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Previous Episodes (Season 16)
September 3 - Call the Whaaambulance!/What's My Zinger?/Push or Flush (1)


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Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

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Episode 16.1
September 10

Gordon: Mmmm...yummy Jennings nougat...
Jason: lol
Gordon: Welcome back. This is WLTI. We're proud to have our special guest to open up Season 16 - Mr. Brad Rutter!
Jason: applause!
Brad: Hi, everybody!
Chico: Hey, Brad. How's life on the coast?
Brad: It's currently a beautiful and balmy 68 degrees this morning - what's not to like?
Jason: Not much....except when its get insanely hot.
Brad: Yeah, I missed that last week since I was in Vegas where you expect it to be 105 degrees.
Gordon: Here's how this is going to work. The 4 of us will rotate and ask you questions until we get to 20. Any questions?
Brad: Seems pretty straightforward - fire away!
Chico: Okay, Gordon, if you will please.
Gordon: I'll start with the first basic question #1. How did you find out about Grand Slam?
Brad: I got an email from the casting people in about March or early April. At that time they already had Ken and I think John Carpenter and Nancy Christy attached, so I wasn't about to say no.
Chico: #2 - Of the 15 others who were in the tournament, which ones did you know of offhand?
Brad: Know they were going to be there or were familiar with their oeuvre?
Chico: Either one or the other. More the latter. Which of the players were you most familiar with, rather.
Brad: I'd heard of everybody - I already knew Ken, Nancy, Frank, Dave, Kevin... and a few others who I disgracefully can't remember.
Chico: So it was basically a genial high school reunion of sorts. You know, with a game show thrown in for good measure.
Brad: Yeah, that was the main reason I went - to see those people again and to meet Thom McKee, who is a helluva nice guy, incidentally.
Jason: #3 I am going to switch it up a little bit. You have been both a host and a contestant. Outside of the money aspect, which do you like to do more...and why?
Brad: That's a tough question - I enjoy them both and I can satisfy my camera hog tendencies both ways. I tend to be able to have a little more fun with it hosting because there isn't the pressure of millions of dollars on the line.
Jason: Agreed.
Gordon: Can you talk about the sort of show that you host, for the people reading this who are not aware of that part of your background?
Brad: I hosted a local high school quiz bowl show back in PA - your standard 4-person team academic bowl. It was a lot of fun. Now I'm out in California looking for a similar gig nationally, if not a hosting job on a History or Discovery-type channel.
Don: #4. Back to Grand Slam... When you found out that your first opponent was Amy, what were your first few thoughts?
Brad: I was a little concerned about the words & letters round, since I didn't know how well I would do - I'm pretty good at crosswords, for exapmle, but I'm a lousy Scrabble player. I figured if Amy was the all-time Lingo champ she might give me some trouble there.
Gordon: #5 - What influenced you to try out for Jeopardy?
Brad: I had been watching the show since I was a little kid - pretty much since the Trebek version came on. My parents had been fans of the old Fleming shows, so I kind of grew up watching it... By the time I got to high school, I noticed that I usually knew most of the answers, so I figured if I got on the show I would probably do ok... If you had told me I would do as well as I actually did, though, I would have said you were crazy.
Chico: 6) You were on Jeopardy!... You were on Grand Slam... You were also on 1 vs. 100 last year. Which of these did you find better as a player and why?
Brad: I guess I would have to go with Jeopardy, and not only because I had the most success there - it's been around forever and they have the running of the show down to a science. Grand Slam was brand new and 1 vs. 100 was in its 1st season so you had a lot of the production glitches that can be annoying. One thing that might not be apparent from my match against Amy was that it took about three hours to tape. Believe me, sitting on those plexiglas chairs for that long is no fun.
Jason: Ouch.
Don: Whoa.
Brad: They actually had to stop early because the audience was getting mutinous.
Chico: Any uproars?
Brad: More of just a murmuring malaise. In fairness, that was the first show ever, and that kind of thing always happens.
Chico: Understood. Especially the part about the plexiglass chairs.
Jason: #7. Speaking of Jeopardy...which do you think is the more impressive record? Your undefeated streak through tournaments....or Mr. Jennings' 74 game undefeated streak? Not trying to start anything...but just your opinion :-)
Brad: It's sort of apples and oranges. I'm big on the sports metaphors, so I would compare Ken to Joe DiMaggio and his hitting streak, where maybe I'm the Celtics in the 50s and 60s. Which of those is more impressive? You see what I'm getting at. All I know is that neither of those records are likely to be broken soon.
Don: #8 - On the subject of tournaments, I'd imagine that there's a lot of pressure when going for a million dollars in one, and even more with two million on the line in another. Was there any point in which you thought the pressure would get the best of you as you competed in each of those?
Brad: It's funny - the way it's worked out for me, the stakes have gotten higher as I've gained more experience on the show. For me, the experience factor has lessened the pressure more than the increased money has ramped it up. I was orders of magnitude more nervous for my 1st show ever than for the finals of the Ultimate Tournament.
Jason: Except when Alex came out pantsless :-)
Brad: That was more horror than nervousness:-)
Gordon: lol
Chico: It's on the DVD, folks.
Jason: its a great Easter egg.
Gordon: #9 - I have to ask. What was your feelings before and after your first televised defeat to Ogi Ogas in Grand Slam?
Brad: Before I felt pretty good - I'd had a good batting average in my first game. I knew Ogi would beat me in the math round, but I felt like I had a good chance to make up the deficit in the other rounds. I especially felt good because I had done better in Words & Letters than I thought. Afterwards, well, I knew the math would catch up with me sooner or later, and if you're giving away 40 seconds in any round, you're just not going to win in that game. Although I did honk a few questions I knew, which could conceivably have changed the outcome.
Chico: 10) You listed your occupation as "aspiring game show host". Would you see yourself hosting more of a quiz-based show or one that's based on luck or skill or something like that?
Brad: I suppose I could do either one. A luck or skill-based show is probably more likely to be on network prime time, so my Hollywood side likes that, but I've always been more partial to quiz shows myself, so that's where my heart would be.
Gordon: What about a poker show?
Brad: The extent of my poker knowledge is that a full house is probably going to win you a few nickels around the kitchen table :-)
Jason: #11. Ok...your are the casting director for Season 2 of Grand Slam...who are some of the people who send an invite to?
Brad: I would definitely invite some of the same people back, especially since everyone is now familiar with the rules and strategy of the game. As for others, I would start with my friends Jerome Vered and Bob Harris. Jerome has actually played against all of the Jeopardy contestants who were on Grand Slam: me, Ken, Frank and Leszek. Bob would somehow find a way to be funny in that format, which is an achievement in itself.
Jason: Bob is funny in anything.
Gordon: What are your thoughts on a certain someone who won $125,000 on Millionaire, a 4 time Jeopardy Champion and has a third victory on a syndicated game show?
Jason: lol
Brad: Yikes, I'm not sure to whom you're referring.
Jason: Me. lol
Brad: Oh, right. lol. I'm sure Jason would do great.
Jason: Thank you.
Gordon: Flattery will get you everywhere. #12 - Don
Don: Now that most of Grand Slam has aired (and is currently airing again as we speak), what is your opinion of Dennis Miller?
Brad: I think he's improved as the show's run has gone on. At first I think he was just poking fun at the contestants (except Ken and me, for some reason), but it seems as if he's starting to appreciate the competition a bit more.
Gordon: #13 - So you've seen how the other half lives. Any thoughts about auditioning to be on Millionaire?
Brad: Well, unless they do some kind of theme show, I'm not sure they'd want me... after all, it's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, not Which Millionaire Wants Another Million Bucks?
Don: lol
Jason: lol
Chico: A-Rod, line 1. :-D
Brad: The answer to that, by the way, is All of them. So I guess if they invited me, I'd love to do it, but I don't have any plans to try out.
Chico: Okay, 14) Do you have any advice for anyone who wants to get into "the business" as it were? Either as a host or as a producer...
Gordon: Or Contestant
Brad: Wow, I just kind of stumbled into the hosting & producing arena. I have no idea how I'd start from scratch... As a contestant, I think persistence is the key. I've heard from lots of people who didn't get on Jeopardy the first time they tried out who went on to do pretty well. I tried out for the college tournament and didn't get on, but it ended up working out much better since I didn't...
Jason: Wow...that's cool.
Brad: Also, during auditions, know what type of show you're trying out for. For instance, if it's Deal or No Deal, jump around like a maniac anytime anything good happens, for Wheel of Fortune, think of the most cheerful person you've ever met and do them one better, and for Jeopardy, just be yourself, but a bit more enthusiastic.
Chico: Sounds cool.
Jason: #15. So why do you think you were as successful as you were on Jeopardy?
Brad: I honestly think having an athletic background in high school was a big advantage. When you've been laid out by the future fullback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Alex Trebek doesn't seem so scary. It also gave me a really good idea how my body and mind respond in a full adrenaline rush. Also, I grew up playing original Nintendo, and Super Mario Brothers is actually shockingly similar to the Jeopardy! buzzer timing.
Chico: Okay, this I have to hear... How?
Brad: It's just all about hitting a button at exactly the right time consistently.
Don: I never thought of it like that before!
Chico: It's that whole hand-eye thing. Ah. I gotcha there. Okay, it's time for the questions we ask everyone.
Brad: Fire away...
Chico: Okay.. 16) Favorite game show, past or present?
Brad: What else could it possibly be? Jeopardy, of course! No other game show has paid me millions so I'm a little biased.
Chico: Of course. 17) Favorite game show host, past or present?
Brad: Alex has done a great job for 20 years, but he's never had the stones to just go up and make out with a female contestant, so I'll have to go with Richard Dawson.
Chico: Not many people go with that line of thinking. That's pretty cool.
Brad: Of course, these days he'd probably be locked up, but still...
Chico: Ehhh.. Nothing he can't talk his way out of. Okay, 18) Let's say you want to try out for another game show. Which one do you go for?
Brad: Well, I'm all about upside, so that $10 million jackpot on Power of 10 looks awfully tempting.
Gordon: Just out of curiosity, did you see the previews of Temptation this past week?
Brad: No, I must have missed them.
Chico: From what I heard, you didn't miss much. Speaking of remakes...19) If you could remake one show from the past, which one would it be and why?
Brad: I would bring back the Newlywed Game - I always loved how most of the couples really didn't know that much about each other, and hilarity always ensued. And I've always thought the phrase "making whoopee" has been dreadfully underused.
Jason: lol
Chico: Okay, and finally... 20) It's Brad time. If you have anything you want to get off your chest that we didn't cover, now's the time to do it.
Brad: I think it's an unspeakable crime that it's been over two years since the last all-time Jeopardy tournament. I mean, what are the producers thinking?:-P
Jason: Damn right, and me kid :-)
Brad: well, the 25th anniversary isn't too far away...
Gordon: Is there any sort of MySpace address or anything you want to ho out there?
Brad: The website from my old show is still up at, but otherwise my web presence isn't what it maybe should be.
Chico: There you go. Well, Brad... guess what..
Brad: What?
Chico: You just survived 20 Questions.
Jason: Whoo-hoo!
Gordon: Thanks again for being part of the show.
Brad: Awesome. And with plenty of time to spare so I can prepare my blue & white body paint for Penn State/Notre Dame 8-)
Gordon: Go Nittany Lions!
Jason: JoePa
Chico: Yay!
Gordon: And I mean that whole-heartedly. I DESPISE Notre Dame
Chico: Overated?
Gordon: When I was working at NBC sports, they did nothing but eschew how great the Irish were. UGH.
Don: Yipes.
Brad: Now wait a second guys, Charlie Weis is the greatest genius in football history...;-)
Gordon: He's the greatest genius in...oh did they lose by 30?
Jason: Wasn't that Ty Willingham? :-)
Brad: I guess so, cause Charlie can't win w/o Ty's players...
Chico: So what was going through your head when Appalachian blocked the field goal last week?
Brad: I should stop talking smack, because it never turns out well. I didn't see it live, but when I found out I gave a little Nelson Muntz-style (ha,ha)
Chico: That sounds familiar. Heh. Grand Slam repeats Saturday nights on GSN. Part two of Happy Toilet Time after this. Hang on...

(Brought to you by Deal or No Deal American Tour. Forget the show - we will tour with the contestant's quirky habits. We know you LOVE to watch them act like morons on screen, so why not on stage as well?)