American Idol
Season 4
Catch it: 8p ET Fox Tuesdays and 9p ET Fox Wednesdays

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In the world's ultimate talent search - where the eyes of a nation are upon the best undiscovered singers in the country, where the audience has the power to make or break you, and where a million-dollar recording contract is on the line, there is only one rule: If you can sing it, bring it.

Is your favorite still in the running? Check out the Idol Set List!

Recaps by Chico Alexander & Gordon Pepper, GSNN


Host: Ryan Seacrest
Judges: Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
Creator: Simon Fuller (based upon "Pop Idol")
EP: Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Simon Fuller
Packager: 19 Entertainment, FremantleMedia North America
Airs: Tuesdays at 8pm ET and Wednesdays at 9pm ET on Fox

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Round of 11: Billboard Number Ones" - March 22-24

Gordon: This is Gordon Pepper, and myself, Anthony Rojas and Jason Block are all here for this...interesting version of American Idol. We're on - and Ryan calls this an 'unprecedented' Idol. We have Ryan, a screaming audience, as we are at the show that no one was expecting.
Anthony: Will they sing the same songs? themes?
Gordon: We get a recap of what happened yesterday...and we go back to the Cingular Wireless ads, when they show TWO numbers to call the performers at - oops. As a result, all of the results have been thrown out. We will now get....a replay of their performances from yesterday that you'll be voting for. Yick. We'll be rating all of the artists as we hear them - and then decide who will be leaving Idol tomorrow. We start with Anthony Fedorov - what did you think?
Anthony: Blah. Out of 10, I give it a 6.
Jason: He was a 3. He was not good.
Gordon: I'll say 5 - which is hamburger in a herd of steaks. His performance was not good enough to get people to vote for him - and that could spell trouble.
Gordon: Next up - Carrie Underwood. Ratings?
Anthony: 6 of 10
Jason: She was an 8. She was very good.
Gordon: I thought the background singer nailed the notes better than she did. Not good. 6. Paula bitch-slaps Simon for making the comment that Carrie has already won the competition.
Jason: Which is right.
Gordon: Agreed.
Jason: She is up in the top 6 now - but not the winner yet.
Gordon: I think she has potential to win it.
Jason: Potential yes.
Gordon: Next up - Scott Savol.
Jason: I liked his vocal...7 out of 10.
Jason: Rojas?
Anthony: I agree with Jason.
Gordon: 5. Not only did he do nothing for me, he mangled the lyrics twice.
Anthony: That's a hard song to sing.
Gordon: At least Fedorov got the lyrics right.
Jason: But his vocal was terrible.
Gordon: So we're combining Fedorov's lyricalness and Savol's pitch and I
agree with Simon going after Savol - He's been much better earlier - and good performance aren't good enough against great ones. What did you think about Bo Bice?
Anthony: He did well - 8.5
Jason: Bo was one of the three best performances out there. 8 out of 10.
Gordon: I don't know what you guys were watching. He was pitchy and he didn't give me anything. 6. He got the lyrics right, so I put him over Savol.
Anthony: Gordon - this sounds like he already made it like Simon says.
Jason: He is in the finals. Mark my words. He is there.
Anthony: Yep.
Jason: Unless he blows it, he is in.
Gordon: I think he has potential - but I don't put him there yet.
Jason: You are underestimating him big time.
Gordon: Bo says that there is no way he's losing the hair.
Jason: If Mario was in there, he would be in the finals. Bo is taking.
Mario's place against Anwar in the finals.
Gordon: I also happen to think that yesterday was not one of his better efforts. I don't even think that Bo was one of the worst singers - I just think that he wasn't as solid as he usually is.
Jason: So who ever gets eliminated also loses the tour gig right?
Gordon: No - they have the Top 12 on tour Nikko Smith - what did you think?
Anthony: 8
Jason: 8
Gordon: Best so far - 8. Vonzell Solomon - what did you think?
Anthony: 7.5
Jason: 7
Gordon: I liked it better yesterday - 7. Up next - Constantine Maroulis. Do you think you love him?
Anthony: No - 5.5
Gordon: Vocals weren't wonderful - but performance wise, he was solid. 7.
Jason: The 2nd worst vocal of the night...4 out of 10.
Gordon: Ryan reminds the judges that the singers need to be diverse. I thought he was good. I don't want him coming to my bedroom anytime soon, but he was good. Now NADIA TURNER - I'd like HER in my bedroom. I don't want her vocals in my bedroom though, that was lousy.
Jason: Another bad choice...4 out of 10.
Anthony: 4
Gordon: 4
Anthony: Bad version of Cyndi Lauper - but maybe its the theme that we hate.
Jason: No.
Anthony: lol
Gordon: Her pitch was all over the place - but I give her a .5 point for the
mohawk and taking a risk. 4.5.
Anthony: This sounded like it had some reggae theme.
Jason: It was a bad risk.
Gordon: She says that she did the song as a tribute for Mario.
Jason: Please...Spare me the bulls**t platitudes.
Gordon: Good move or bad move on Nadia's part?
Jason: Bad move.
Gordon: OK - next up is Mikalah Gordon - what do you think?
Anthony: 2 - very bad
Jason: She is gone--worst vocal of the night...1 out of 10.
Gordon: Off pitch, no fire, safe song - everything that traditionally leads
to someone's departure. 3.
Anthony: Her voice is like crackling chicken.
Gordon: Chicken or cats?
Anthony: MEOW!
Jason: She is gone...and guaranteed bottom 3.
Anthony: The 'my job is to annoy you' shirt doesn't help.
Gordon: Simon - 'It's what came out of Mikalah's mouth that was the problem.'
Jason: Absolutely.
Gordon: She says that she is fabulous and so are her fans. She says that everything is about learning and she can learn if they give her another chance.
Gordon: Next up - Anwar Robinson.
Anthony: Anwar messed up but not the worst.
Jason: Risky choice but it works.
Gordon: How did you think Anwar did?
Jason: 7 out of 10.
Anthony: 5
Gordon: Not to me, it didn't. I agree with Anthony - 5.
Anthony: He will be back.
Gordon: I'd give him a 4.5, but he gets a 0.5 for the high note that he got in tune. Unfortunately, that's most of the notes he got right.
Jason: without question...but he has to step it up next week.
Gordon: He has to bounce back, or he could have problems down the road
Anthony: Yep.
Gordon: So back to Mikalah - did she say the right things?
Jason: Nope. She is done. Toast. Out of there. Goodbye.
Gordon: I think she said the right things - I don't know if it's going to be
enough - Though I do want to see her stay just to see Jason's reaction if she somehow manages to remain after tomorrow.
Jason: I will literally blow a gasket.
Anthony: lol
Gordon: Which gasket will you blow?
Jason: The fourth valve from the left.
Gordon: What do you think about what Mikalah said, Anthony?
Anthony: I think she was a politician.
Gordon: Did she say the right things?
Anthony: She was trying to sell herself.
Gordon: I think she did a good job. Did Jessica Sierra do a good job?
Jason: Yes...a nice way to end the show...7 out of 10.
Gordon: How can you say that, Jay?
Jason: Because her vocals were really good. And her performance had legit passion.
Anthony: Better than Mikalah - 6
Gordon: She was pitchy all over the place she repeated lyrics twice and got them repeatedly wrong. 5.
Gordon: She sang "living in a powder keg and giving up sparks" at least one time too many, for starters.
Anthony: I think you need to get ya TV set checked.
Gordon: Vocals weren't good.
Anthony: She wasn't bad
Gordon: Yes she was. Ick.
Anthony: She looked comfortable
Jason: Ok...Now that everyone has been shown again. Bottom 3 and who is going?
Anthony: Mikalah bottom and out. Nadia bottom 3 and Anthony
Gordon: OK - Jason?
Jason: Not to sound like a broken record, but I agree with Rojas all the  way, Nadia, Anthony and Mikalah bottom 3--Mikalah out.
Gordon: I am going to say 2 things.
Anthony: lol
Gordon: 1 - I think that the bottom three will be Mikalah, Anthony and... Nadia, with Mikalah leaving - though Jessica should be in the bottom too. Anthony: Jessica?! no way. Nadia Turner did worse than her.
Gordon: 2. I think that due to all of the wackiness of the vote, at least one of the good singers could find their way to the bottom three, and it would not shock me if we were all wrong.
Anthony: I think you're on drugs.
Gordon: That's our thought. We'll see you in 24 hours as we let you all know what happens.


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