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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

January 22, 2007

Chico: (RRRRRRRRING!) Recess is over. Back to the show.
Gordon: Yes, Teacher.
Chico: Time for your next subject... In celebration of WLTI's 5th anniversary... and of the 5th anniversary of my 22nd birthday, heh.... It's time for Five Good Reasons.
Jason: Yay!
Chico: You know how this works. Gordon...
Gordon: Yes sir?
Chico: NBC has announced that they've picked up an improv comedy series called "Thank God You're Here", in which celebs go toe to toe and joke to joke. I was going to be mean and say "Give us 5 Good Reasons why it's better than the improv jam at the Acme", but we'd be here all day. Instead, give us 5 good reasons why NBC decided to pick up this show.
Gordon: We may be here all day anyways...Seriously...

1. Improv shows have always done well. This is the only celebrity format that DOES work.
2. Dave Foley has had moderately successful hits, including Bravo's Celebrity Poker Showdown
3. It worked in Australia, so why not...
4. It's cheap and will fit nicely in NBC's 8-9pm Cheap Competition programming and
5. They can't rely on 5 days of Deal Or No Deal and need something in there to give it a rest.

Chico: Good. Gordon, please make Jason think.
Gordon: Ok Jason
Jason: Yes sir....5 good reasons why....
Gordon: Pros Vs. Joes will be in Season #2 this week. Give me 5 good ways that this show can be the next American Gladiators.


1. People like to see armchair athletes get the smack beat out of them.
2. Randy Couture...nuff said.
3. It's part of the male action demographic that Spike craves.
4. You cant put CSI and UFC on all the time.
5. The show is a nice athletic contest.

Gordon: Works for me.
Chico: Okay, Gordon, me next.
Gordon: Now Mr. Chairman
Chico: Now, Sir Pepper.
Gordon: Latin Americans will be getting a taste of MTV's Exposed. Give me 5 people who you think should have a shot of hosting it.

a) Any host of Mega Match. Preferably Chiqui.
b) Christopher Uckermann, lead singer of RBD and star of "Rebelde".
c) Ricky Luis, Spanish comic.
d and e) Rosina and Jackie of Que Dice La Gente.

Chico: Five good people. Woo hoo!
Gordon: Yes, though I was wondering where Guillermo Huesca would fit on the list
Jason: Honestly, not there.. too old on the demographic list.
Chico: I was going for the younger demo. Sorry, Guillermo. You're still my dawg, but... yeah.
Gordon: ok. You got one for Mr. Block?
Chico: Yep.
Jason: Lay it on me.
Chico: Five Good Reasons why US interactive TV quizzes are thriving, while UK interactive TV quizzers are faltering. And no, women's torsos don't count as two.

1. Cheap as hell to produce.
2. They are not as ubiquitous as they are in the UK
3. There is the free element...where the gambling element is taking its toll.
4. The questions are simple enough (shudder) so anyone can play.
5. They make a boat load of money so other shows can be produced.

Gordon: May I add something?
Chico: Go Gordon.
Gordon: There are millions more people in the US than the UK, hence many more dollars of texts to make.
Chico: Volume.
Gordon: Exactamundo.
Jason: Yeah. Forgot about that one. But you did say 5.
Chico: Alright. Gordon Five Good Reasons to Have an American Idol Theme Week. Five good themes that have YET to be used.

1. Beatles. Taylor Hicks made a living out of it.
2. Prince. I don't think him being out there was a coincidence.
3. Tony Award Winning Musicals. You may as well get the Idol runner-ups ready for work...

Chico: "Come on, Avenue Q..."

4. Madonna. It's funny, but the woman has a VERY extensive catalogue of hits as well as many tribute cds.
5. Something you'll never see due to ABC Synergy, but...Disney music. You want tough? Try singing the music. THAT'S tough.

Chico: I sang Beauty and the Beast in high school. That was hard. Okay, one more for me.
Gordon: Ok. You know how I love to make you suffer.
Chico: Please, I haven't had sleep yet!
Gordon: Jason also wanted to make you suffer this week.
Jason: This one is mine. MWAAHHAHAH
Chico: Be kind, Jason...
Gordon: He and I want you to tell Dave Price, since he obviously reads the site, why he would be the best host of The Price is Right. =)

1) The name's in the title.
2) You already work for CBS.
3) You signed a new deal for more entertainment prospects.
4) If Julie Chen can host Big Brother, why not? and finally...
5) ... That Dave Price Challenge thing... was so five minutes ago.

Jason: I thought that would be harder.
Chico: I could've rattled it off if this wasn't a work-end.
Jason: LOL
Chico: Let's get to the Big Finish right after this.
Gordon: here's the one I had...Give me 5 good reasons why MyGames Fever should be in Prime Time.

1) Bite.
2) My.
3) Shiny.
4) Metal.
5) Ass.

Gordon: And on that note. We'll take the break.
Jason: Right.

(Brought to you by American Idol - Video Game Week. Sing the tunes of FInal Fantasy as well as the soung track from the Grand Theft Auto Series. Digimon, Zelda or Megaman, anyone?)

Chico: "Come on, 1000 Words". You hear that song before? FFX-2
Gordon: Oh...I ve heard it.
Jason: Lots of good video music.
Chico: Now hear this... It's Big Finish time.
Gordon: Whoo-hoo.
Chico: Who gets fired next?
Jason: Michelle from that team with Carey
Gordon: I have to think that Frank isn't going to be too long for the show.
Gordon: And since they are on the same team, I have a feeling that the all of the team who loses the next task will go bye-bye.
Chico: Alright.
Gordon: Will we see any contenders this week in either Grease or American Idol?
Chico: Guessing not.
Jason: Nope.
Gordon: I think we'll see people this week. Grease Academy can't be awful, can it?
Chico: We'll find out.
Jason: Maybe, maybe not.
Chico: It's your usual mix of talent bits and ... well... you saw the One... There I go with "The One" again.
Gordon: And It all rotates back to The One.
Chico: Ryan's gonna kill me.
Jason: Damn you George, Damn you to hell.
Chico: ... Yep.
Gordon: Speaking of Ryan, he left an email before he left. Would you like to read it?
Chico: What did he say?
Gordon: Dear WLTI....How DARE you make fun of my precious George Snuffalupagus!!! I like to see him with Big Bird and... Ok. I made that one up.
Chico: Bad Gordon. No Home Game.
Gordon: Here's his real e-mail.

From: Ryan Vickers

Can you throw in an "I'm looking for" for me? As in I'm looking for a specific episode of BtC that GSN aired last week? The Beat the Clock that aired on the Sunday Jan 14th overnights (so Monday AM) around 3 or 3.30 am EST was a Gene Wood episode with William Shatner. Which matches exactly the description of my colleague's episode she taped way way way back...Elizabeth Glashan (her maiden name) is the person I'm looking for. Shatner was the guest star. Thanks!

Jason: Long time since we had a Klauss Mail.
Chico: Thanks, Ryan. Well, you posted it here. Did you post it at Look for the trading post. And I need that Chibi-Mike drawing :-)
Gordon: I don't want to know. Next letter?
Chico: Next is from Josh Johanneson. We're running a bit tight on time so we pared the letter down to the main bits. Please forgive us, Josh.
Gordon: We're doing the resolutions for you.

From: Josh Johanneson

Anyway, the first question is about the Special 2 weeks ago, counting down the greatest Hosts of all time. So, it begs the question, do you approve of this list?

Gordon: Yes, actually.

From: Josh Johanneson

The other questions this week revolve around the upcoming induction of Millionaire into the GSN Game Show Hall of Fame. With the news this week that Millionaire's syndicated version has received a 4-year extension...Which do you believe is the better format? The current 5 per week at 0:30 a pop, or the old 3 a week, 1:00 format?

Chico: Current format.
Gordon: Its better as a 5 day a week 30 minute strip. It seems fast paced enough and it moved much better than an hour formatted show

From: Josh Johanneson

Do you prefer your Millionaire with or without the Fastest Finger question?

Chico: WITH Fastest Finger.
Gordon: What I would like to see is the fastest finger -but have the contestants there the whole week and the people who don't make it get back in the contestant pool (like Greed when they did it)
Jason: That's tough. One is mutually exclusive of the other.

From: Josh Johanneson

You prefer the current format with Switch the Question (and adjusted Money Tree on #10-12) or the classic format?

Chico: Current format.
Gordon: I like the Classic Format - BUT give the player the choice of either adding the Switch the Question OR the Double Dip

From: Josh Johanneson

Who do you think is the superior Millionaire host?

Chico: Meredith.
Gordon: Meredith is the better host. She has the much better verbal cues to swerve an audience.
Chico: She's a curve thrower, she is. Thanks, Josh.
Gordon: Thanks Josh. We got one more from Julia Zion. Thanks, Julia!

From: Julia Zion

It's funny that you should write an article about that dang slot machine because I lost loads of money on it myself last weekend. It is addicting. I had actually won all my money back, but kept playing. Stupid me, I lost it all again. But, no matter what I enjoyed my time.

I also really enjoyed the Match Game slot machine. There was also a Joker's Wild game too. It wasn't too good, though. I was amazed at all the game show slots. It makes perfect sense, though. Both are games of chance in a way.

Gordon: Thanks for the e-mail, Julia. And thanks for being a faithful reader.
Chico: We love faithful readers. Okay, keep on reading, keep on writing, we're always here. Thanks to Ryan and Jason. For Gordon and everyone at GSNN, I'm Chico Alexander... spread the love, everybody :-). Say game over, Gordon.
Gordon: Game over, Gordon.
Chico: Heh.


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