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Previous Episodes (Season 22)
September 7 - Season Fun-ale / Place Bets Now! / Push or Flush (1)

September 14 - Calendar Boys / Roleplay / Push or Flush (2)

September 21 - Chico & Gordon's Economic Stimulus / Pineapple / Good News, Bad News

September 28 - Just Men! / Saywha? / Extreme Gameover

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 22.4
October 5

Gordon: (Comes out of the shower). I just got out of my green slime costume. Still haven't figured out where the mint came from.
Chico: *sniffs the bucket* Came from the bucket. Someone put mouthwash in the recipe.
Gordon: I blame Jason for that.
Chico: That sounds about right.
Chico: Welcome back. If you're just joining us, Gordon's watching the premiere of LMAD. I still have to wait a few hours.
Gordon: It's a fun debut so far, so it's not very wrong right now. So while we figure that out, we'll be discussing 15 shades of wrong. Chico, start up the Wrong-O-Meter.
Chico: Starting up the wrong-o-meter with...

The fact that one team on the Race packed up their suitcases for a round-the-world trip...and never leave Los Angeles.

Gordon: 11. I HATE this idea. If I'm a contestant and have to rearrange my schedule for 2 months, and then not even get a chance to run a lap? It's bush. The team of Eric and Lisa becomes the first team to voluntarily leave the show, electing not to go to Elimination Station and travel to India instead, and I can't say I blame them. That's a lame stunt.
Chico: Indeed. And bollocks to CBS for changing what didn't even need to be changed... and then hyping it up like it's a big deal. 14. For the historical context given by my partner... That averages to... beepityboppityboo... 13... EVERYBODY PANIC.
Gordon: AHHHHHHHH!!!!!
Chico: That's some good panicking.
Gordon: But I bet we have more that could TOP that.
Chico: You think so?
Gordon: I do actually :)
Chico: Uh-oh...
Gordon: Next one...

The Evil that is Russell on Survivor. Boo, evil.

Chico: I'm certain he is the Devil Incarnate.... or he's just playing the game. either way, it's an 8.
Gordon: I think he's a shrewd gameplayer. He's evil, but I think he's going about it in a very clever way, not like a Dick Donato way, but a Evil Richard Hatch way, and I think that will work here. So not that wrong. 5.
Chico: That translates to a... dingalingalingaling.... 7. Wrong. Just plain old wrong.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next one..

All these episodes of 5th Grader coming at us at once.

Gordon: It's not wrong, but it's both a pain in the ass to recap and a bad sign from FOX to water down their product. I understand that you don't turn down money when you can, but this is a good way to see the ratings go down and ensure not seeing a season 2. It gets an 8 from me.
Chico: Agreed. And I did the math over the week. If this continues, we'll be out of new episodes in less than two months. 8 is about right. So it's wrong, ... and a pain in the ass. Next?
Gordon: Next one...

The Cube Vs. Perfect 10 wars.

Chico: Can we graph these separately? On one hand, NBC has been working on Perfect 10 for years it seems. So that isn't too wrong. On the other hand... The Cube is basically... reactionary. I wanted to see the Cube in America... but not like this. So I'll go with a 10 on this.
Gordon: I hate it when this happens. All it does is dilute both products and the ensuing ratings. 10. We agree a lot this episode.
Chico: Scary. Next...

George Takei and his celebrity friends are going to be on the October 13th edition of the Newlywed Game. If you're keeping score at home, that's the SECOND episode of the new season.

Gordon: You always grace a new season with the fluff episodes. I have no problems with it. 1.
Chico: Finally. I disagree with Gordon on something!
Gordon: Aha!
Chico: Usually if you roll out the very-special-episodes, it means you don't have faith in your product as it is. This gets a 10.
Gordon: Id rather see it and get it out of the way now. Besides, I don't think it will hurt the ratings of the second most popular show on GSN.
Chico: So we average... a 6. Finally?
Gordon: Finally...

A dancer wears flesh covered tights on So You Think You Can Dance. Unfortunately, when she danced, because it was flesh covered, people all over the world thought they were seeing a va-jay-jay. The predictable chaos ensues.

Chico: 15. Shouldn't've been an issue.
Gordon: 15. If you're a dancer, what the heck are you thinking by wearing something that would make you think you're seeing a Va-Jay-Jay? It's a 15-er for me.
Chico: So to her lady business.... EVERYBODY PANIC.
Gordon: Va-Jay-Jay terror!!!!!
Chico: Run people! It's a fleeting hoo-hah!
Gordon: Why do you think the public acts like that?
Chico: Truth be told.. jealousy insecurity...They're not really flattered by the sight of someone else's when they have their own little problem. It goes back to all women hating each other.
Gordon: What's up with you talking about women hating each other?
Chico: I'm just analyzing the chaos that ensues.
Gordon: Can you analyze MIPCOM?
Chico: I can and will... After the break!

(Brought to you by When Networks Copy. It's a grizzly and cruel sight to see, and we're here to cover the carnage. Cover your eyes.)

Chico: This is going to be ugly
Gordon: It is. MIPCOM, however, promises to be fun. Explain to us what MIPCOM is, sir.
Chico: Certainly. MIPCOM is basically the convention, the global conflagration of the television marketplace. Anyone who knows anyone in the business knows about MIPCOM It's where other countries buy up American product... and we buy everyone else's. It's the heart of the game show world Going Global.
Gordon: Correct. And with that, we get to the MIPCOM version of This That or The Other
Chico: This time... THIS = Must See. THAT = Must Avoid. THE OTHER = Must Wait and see. That works, right?
Gordon: Sure does. This week, Part 1: The Foreign shows.
Chico: First up...


Chico: The premise: it's academic vs. it's dimwitted.
Gordon: That. I hate those srtos of shows.
Chico: It's basically the creme de la creme of academia versus ... us regular folk. So I think there's a lesson to be learned, but I'll go "The Other"
Gordon: Next?
Chico: Next...

THE CUBE (All3Media)

Chico: you know how I feel about this show. And so does Fox. This.
Gordon: I'm not as on board with you guys. The Other.
Chico: Fine. Next up...

JUST LIKE MOM (Marblemedia)

It's a Canadian classic. Then again, so was "Uh Oh" and that lasted all of... well, I don't believe it lasted a while. THAT.
Gordon: Canadian values, unfortunately, sometimes does not translate into American values. THAT.
Chico: Okay
Gordon: Next?
Chico: Next...


Chico: It's like Family Feud in reverse. Or like Scattergories... forward. I'll say THIS. I can see it on GSN. I can even see the PR on GSN. This belongs on GSN.
Gordon: I like the premise of finding the least popular answer. I see it on GSN too, THIS.
Chico: Next...


Chico: Think Play the Percentages with stunts instead of questions. How many of the 100 can you beat?
Gordon: The Other. It feels like an old show called 'Play Your Hunch', which was very well done.
Chico: Okay.
Chico: I can go "The other". It depends on the challenges.
Gordon: Sure does. Next one?
Chico: Next...


Chico: I don't know what it is, but I'm guessing a guillotine is involved.
Gordon: I'm intrigued, but I want to know more. The Other.
Chico: I can't say anything but "The Other" until I figure out what the guillotine is attached to.
Gordon: Hopefully, not real flesh. Next?
Chico: Next is...

YOUR KID'S AN IDIOT (2waytraffic)

Gordon: Pass on principle. THAT
Chico: Agreed. That's just DUMB =p Next...

FRENEMIES (2waytraffic)

Chico: A reality-quiz show hybrid.
Chico: Do you help your friends or thwart your enemies?
Gordon: Studio 7, Dog Eat Dog, Friend Vs. Foe, etc. I've seen this before. I didn't like any of them. THAT.
Chico: I'm curious as to how this works, so... THE OTHER. Last one for this week...


Chico: Remember Brainrush?
Gordon: I do. Trivia on a roller coaster
Chico: Imagine Brainrush with celebrities.
Gordon: I'd rather not. THAT.
Chico: THAT.
Gordon: So for example, Chico, if you're on a Roller Coaster, and the question is On Abbott and Costello's 'Who's on First', who plays Third base?
Chico: I don't know.
Gordon: Correct! And Did you know a famous show in Canada is You Can't Do That on Television?
Chico: ... uh oh.
Gordon: Which means you know what happens if someone says 'IDK', don't you?
Chico: I could've also said "No, what plays SECOND base"
Gordon: You could, but you didn't. So...(Hits button. Green slime falls on Chico)
Chico: ... SHOWER!
Gordon: But Green slime looks so becoming on you.
Chico: Ha. So that's our buyer's guide. We'll get to sell some stuff NEXT week. Now if you'll excuse me. I have to take a shower. Speed Round in a moment. Hang on.
Gordon: While Chico takes a shower, we'll get to the break. NOW.

(Sponsored by Kentucky Fried Tarheels. Now serving Bagels, which is exactly how many games the Carolina Panthers have won. That's also the number of ACC Conference Wins UNC has this season so far. Kentucky Fried Tar Heels Bagels. Perfect for a cheesy season.)

Chico: You suck and so does Jake Delhomme.
Gordon: I'd say that's a (Virginia) Cavalier attitude to win games :) Virginia won their first game at your house, your team only getting a field goal. Isn't that great?
Chico: No. That sucks! Okay, before Gordon damages my pride FURTHER... Let's go to the Speed Round... NOW! Survivor... who does Russell arrange to have offed next?
Gordon: I don't think anyone. I think Foa Foa FINALLY wins one and Yessy goes away. U?
Chico: Ashley. Foa Foa's on a run. A big one. Hell's Kitchen's down to four. Who WON'T play on the two-hour finale?
Gordon: Tennille needs to find her captain.
Chico: Clever, but Ariel's been on a downslope. I think it finally comes back to her this week.
Gordon: Dancing With the Stars. Who's out next?
Chico: Creepy Uncle Tom DeLay.
Gordon: I think he's got a solid voting base behind him, so he's not going anywhere. I think Louie may need some help. Amazing Race - who's journey ends?
Chico: Mika & Canaan. I think their luck runs out
Gordon: I think Lance and Keri, who've been massively squabbling, are not going to be able to get it together.
Chico: Alright. So who's squabbling in the mailbox?
Gordon: I got nothing - u?
Chico: Me neither. Has ME squabbling. Why don't you write me anymore?
Gordon: Maybe they need the address.
Chico: I'll give it to 'em. How about that. It's It's the best five minutes you'll have all day
Gordon: And that ends the show. Special thanks to no one in particular, since it's just Chico and myself today.
Chico: But thanks to you for reading Next week... LMAD. We review it!
Gordon: We do. That and more goodies. Until then, this is Gordon, saying Game Over - and Spread the Love.