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Because fandom is NOT a spectator sport...

Today is

June 12, 2006

Chico: Hey there, I'm Chico Alexander... and between the Mavericks, the Hurricanes, filler, and Idol not on for another year, Gordon's not having a good week.
Gordon: I want my mommy.
Chico: He wants his mommy.
Tim: lol
Jason: I need some aspirin after what I saw these past two weeks.
Tim: You don't think you can dance, Gordon?
Gordon: I probably could, but I'm not as sexy as Chico.
Jason: He can dance if he wants to....
Chico: I can worm. :-)
Jason: but does he leave his friends behind...
Chico: Come on, J... it was just one time!
Gordon: And with that, we worm our way into the 12th season of us saying this...From Somewhere in Ricki Lake's dressing room,!
Chico: Woo-hoo!
Jason: 12th season...whoo-hoo!
Tim: Yay!
Don: Yeah!
Gordon: We introduce our regulars - first, someone who was upset that Millionaire was not in Game Show Marathon, Mr. Jason Block.
Jason: I have some news about myself, but we can get to that now or later.
Chico: Then we have.... the Don... Mr. Don Harpwood.
Gordon: What Canadian Game would you have liked to have seen on Game Show Marathon?
Chico: Talkabout's my game.
Don: It would have been interesting to see Definition in there.
Jason: Is Definition Canadian?
Chico: Yep
Jason: Then that one. Great game.
Tim: I agree
Gordon: But with the caliber of contestants, they would have had to have made GSM a 2 hour special just to solve the first puzzle
Don: lol
Tim: So true....
Jason: Ugh.
Tim: Leslie Neilsen, well nevermind...
Gordon: And speaking of puzzles, our special guest this week was on Wheel of Fortune solving them. We are proud to introduce Mr. Tim Sternberg to the program!
Tim: May I have a T please, oops wait, wrong show!
Jason: Yay Tim!
Chico: Woo-hoo! Great to have you, Tim.
Tim: Thanks for having me here guys, I read this show every week...
Jason: Glad you are a fan.
Gordon: We'll give you a T...for Tumultuous, a pretty good description of the Game Show Marathon. (getting behind an armored car and releasing the floodgates). Thoughts?
Chico: Now normally, I could make a snap judgment, but I can't read heads or tails out of it.
Tim: Well I think GSM is a mixed bag to be honest....
Chico: Yeah, that Tim said.
Jason: Where do we start...
Gordon: Lets start with...a Big Board!

The Four Days of Game Show Marathon

- The Good: The recreations, staying true to formula
- The Bad: celebs who don't know how to play the game
- The ugly: editing, editing, editing!


Gordon: Today's Subject - the 4 days of Game Show Marathon. We'll break each day down by the game and your thoughts
Tim: Sounds good.
Chico: Cool.
Don: Okay.
Gordon: Let's start with the generals, good, bad and ugly.
Tim: The set recreations are incredible in my opinion....Kudos to the art directors...
Jason: The sets...VERY GOOD, as Tim said.
Gordon: The art was very good, for the most part. I'll get pickier when we break it down by game.
Chico: Quite authentic given the lack of studio space. I mean, there was some issue, but I'm willing to overlook it.
Tim: Yeah but when art is the best you can say.....
Gordon; What about the bad?
Jason: The editing, which had more chops than a butcher shop.
Gordon: Would you like roast beef or turkey with your editing?
Jason: Turkey, please.
Tim: Also, could they get a lousier host?
Jason: The host...unfortunately, bad.
Tim: I agree. Ricki yells over contestants, has no pace... That was incredibly annoying during "Press Your Luck"
Gordon: I actually am not going to get on Ricki as much as you guys are. She may not have been a great fit, but she was stuck with the material that she had to work with, and with the celebrity contestants...that's not saying much.
Tim: You have a point, Gordon.
Jason: The ugly...the celebrities who don't know the game.
Chico: I wouldn't say that they didn't know the game, but there was definitely some issue on that front as well.
Gordon: Actually, I disagree, Chico. I would definitely say that most of the celebrities didn't know the game.
Chico: Especially the first 45 minutes of the PYL show.
Tim: They didn't even yell "Stop!" when they hit the buzzer... :-)
Gordon: They broke Cardinal Rule #1 of any celebrity show - get people who KNOW how to play the game. How many times have we seen a show go down in flames because the celebrities selected weren't up to speed on what they are supposed to be doing?
Chico: *ahem*Hot Potato*ahem.
Tim: Actually "Press Your Luck" was my favorite show so far...... Most engaging
Jason: However...I think what happens is that the Brits are willing to make fun of their celebrities...we aren't.
Chico: That could be said all around. I think I can make fun of a few celebs. But here, it's like "yeah, we're SO above that.
Gordon: I don't have a problem with that - but I think that those celebrities were so B-listed with the exception of Lance Bass that you wouldn't be able to know HOW to make fun of them.
Chico: Admit it.. You have a soft spot for Paige Davis =p  But let's get to the games real quick...First: Price is Right.
Tim: Ugh
Jason: An utter disaster.
Chico: It's obvious that Ricki is giving props to the master as a preface more than anything.
Tim: I was so disappointed.
Gordon: First of all, the time management was terrible. They could have had every celebrity up there playing a pricing game.
Chico: Other than that, it was... well... weird. For the most part, they were going by 30-minute Price rules.... Only with the Wheel added.
Gordon: I understand that, but why not have all the celebrities play? 6 Celebrities = 6 Pricing games. Perfect, no? Apparently, not.
Chico: Who remembers 30-minute Price?
Jason: Of course I do.
Tim: I do.
Chico: I believe that was the point. You know, to allow for... ay, filler.
Gordon: I do - but they could have had every celebrity up there if they didn't have the bids. Why not make it Doug Davidson Price is Right and have everyone come on up without playing a pricing game?
Chico: Because the less said about Davidson PIR the BETTER!
Jason: Right.
Tim: So true...That show was syndicated to out of space and the Martians decided not to invade....
Chico: You want six games with six bids? Go watch TPIR.
Gordon: I thought I was watching TPIR.
Chico: No, you were watching a replica. I thought Rich went over that :-)
Jason: No...we were supposed to be watching TPIR. I agree with Gordon.
Gordon: Yes - but the point is that by sticking in 6 games, you could have easily eliminated the filler, had 2 showcase showdowns and the Showcases.
Chico: I think this was the best way to do it given circumstances.
Gordon: Plus, the end of the game was so surreal (88,000 bid??!!?) that I thought for a moment that this was Saturday Night Live's version of TPIR and we would be seeing Will Farrell host Jeopardy next.
Don: The rule explanation given for the Showcase Showdown here was a bit weird to me...
Gordon: It was like they edited in that rule after the tie happened.
Tim: The editing...oye......
Chico: Yeah, it took a bit out of it for me, Tim. Editing tends to get on my bad side.
Gordon: The editing was crapola, on the verge of laughable
Tim: Like breaking in the middle of a game for commercials.....
Gordon: If the show is edited well, no one notices. This show...was not edited well. This reminded me of the first week of Deal or No Deal's editing,
Don: And from what I read on, they edited out Kathy's second putt from Hole In One.
Tim: Also leaving segments of Kathy Najimy on LMaD out?
Gordon: Well, they edited out Kathy's Second putt from Hole in One - and they editied out Kathy's Zonk on LMAD. That's game show blasphemy in Hole in 1...or 2 and the producers should have known better.
Chico: Great segue, Gordon. Next is LMAD.
Jason: I LOVED Gilbert Gottfried as the Zonk. Inspired bit.
Chico: "What the hell were you thinking!"
Tim: I did as well, funny stuff....
Don: That was cool.
Chico: For some reason, they edited out Kathy's deal. Other than that, I thought it was harmless.
Jason: I thought Deal was a vast improvement. I loved the Paige Davis 3 car flameout.
Chico: Ricki was... well, she's better than Billy Bush.
Tim: That is not saying much though Chico...
Gordon: Deal was a lot tighter and better than TPIR. Then again, it couldn't have possibly been worse than TPIR
Tim: You see Kathy in the audience but she didn't play? Weird.... I mean the viewer was left with a big "huh?" at the end of LMaD
Chico: I know I was. It's probably better as they involved civs playing with the celebs without resorting to desperation or something.
Gordon: It wasn't explained nearly well enough that Lance's strategy was to hope that neither person picked the Big Deal, leaving him the high money winner.
Chico: I saw that. I was like... Hey, someone skip something?
Tim: That was nice, to see regular people win, imagine that...
Jason: If they weren't plants...
Chico: Jury's still out on that one.
Gordon: And one more thing on that - did you realize that if you were going to go to the people with the highest amount of money, the civilians should have been asked first before Paige Davis?
Jason: Yes they should have.
Tim: Yeah, Gordon, I noticed that...
Gordon: The Civilians each won more than $8,000 worth of stuff. Paige only won $3,500
Chico: I did notice that. But then again, this is more the celebs show than it is theirs, so... Can't really fault them for that. Although if they were playing Deal rules, then that would be the case.
Gordon: Yes - but once again, its about playing the game. The producers should have thought about that possible snafu.
Tim: Or at least explain it on air...
Chico: Definitely need a CYA on that. Anyway, next up, Beat the Clock. I may have to abstain from this, as I'm not a fan to begin with.
Tim: I loved the original BTC
Chico: I mean, it followed the classic format... I think Ricki could've been a bit better. She's no Bud Collyer, but then again, who is?
Tim: There was not much in this show they could mess up if they wanted to. It was ok to watch.
Chico: They couldn't mess that show up (Gary Kroeger notwithstanding)
Tim: Not exactly must see TV. The bottle/dry ice thing was fun to watch
Chico: Yeah, that was pretty cool. Although I would've chosen a better segue for the balloon net stunt.
Gordon: I actually didn't think that it was horrible. I did like all of the flashbacks to the older shows. Unfortunately, due to the format, we saw more old stunts from the flashbacks than new stunts played on the show.
Tim: Yep
Chico: "Oh, by the way, there's one more thing. *rips net off* Ready?"
Gordon: It wasn't bad, though I thought that someone more polished could have pulled it off. Someone like...oh, let's see....Todd Newton?
Tim: I agree
Chico: I didn't say BTC was bad. In fact, it's very faithful, but it could've been better.
Tim: I was going to say that.
Jason: Todd gets stuck being the Prize Patrol.
Tim: I mean they have Todd host the Sweepstakes surprise segments
Chico: The wages of "Made in the USA." :-)
Tim: By the way.... Loved the Prize Patrol segments. Again I love seeing regular people win.
Chico: My guess is that Ricki was more of a name, and that's why she was given the nod over Todd... Hey, I made a funny.
Jason: Todd adds a whiff of class to anything he does.
Tim: Very true.... I am a Todd Newton fan...
Chico: I actually met the guy. That's not an act. He really is a class dude. That is all real. Finally, Press Your Luck.
Tim: With all of my complaints, my favorite night....
Chico: This is one game where if you don't do it right, you're going to piss a lot of people off.
Tim: I still loved seeing it
Chico: This turned out to be the best of the bunch so far.
Jason: I have A BIG bone to PYL. Two words: Peter Tomarken. He was an afterthought. Two seconds at the end...bogus.
Tim: Well at least they did something....
Chico: That's right.
Tim: The tribute at the end was nice.
Chico: I thought the tribute was poignant. Nothing you wouldn't do on H2 Game Show Week.
Tim: It was also nice for them to talk about the Michael Larson affair.
Jason: The show itself...the best of the 4.
Tim: I actually didn't expect anything
Chico: You have to think that this is a business first and light entertainment second. But I was at least pleasantly surprised.
Tim: I agree, Jason. I loved seeing Press Your Luck as it was on TV again (totally skipping over GSN's Whammy! - Todd not included)
Chico: And like I said before... Leave it to a spin battle to get people in a frenzy.
Jason: And we got to see Jason Hernandez :-)
Chico: That's right.
Gordon: I'm sorry kids... (puts on haterade gear). I was incredibly disappointed with Press Your Luck and I thought it was the second to worst segment of the 4.
Tim: Really? Do tell...
Gordon: It would have been nicer if they gave the right year on when Press Your Luck debuted. They said...1981.
Chico: Woops =p
Tim: Yeah... It was 1983. I noticed that. The average viewer wouldn't know or care about that though.
Chico: Which is what CBS was aiming for.
Gordon: Yes - but we aren't the average fans. Get your facts right. We are the core audience that keeps these shows on the air, and you better make us happy.
Tim: True...
Gordon: As for the show, this to me was a microcosm of why this series did not work. You had Ricki screaming and not getting into the game. You had the players having no clue with what they were doing, like Leslie Nielsen inexplicably taking a spin with 2 Whammies in Round 1 and playing like he had a plane to catch. Maybe he just wanted off the show.
Tim: How about Ricki's contstant recapping.....
Chico: Again, padding out a 30-minute show to an hour.
Tim: yep
Gordon: You had Kathy and Tim playing with no strategy in mind, but looking at the board...and speaking of which, did you realize that the board was inconsistent? You had certain money tiles in the classic style, and other tiles in a crappy illegible style of reading. The Whammies and the Whammy squares were perfect, but the rest of the board was terrible.
Chico: I noticed that. Like the whole thing was put together in Photoshop?
Gordon: Like it was put together in Photoshop with around 45 minutes to go before airtime.
Tim: Yeah
Don: Yeah, it seemed weird to see some slides look different from each other that way.
Gordon: The prize slides were nice,. The money slides were terrible., Lets talk about the audio.
Chico: WHAT?
Gordon: The board sound was perfect. The Whammy effect sounded like it had a touch of the flu.
Chico: WHAT???? Can't hear you!  Can't hear the audio!
Jason: Oh :-)
Tim: lol
Chico: Can't hear the music!
Jason: Also, the Whammy sound was barely audible.
Chico: Most SFX were barely audible.
Gordon: Not only that, but both Ricki and the celebrities were talking over the Whammy animation and sound, not realizing that they had to shut up while the effect was going on.
Tim: I still loved watching "Press Your Luck" with all of the garbage going on, it was still engaging.
Chico: The game itself was solid, yeah.
Jason: Agreed.
Tim: The show still has that "wow" factor....
Gordon: The show does, but the celebrities had no clue what to do when they hit a whammy. This boils down to...LETS GET CELEBRITIES WHO ACTUALLY WANT AND KNOW HOW TO PLAY THESE GAMES!!!
Chico: Hopefully we'll see a better job with the final three shows. And hey, the kids seem to dig it to a point.
Tim: Match Game depends on panel and writing.
Chico: Media hoes abound on the panel of Match Game.
Jason: Well you have Betty White and George Foreman!
Chico: Told ya. A Match Game alumnus. I'm hoping for good stuff.
Gordon: I would have preferred to see Betty White and George Foreman as the actual celebrities playing, wouldn't you?
Tim: Love Betty, can't wait to see here on Match game again
Jason: Yep.
Tim: I have a bone to pick with CBS... What is that about spoiling the end in the commercials????? You can clearly see who is in the Family Feud finale if you look close enough
Chico: I haven't noticed.
Don: I didn't bother looking close enough. Didn't wanna be spoiled.
Jason: Exactly.
Tim: Couldn't they get Charles Nelson Reilly and Brett Somers?
Chico: Again, I think they were going with names that everyone knew. =p
Tim: lol
Chico: How about Celine Dion? Would you want to see her on GSM?
Jason: Oh I saw way too much of her this week...Celine that is.
Tim: Deal or No Deal?
Chico: Deal or No Deal.
Gordon: I saw too much of her - and heard wayyyyy too much of the contestant trying to sing like her.
Jason: Badly.
Gordon: See, Chico - I did have my fill of American Idol this week =P
Tim: So true...
Chico: Heh.
Don: lol
Jason: That show had more stretch marks than a newborn mom.
Chico: Ew.
Tim: An hour and a half for ONE contestant? Jeesh
Chico: Deal or No Deal was, aside from the $5 million and Celine Dion, your typical finale...  Which was typical all across television. Bland... Uninspired... Anticlimactic bordering on insulting to the whole franchise. I mean, you can get one game done in half an hour if you take away all the padding.
Gordon: And after all that, she still walks out with only a little over $100,000...which isn't terrible, except that she had $750,000 in her case.
Chico: Ow. But still, who can say they won $100,000 on a game show...Jason not now :-)
Jason: =)
Tim: Not I.... :-)
Gordon: Heh.
Tim: I know Chico, but NBC would have to give Meredith Vieira less money.
Chico: But again, without the money and the star power and the STRRRRRRETCH, you could finish that game in what, 30 minutes?
Gordon: Probably 15, but why do that when you had advertising dollars to make?
Chico: True. Have to keep those kids coming somehow. And you notice that it's always something on these last couple of shows?
Tim: Yeah...can you say syndication? This show is so easily syndicated. Just lower the $ amounts
Chico: They're doing that with the Spanish versions. And hey, it got the show to #1 this week.
Jason: You need the "special episodes".
Chico: Not every week, J.
Tim: I love Deal or No Deal for all of the talk we give it.
Chico: I can take one or two special editions every so often, but not every show.
Tim: Nice to see a hot game show on prime time again.
Chico: True, Tim.
Gordon: The problem is if you make each show a 'special show', the shows themselves become less special.
Tim: I agree.
Chico: There you go, G. There you go.
Tim: Hence the celebrity overdose on Millionaire.
Gordon: Which is going to give them massive problems if they continue thinking foolishly that they will take the Thursday at 9pm timeslot.
Chico: Ending point: if NBC keeps doing what they did for the past month or so, then the viewers will get hip to it and give the show a NO DEAL. If the viewers aren't hip to it right now.
Gordon: Pretty much. NBC wants to not heed ABC's game show planning errors and start running this baby into the ground.
Jason: Lets hope they learn...and again...we can talk to Scott St. John about it at GSC5...July 13-16 in Burbank.
Chico: That's right. I still need to buy a plane ticket :-)
Tim: Oh really?
Jason: He is on the industry panel.
Tim: I didn't know he was going to be there...
Jason: Shameless Plug.
Chico: Notice how we just wove that in?
Gordon: Yes - now are YOU going to be there?
Tim: The flights are expensive, I am still looking at prices, I will buy soon.
Chico: We'll be doing that a lot more between now and July.
Tim: Erika and I plan on being there :-)
Gordon: And there's another reason to go to GSC - TIM STERNBERG will be there!!!!!
Chico: Yay!
Tim: lol yeah ok...
Jason: There you go!
Tim: Buy your tickets now. lol
Chico: He can watch the live show. And now we go to the third chapter of "Bad Day for Gordon Pepper"...
Jason: (starting playing the piano like Daniel Powter)
Gordon: Grumble... notice how I have a lot of anger in my heart this week?
Tim: lol. I noticed Gordon, what's going on?: ;-)
Chico: Final Jeopardy! Thursday.
Gordon: Yep.
Chico: The category: Universities. And I should say that this is got Jeopardy! fans divided on their message board here... Anyway, category, Universities. Players, you have 30 seconds... The answer... It's the only state that doesn't have an undergraduate university or university system named just for the state itself.
Jason: The answer given: New Jersey.
Tim: Um...
Chico: Gordon took this one particularly personally.
Tim: Being from New Jersey I have to say......
Chico: Tell the nice people why.
Tim: Wow
Gordon: I'll let Tim go first
Tim: Rutgers. Oye.
Gordon: First of all, the actual title of the University is called Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey.
Tim: Yep
Chico: The clue says "just for the state itself." But that's not what had the Angry man angrier than usual.
Tim: Bad clue
Gordon: Second of all. I graduated from the College of New Jersey. Now granted, a college is not a university, but why are you downgrading my college? What's up with that?
Tim: Yeah.....
Chico: Actually, TCNJ is classified as a university, according to a board post. Let me search my magic box here.
Gordon: Well then, there you go.
Tim: The clue is bad. Period. For several reasons.... Sorry Gordon. That is messed up.
Gordon: Sure, now put down my college. How DARE you feel that my college, which is a perennial 'Best Buy' college, is too insignificant to be ignored on a final Jeopardy question!
Tim: You tell them!
Gordon: I have my rights! Where's my lawyer?
Tim: Those Jeopardy! writers!
Chico:  Follow the action there.. But I cite a post by one LizLackey...

The University of New Jersey at Durham

"TCNJ actually is classified as a university, but calls itself a college because we had a former president that was obsessed with trying to make the school into a clone of William and Mary. Hence, "college" in the school name. Anyway, a lot of people are unaware of the TCNJ's existence, and if you mention "The College of New Jersey" to someone, many would think you're talking about Rutgers."

- LizLackey

Gordon: The former president being Mr. Harold Eickoff
Chico: So you do know the story then.
Gordon: He was the president while I attended the Univer...I mean college.
Jason: School...say school :P
Tim: lol
Chico: So you can assess the validity here?
Gordon: I can, and it's 100% accurate.
Chico: Giving her props, but we'll take it down if she opposes.
Jason: it's an ambiguous clue.
Chico: Very. A rare misstep for the eclectic team of writers.
Tim: Very true...
Jason: But it wont be retracted, because she won.
Gordon: But it could be, because the clue was wrong.
Tim: It should be.
Jason: I understand. And I agree with you.
Gordon: Because you have a Final Jeopardy Clue with no correct answer.
Tim: Not a good thing.
Chico: So the challengers have a legitimate challenge.
Gordon: Yes they do.
Chico: I'd keep my eyes peeled for them again.
Tim: That is what I would say
Chico: Jessica Tanner and Kerry Rucidlo.
Jason: Chico, would the champ had won if her answer was ruled incorrect?
Chico: Let's go to our friends at, shall we? Just need to power my magic interbox here...
Gordon: I'm not going anywhere near your magic box.
Jason: LOL
Tim: hehe
Don: lol
Chico: Okay, here we go. Scores at the end of DJ:
Jason: alright
Chico: Roberta retakes the lead going into the final, with $12,800 to Jessica's $11,400 and Kerry's $8600. That's from my recap. That's official.
Jason: And what was the bets?
Chico: Kerry, $8590 on Alaska. Jessica: $5801 on Alaska. Roberta: 11,401 on NJ.
Jason: Jessica would win.
Tim: Wow. Clearly they need to address that.
Chico: So yes, Kerry and Jessica have a right to exercise a challenge.
Don: Yeah, definitely.
Chico: A legitimate one at that.
Tim: Yep.
Chico: Meanwhile, we have our first real contender for the TOC07 in Dan Sander. Thoughts?
Gordon: He's good, but he doesn't seem to be in my mind the caliber of last season's champions.
Jason: Didn't impress me that much, but he was ok.
Tim: Last season had some great players...
Chico: Maria... Bill McD... Dave Madden, hell, even Nico Suave.
Tim: He was ok...better than I ever would be on Jeopardy! :-) lol
Chico: If you were to place Dan right now...
Jason: My opinion. he doesn't get out of the semis.
Chico: Semifinalist, finalist, winner, doesn't make first cut. Go.
Gordon: Doesn't make the first cut
Tim: Yeah, doesn't make it
Don: I'd have to agree with not making the first cut.
Chico: Alrighty, one thing we agree on. Another thing, it's time for our lightning round... Jackets and mice at the ready, folks.
Jason: New Jackets...old mice. Lets do this.
Don: Ooh, new jackets.
Tim: Do I get one? :-)
Chico: Give Tim a jacket.
Jason: You get the rental :-)
Tim: lol
Jason: Here you go.
Tim: Ewww this one isn't clean
Chico: Hence the term "rental." Okay, Gordon... got some new brain footage for ya. Shall I roll it?
Gordon: Yes, please. Roll that Beautiful Brain Footage.
Tim: lol

 (impersonating Mark Thompson) From the four corners of your globe to your frontal lobe, this is WLTI Brainvision News, featuring the Award-Winning Brainvision News team.)

Chico: New footage... Same Doug. I believe your first, Mistah Peppah.
Gordon: We start with..Burnoffs.

Continuing Gordon's bad week, this week coming up starts the final run of...Fear Factor...sniff, sniff.

Tim: I am sad about that.
Jason: You liked Fear Factor, Tim?
Tim: Loved Fear Factor, am I in the minority? Guess so... :-)
Chico: I liked Fear Factor... the first three years they did it. Then they got greedy, gimmicky, and stupid.
Tim: Yeah I hear you Chico
Jason: I like Joe Rogan as a comic. Very funny guy.
Chico: Play the game straight, you're not going to have a problem.
Tim: Always rule #1
Gordon: I loved fear Factor when it was stunt based. The million dollar couples segments were great - but when they veered from the stunts, they ran into problems. The multitude of specials the competing networks threw at the show (and Mark Cuban) didn't help.
Tim: Mark Cuban never helps.
Jason: Hey...I am rooting for Cuban to get the Larry O'Brien Trophy.
Gordon: I'm not. Bah.
Chico: We'll miss you, Joe... But hey, next time you're in town, we're going to your show.
Tim: Yeah me too. Funny guy.
Chico: Next up, Pickups!

GSN has announced a 65-ep order for Michael Davies' take on the 80s word game "Chain Reaction."

Tim: Now that is promising.
Chico: The show will bow in 3Q, August at the earliest.
Tim: 65 episode order is pretty big, isn't it?
Chico: It's pretty typical of GSN word games to get a 65 ep order.
Tim: Ah. Has a host been announced?
Chico: Not yet.
Jason: And if it does well...(and I really think it will from the pilot I saw) it will be on for a while.
Don: This could turn out to be interesting.
Chico: Who hosted the pilot, J?
Jason: Yes, it has been. His name is Tim Vincent.
Chico: So he's official, then.
Tim: Who?
Jason: He is on access Hollywood. He is a Brit with some attitude.
Tim: Ah, ok then...
Jason: But he will get better. It hasn't been announced as official, but he was the guy they were going with. Being technical here.
Chico: Ah, gotcha
Tim: Is this being filmed in NYC?
Jason: It is being filmed here in NYC.
Tim: Nice
Chico: BTW: Here's Tim, I think. Again, consulting my magic Interbox.
Tim: Watch where you put that thing.
Jason: Yes, that's him...very young.
Chico: The second Brit on GSN... If indeed official.  Next?

Next, we see that we do want comics. The Last Comic Standings ratings take first for it's time slot. Game Show Marathon...not so much, as it falls between second or third for the past 2 weeks.

Jason: I get it, but I don't get it.
Tim: I like Last Comic Standing (season 3 not withstanding). But the host Anthony Clark? What happened there?
Chico: I also liked this round of Last Comic Standing... Jimmy Pardo and Bil Dwyer notwithstanding.
Tim: Jimmy Pardo was sad to see
Don: I was surprised to see Bil there.
Chico: Marc Price, though... Classic. Can't get enough Skippy, I say.
Tim: With nuts. What was funnier was they took a second to recognize him lol
Chico: And So You Think You Can Dance is also at #9. You like it, America! You really like it! :-)
Tim: People are flocking to that show?
Chico: Yep
Tim: I think it was brillant of Fox to air the first episode the day after the Idol finale
Chico: Keeping the fire going, they call it.
Jason: It's Idol with dancing.
Tim: yep. I like the show
Jason: And the formula works.
Tim: lol
Gordon: Both shows are executed well. I still don't like Ross and Bob's ideal of Nepotism before Talent, but at least this group looks loaded and the final ten should be good.
Chico: And Nigel is the bastard Simon wants to be.
Jason: Nigel rules.
Chico: He really does. You ever saw "The Enemy Within?" Scaarrry.
Tim: hehe
Don: I want to see that one.
Jason: He is an actor too?
Chico: No. I'm talking about the Paul Coia BBC opus from 2001. Speaking of electric sound effects... Who Wants to load fully?
Jason: I do.
Chico: Because I love each and every one of you... I have two items!
Jason: TWO! Thank you.

First up, poker comes to two-way television... in the UK. Poker Zone TV in the UK will launch Face Up Hold'em.

Chico: During the show, a Texas Hold 'Em poker game is played live with every hand revealed to viewers at home.
Jason: and?
Chico: They can play along by voting on who will win that hand.
Jason: Nice.
Chico: Second bit of technogeek fancy...

Torturing Gordon some more, "The Will" is back... online.

Jason: Why?
Chico: AOL's In2TV's reality channel will air the series online. They ended after the first show. It was THAT BAD.
Tim: That is interesting. They never ended that did they?
Jason: Has to go somewhere.
Tim: I would like to see it conclude. Yeah I remember.
Gordon: And yet ANOTHER thing to make my week miserable.
Tim: lol
Jason: Keep the hemlock away from him please.
Chico: I know what'll cheer you up, Gordon. *plays Ludacris' Area Codes*
Jason: Oh yeah.
Gordon: Well, yeah...sort of ...;-)
Jason: Time for da hoes.
Gordon: Let's see who we have in the Little Black Ho Book
Jason: (ducks down)
Gordon: In this week's Media Hodometer...

Both Wink Martindale and Alex Trebek win awards, Martindale also gets a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Katharine McPhee gets a recording contract, and DOND's April Scott gets a Dukes of Hazzard role in the sequel...errr...prequel.

Chico: But wait! There's more!
Tim: Ok, now I am miserable - there is going to be a Dukes of Hazzard sequel?
Jason: Straight to Video so you can miss it.

We're looking for more hoes - Master P wants Hip Hop Stars, while Chain Reaction needs contestants. Also - Hells Kitchen will show you their hoes next week.

Tim: Hells Kitchen is always entertaining...

Chris Daughtry shuns Fuel, and Noel Edmonds gets a £500,000 book Deal (or No Deal), and the NAQT winners gets to be their own Media Ho as they win a Trip to Japan

Jason: LOL
Tim: Chris, Chris, Chris...
Gordon: The Ho of the Week is someone familiar with the NAQT - Ken Jennings!
Tim: Oh yeah... His website was introduced this week. By himself.
Gordon: Go to to read his blogs and to buy the merchandise that he is hawking at you, the game show fan.
Chico: And he's using it to pub a book.
Jason: And he called himself "The Greatest Jeopardy Champion of All Time" on his book jacket.
Chico: I think Brad Rutter might taken issue at that.
Tim: Every game show board I visited this week had the same post by Ken on it.
Jason: He knows where to go.
Gordon: Yes. But at least my week can't possibly get any worse. Final Article?

The Stump the Schwab contestant team is on the road looking for contestants for its next season.

Chico: Wait.. Headphones on, everyone!
Tim: lol
Chico: Okay, Headphones off, everyone.
Don: I don't get it. They burn off the 3rd season, but they keep the show going?
Chico: Low cost programming.
Gordon: (sob)
Tim: The misery of Gordon Pepper...
Jason: Calm down Gordon...the world isn't out to get you?
Gordon: Yes it're all out to get me - every last one of you!
Tim: Sounds like a film...
Don: Are they gonna burn off each new season of Schwab from here on in?
Gordon: I will not lose my sanity! I will not loooooooo....ook. Fluffy green marshmallows.
Chico: I should probably mention that this last Tuesday was 6/6/06. Clearly the devil has it in for G-Dog here.
Gordon: Look at the marshmallows floating in the air. They look like giant strawberries.
Tim: lol.
Chico: That's Brainvision. Shut it down. I need to get a clip of Gordon Ramsay saying "shut it down".
Gordon: green flying hamster shaped as a marshmallow. it's bald, so it must be Chico's.
Jason: Good mice...Gordon isn't going to hurt you.
Chico: We need a break while Gordon collects himself.
Gordon: And...ooooohhh...I found Bill Dwyer's career. It's hiding in Ralphie May's stomach.
Tim: lol
Chico: When we return, part 2 of Push or Flush, but first... we spend a few good minutes with our special guest Tim Sternberg.
Gordon: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...There's Detroit Lion Tickets in a silver and blue shaped marshmallow...and there's Harlemm Lee!
Chico: This is We Love to Interrupt, what the world would look like if Ant & Dec hosted a game show.... Wait a minute...
Gordon: And look, it's World Idol with Ant and Dec. They are playing Duck Duck Goose with Gilbert Godfried playing and Michael Jackson as the instructor. Looks like Michael is really getting into the goosing part.

(Brainvision is presented by "The Omen 2" starring Howie Schwab, Mark Cuban, Celine Dion, and Rod Brind'amour)



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