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Previous Episodes (Season 28)
September 6 - Countdown to the Finale / The Blame Game / Push or Flush (1)

September 12 - 10 / The Moral of the Story is... / Push or Flush (2)

September 19 - East Coast West Coast Beef / Who's Your Daddy? / Push or Flush (3)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 28.3 - It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
September 26

Jason: LOL
Chico: Hope you enjoyed that.. because that's the only one you get this year. Because the Jaguars are going down.
Gordon: They better, for your sake, cause I don't see a lot more winnable games on the schedule after that.
Jason: Next year Carolina will be huge.
Chico: Gordon Pepper is still a Cam Newton doubter.
Gordon: I'm not a Cam Newton doubter. However, last time I checked, You can't put Cam in all 22 positions at the same time.
Chico: Nope.
Jason: No.
Chico: Welcome back to WLTI. Thank you for being a part of our week and allowing our week to be a part of you. Anyway, it's the fall.. and that means a lot of premieres. We have them all and we're going to go through five of them in the Maximum Strength Capsule Reviews. Let's start with HGTV's Showhouse Showdown. The premise is simple: two designers compete to redecorate two identical showhouses using identical budgets. The only thing NOT identical... their imaginations.
Jason: Ah and the winner gets....
Chico: They win... nothing.
Gordon: Yay, nothing!
Chico: But the good.. Bob Guiney goes from live TV to this show and doesn't miss a step. He may have a future in this business.
Gordon: I'm not in love with him as you are, but he does a respectable job. I do like the concept of it - although we have seen it before, which is the bad.
Chico: Also bad, I'm worried that it's a little too nichey.
Agent Josh: It sounds like it would attract the original fans of Extreme Makeover Home Edition

HGTV - 9p Mondays

Chico: But I like that potential buyers are going to be the judges. So there's no real mark of pretense here. It's like Extreme Chef's second round. So let's grade up. I'm going with C. It's okay, but it doesn't bring anything to the party.
Gordon: I like the fact that it's judged in real-time, so to speak. I'll say C+. It's been done before, but they manage to do it well.
Chico: So there you go. It averages to a C+. Next on the docket: A singing competition with 12 year olds that airs at 8pm: Majors & Minors.
Jason: This surprised the hell out of me. I REALLY liked this show.
Chico: Surprised me too. I liked the depth of story telling.
Jason: I know this was a "get to know you show"
Gordon: There's two ways this show could have gone. It actually takes the RIGHT direction.
Chico: The premise: 12 singers aged 10 to 16 are auditioning for ONE contract. They'll be groomed by some of the industry's best singers, songwriters, performers, and choreographers.
Jason: But the catch is...NO ONE gets voted off
Jason: It's about the shared experience so EVERYONE gets better.
Chico: It does take the right direction. It's not about the competition or the end game, it's about the journey and the growth aspect. That's the sort of thing that is lost on most major televised talent contests. It's about nurturing the star within.
Gordon: Or this issue being that a number of contestants won't be around long enough to have that. This also adds the element of someone being horrible and being able to win it all.
Jason: And yes, my cynical side says this is part of the Brandy rehabilitation image tour.
Chico: Yes. Nothing really toxic about it, but the overall piecing of the production is bordering on nauseatingly saccharine.
Jason: But I like the kids. I want to see more.
Chico: Me too. I want to see the journey.
Jason: But the saccharine is part of what I want to see. And part of the HUB - you cant have it TOO real.
Chico: There's uplifting, and then there's saccharine. They're teenagers, they know the deal. They've taken the blows. That's why they're here. They're here to go to the next level.
Jason: But what I saw in Week one, got me hooked.

Hub - 8p Fridays
B B+ B+ NG B+

Chico: They're ready to work. I'm ready to watch. B+ Because it's all about everyone Being Positive.
Jason: B+ is exactly right.
Gordon: Chico and I were both ready to write this off last week. I'll be the first person to say I was brutally wrong here. B.
Chico: I'll be the second.
Jason: This could be a MAJOR surprise hit here.
Chico: Especially coming out of Family Game Night.
Jason: The one THE HUB desperately needs.
Chico: Yep. Next up... Sweet Genius. It's Chopped... with desserts! Even from the same producer, Linda Lea.
Jason: (takes off Xerox mask)
Chico: Not the same host, though. The format works. The chefs are very talented. The presentation is creative.
Jason: But is it really new?
Chico: No, not really. It's more like "Let's have Ted Allen be a cross between Dr. Evil and Severus Snape." Not to mention be a pretentious douche.
Gordon: (Hits Gavel) Objection!
Jason: Uh oh
Agent Josh: Objection?
Gordon: The format works. The chefs are talented. The challenges are NOT creative because I've seen the format before. Here's the problem: the host is not inviting. The challenge is bad enough. You don't need an obnoxious host.
Chico: Pretentious even. Bordering on.. and this is a word I've rarely used on this show... LUGUBRIOUS.
Jason: WHOA :)
Agent Josh: That's a $1.50 word there
Jason: This is like the 4th or 5th knockoff of chopped. Extreme Chef, Cupcake Wars and now this
Agent Josh: It's like they're plagiarizing themselves.
Gordon: I like the new ideas and competitions. I want there to be new challenges and ways to get a winner. Certainly, this is not the only way for a cooking competition.
Chico: Actually... that's EXACTLY what it is!

Food - 10p Thursdays
C- C- C- NG C-

Jason: Sorry. Bring me something new. C-.
Chico: Same here. C-
Gordon: We've seen it done before. unfortunately, it's not done as well. C-
Chico: Next...EXCUSED.
Jason: This show was NASTY. I felt like I need a shower after it.
Gordon: The premise here: 2 people (in this case guys) select from a bevy of women. The women selected then selects one of the 2 guys, who can select her one more time, or dump her.
Chico: They're all competing for the same date, basically. If I may quote a quotable from this past week... "After seeing that... I wanted to slit my wrists." The good.. Iliza Schlesinger, showing off why she won Last Comic Standing.
Jason: NO NO NO. She was awful, nasty, insulting. I HATED her. She was the WORST part.
Chico: The bad... EVERYTHING ELSE.
Jason: Well, yeah, everything else was bad.
Gordon: Now with Iliza, I'm just wondering how her agent got her that and either 1. if the money was that good for taking the gig or 2. if the job offers just aren't coming in.
Jason: Maybe a bit of both.
Chico: Either way, she needs a new agent.
Jason: See with a show like "Blind Date"...there was a sense of humor there. I didn't find one thing funny. Or appealing.
Chico: Right.
Gordon: So the good: Iliza keeps her hair very well managed from the money she got to host the show. And I'll be saving a lot of money on sleeping pills.

Syn -
Check Local Listings

Jason: This gets a F for FAIL.
Chico: Sack your agent, Iliza. F.
Gordon: I like Iliza. She deserved much better than this. F.
Chico: And finally, a show that Josh MUST have seen this week. The X Factor.
Jason: Oh I did.
Chico: It's completely different from American Idol... except in every way possible.
Jason: Which is why this is ONE OF THE WORST SHOWS of 2011. No joke.
Chico: Four judges acting as mentors to boys aged 12-30, girls aged 12-30, over 30, and groups. Then a few from each will go to the public vote, and right before Christmas, someone's going to get a present: a $5 million recording contract and a Pepsi commercial.
Agent Josh: Not only have we seen this before...
Chico: We've seen it done BETTER. Except here's the thing. Simon is an established bad guy. We know this. So what happens when a bad guy meets an even BIGGER bad guy in LA Reid?
Jason: There is absolutely NOTHING new here. Everything here is been there done that. I had MORE fun with Karaoke Battle USA than I did with this.
Agent Josh: I had no fun with either. This was torture.
Gordon: Well, this promises to be bigger and better. Bigger? Yes.
Jason: Sure it's bigger.
Gordon: Better? no.
Chico: Better: not based on the two shows we've seen. I mean, this is one of those things where the show didn't live up to the hype. I mean, it's a fall premiere. The average sampling is about 8 million and that's for a hit. Don't promise more.
Jason: This was fraud.
Agent Josh: And there was a LOT of hype around this.
Gordon: There's a lot of hype here.
Chico: The product failed to deliver on it.
Jason: And when the backstory clues you in on who passes....
Chico: We've all seen this done before. We've all seen it done BETTER.
Gordon: Well I don't know about that. The problem here is that the 'Twists', don't show up here yet until the contestants have been selected. But even in this situation, with the judges mentoring the contestants, we've seen this before (The Voice)
Chico: And we've seen it done better.
Agent Josh: Usually the product rushed out first is the bad one.
Jason: All Sizzle no steak.
Agent Josh: This time it's the opposite
Gordon: I'm not going to say opposite or be an elitist here.
Chico: I honestly want to believe that there's room for improvement. After all, this sort of show is really two shows. And the back show ends up always being better than the front show.
Agent Josh: It seems like you don't want to pass judgment yet.

Fox - 8p Wednesdays & Thursdays

Gordon: I don't really, because I think the twists have yet to play out. So I'm going to be an INC.
Jason: I will give INC as well, because I want to be fair, but what I saw I didn't like.
Gordon: We haven't seen what makes the show different.
Chico: INC.
Agent Josh: To me, this belongs in the same bin as American Idol.
Jason: But I think we will revisit it.
Chico: Don't we always? Okay, and that's the Max Capsules. I hope the pain went away.
Agent Josh: I think I overdosed gents. Can we take five so I can recover?
Gordon: I think we need the prescription of another game. Can we get it after the break?

(Brought to you by The Excused Factor. You sing. We laugh at you and then reject you... so it's not that different from anything else you've seen)

Gordon: But if we say that it is, maybe some of you will believe us.
Jason: LOL
Chico: We'd be wrong, but you'd believe us. Anyway, we're back and it's time to Pass the Password. Gordon, remind us how it works.
Gordon: I'll give you a situation. You get to describe it - only using one word. Chico will start.
Chico: Let's start with this...

Justin's championship run on Jeopardy! and the way he won his games. The password is...

Agent Josh: Lucky
Gordon: Advantageous.
Chico: Inconsistent.
Gordon: He took advantage of the opportunities he was given.
Chico: Yeah, but he started as a strong player... then turned into a cardiac one.
Jason: Yeah he just got truly lucky the last few games.
Chico: Next?
Gordon: Next one...

Landau Eugene Murphy's Career post America's Got Talent. The password is...

Jason: The password is LUCRATIVE. While I disagree that he should have won, he is going to do very very well.
Agent Josh: The Password is: Successful
Chico: FAIRGROUNDS He's going to play state fairs and college auditoriums before his first album drops
Gordon: The word is Legends. I can see him doing legends shows and making a lot of money out of it.
Agent Josh: But I could see Team IlLuminate working for Disney, as they have a dance area called "elecTRONica" that they would fit in quite well.
Chico: Heh
Agent Josh: I'm serious!
Chico: I can see iLuminate playing E3.
Jason: They would KILL E3.
Agent Josh: I want them to be successful....I REALLY do...
Chico: They're going to be successful. Count on it. Next...

The critics seem to like Cheryl Cole over Nicole Scherzinger in the X Factor premiere. The password is...

Agent Josh: Dummies. Nicole's Hotter *drools*
Jason: Karmic.
Chico: Hindsight. As in, there's going to be a LOT of it.
Gordon: The Password is...Pre-emptive. For whatever reason, the producers made a mistake here. I know the 'real' reasons on why Cheryl left will remain unknown, but the fact of the matter is that Cheryl could have been a superstar here.
Jason: Exactly. Cheryl Cole was THE link to the UK X Factor.
Chico: Or as Gordon would say... DINTHIGHS!
Gordon: I wouldn't say that.
Chico: You did in Countdown that one time. :-)
Gordon: ...ok, maybe once.
Chico: Heh. Next up?
Gordon: Next one...

Anna Kournikova on The Biggest Loser. The Password is...

Chico: SEX.
Agent Josh: BLISS *drool*
Jason: The password is FANSERVICE.
Chico: Jason wins
Gordon: The Password is...Raquets ;)
Jason: yes :)
Chico: Heheh... Racquets.
Jason: Oversized Racquets
Chico: ... Sorry, what were we takling about?
Agent Josh: Sorry, I got lost in those....those... *drools*
Chico: Right. Next up.

Jon Gabrus' performance on "The Substitute". The password is...

Agent Josh: Shouty
Jason: MANIC.
Chico: Wooly.
Gordon: Potential. Not bad for a first time out. He will get better.
Chico: Looks like a teacher, and about as self-deprecating as one. Probably why the show is so relatable.
Gordon: Last one...

Ashley and JP: The Marriage. The Password is...

Agent Josh: DIVORCE
Chico: And now, for the coda to this whole exercise... Gordon?
Gordon: Invitations. I got a press pass just for Chico (hands Chico an invite)
Chico: I hate you, Gordon Pepper! Again!
Gordon: But UNC is 3-0...though they are losing to Geoprgia Tech right now by 13. Heh.
Chico: Speed Round coming right upon the conclusion of this!

(Brought to you by Torchwood: The Realist Show. Can you survive an alien invasion? What about a government conspiracy? Winner gets a date with Jack Harkness and a chance at immortality.)

Chico: Unless Miracle Day happens again, then all bets are off.
Jason: LOL
Chico: All bets are almost off because it's SPEED ROUND TIME!
Agent Josh: Yay!
Chico: Survivor: Brandon looks like he's about to follow in his unc,le's footsteps
Agent Josh: Agreed See ya
Jason: Not yet. One more week
Gordon: Not yet. Mikalia will be shown the door first and Cochran for the other side
Jason: That sounds about right.
Chico: Right. Amit topped off Justin. How long does he last?
Gordon: How long do Giant Killers last?
Chico: Not.
Jason: Two days.
Agent Josh: Whatever it is I'll take the under
Gordon: I'll take the under as well
Chico: I'll take the six-feet-under.
Gordon: DWTS: Who leaves next?
Agent Josh: Just to say I want her gone....Nancy Grace.
Jason: I am going to say Nancy Grace
Chico: I'm going to agree here. Nancy's kill-it-with-fire scary on the dance floor in sequins.
Gordon: Nancy's followers will vote to keep her around. I think that drops Elisabetta out
Chico: I'd like to see Rob gone eventually.
Gordon: The X Factor. It gets better...right?
Chico: Can't get much worse.
Gordon: It could, but hopefully it won't. Email?
Chico: Nope
Gordon: None here. Where does it go?
Chico: wlti@gameshownewsnet.com OR you can find us on Facebook. Blatant twitter plug. I'm @chairmanchico.
Jason: @beattheblock here
Gordon: And that ends the show. Special thanks to Jason and Josh for joining us.
Jason: Glad to be here.
Agent Josh: Honor and pleasure as usual gents.
Chico: Next week, we're going Racing. And for the first time, I can't officially play favorites on the show. I'll explain why next week.
Jason: Now THATS a tease :)
Gordon: The mysteries are unlocked in 7 days. Until then, this is Gordon, saying Game Over and Spread the Love.