don't want to take risks on a livewire
Jason: And Mikalah has no voice.
Gordon: Mikalah, with a few years growth, could be a great classical singer.
Rachel: Does the top 12 album feature any solo songs?
Jason: 1. Independence Day - Carrie Underwood
2. I Don't Want to Be - Bo Bice
3. Best of My Love - Vonzell Solomon
4. House Is Not a Home - Anwar Robinson
5. You Don't Have to Say You Love Me - Nadia Turner
6. Part-Time Lover - Nikko Smith
7. My Funny Valentine - Constantine Maroulis
8. Total Eclipse of the Heart - Jessica Sierra
9. Everytime You Go Away - Anthony Fedorov
10. Against All Odds (Take a Look at Me Now) - Scott Savol
11. Knock on Wood
12. God Bless the Child - Mikalah Gordon
13. When You Tell Me That You Love Me - Group

Gordon: Not exactly the songs that I would have picked, but oh well.
Jason: This is the latest CD. - Showstoppers Season 4
Rachel: I thought it would be mainly their group songs. I wonder if they'll
have to sing those songs during the concert.
Rachel: Actually, I thought Against all Odds was a pretty good choice for
Scott. Though the original still gets air play as is. Also thought -remembering - Eclipse of the Heart - was a good one for Jessica.
Jason: Scott is for lack of a better term, lower class. He won't make it.
Gordon: I am impressed that they put all 12 idols on the CD.
Rachel: I thought it would be mostly their group songs.
Jason: They were trying to showcase the best moments of each Idol candidate.
Rachel: But they really, really want to say they have a "single" for each
one. I guess.
Gordon: Lets spotlight the three people left - and see how thy could be safe - or out...Lets start with....Vonzell Solomon. How is she going to be safe?
She could be safe if the voters ignored Carrie's performance and gave her slack for her nervousness.
Jason: Her voice was ok but her performance was good. She WAS having fun.
Gordon: She was having fun, but she was clearly outsung. Next up...Carrie Underwood. How does she survive?
Rachel: I think that if people are watching for performance, they'll agree
that Carrie's moves have hardly become less wooden the whole time of the show - she was best when sitting still in Crying ... so that on stage you want someone more.
Rachel: More exciting and having fun... so voting for Vonzell. Carrie will survive based on her belting the second parts of her songs and her very nice first half of Crying.. and being blonde.
Jason: Carrie survives because she sang lights out for Roy Orbison.
Gordon: Playing Devil's Advocate, that does mean that there would be no R&B presence in the finals for the first time ever. Is the largest contingency of American Idol voters going to get shut out?
Jason: Yes.
Rachel: Bo can do R&B .. he auditioned with Soul music.
Gordon: When you see Bo, you don't think R&B You think Rock. Carrie -  Country. Vonzell - R&B
Rachel: Vonzell - Pop .... Carrie - stiff Bo - versatile.
Jason: Carrie- Country. Bo Rock. Vonzell Soul.
Gordon: So in Summary....
Gordon: Safe - Bo, Maybe - Carrie, Doomed - Vonzell.
Jason: Safe Bo - Maybe Carrie - Doomed Vonzell.
Gordon: Chico - Safe - Bo, Maybe - Vonzell, Doomed - Carrie.
Jason: And we are live! 2 go through to the final...and one goes home. Ryan is in his casual yet sporty look tonight.
Gordon: The crowd, as a surprise from yesterday, gets a special showing of Star Wars 3.
Jason: Lucky!
Gordon: Let's see, Idol is on FOX. The Star Wars feature is run by...what movie studio again?
Jason: Uh....Fox.,..:L)
Gordon: NEPOTISM! Wheeeeee. It's time to see what the Idolers did with their trips to home that they won last week. First up - Vonzell Solomon.
Jason: We see Vonzell's home trip. Vonzell goes to work in a limo, a CD signing, a trip on a $4M yacht to Centennial Park in Ft. Myers and the Key to the City. Vonzell sings Chain of Fools...Again...:(
Gordon: Aieeeee How many times will she sing that song?
Jason: =o
Gordon: Ford commercial time. The commercial was actually
Jason: Fun. Bo's time at home now. Lynyrd Skynyrd greets Bo at his hotel. A cute girl tells him NOT to cut his hair and he gets a key to the city of Helena, Alabama.
Gordon: And he's at a loss for words and starts to cry. Awwww.
Jason: He jams with Lynyrd Skynyrd. Lucky boy.
Gordon: That is...sweet Bo does the smart thing and for his song, goes back to a cappella.
Jason: This was the performance that will get him into the finals.
Gordon: He's actually doing it better now than last night, if that was at all
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: He gets a screaming crowd. What would happen if BO was the one leaving?
Jason: Riots. Blood. Roman Theatre.
Gordon: Lions and gladiators?
Rachel: Well, he did show a moment of nerves on camera for the first time. He had a moment both in the reunion film and right before the commercial. That's good though. makes him human, less perfect.
Jason: We really should just crown Bo now. He has it all.
Gordon: Carrie's visit is next.
Jason: And Carrie' goes back to the performance that will get HER into the
Finals. "Crying" by Roy Orbison.
Rachel: Actually, Carrie wasn't as good tonight. She was trying to do what
the record exec told her and she lost the sweatiness she had last night. Her
clothes and make up though were very nice! I rather like the contrast with Bo's more relaxed California surfer look tonight with the sandals and the Indian shirt.
Gordon: Tomorrow - don't forget the worst auditions ever.
Jason: Uh no... :) Ok here we go...37M votes.
Gordon: We have Ryan speaking to all 3 competitors. The person leaving
Jason: WOO HOO! Chico is toast!
Gordon: And Jason Block is calling up Chico as we speak.
Jason: Sending him XL Crow.
Gordon: We get Vonzell's Bye-Bye Video.
Jason: What are they singing now?
Gordon: They are all singing 'United We Stand' as Ryan calls it poignant - like they didn't already schedule the song to be sung.
Jason: lol
Gordon: Vonzell hits those high notes as she sings to the judges. Too bad she didn't do this yesterday.
Rachel: And a quick cut at the end away from her arm-pit. lol.
Gordon: Let's get a point count...

Gordon - 38.5,
Jason - 33,
Anthony - 32.5,
Chico - 30.5,
Joe - 25,
Michelle - 22
Rachel - 20.5,

Jason: Chico is toast!
Gordon: So as Jason continues to dance around Chico, this is Gordon Pepper, wishing you all a good night as we head to the finals
Jason: Good night.

Ahem... JASON... We're not done yet. Because I know you love to dance, you can dance to this...


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