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Previous Episodes (Season 21)
September 7 - Season Fun-ale / Place Bets Now! / Push or Flush (1)


The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcome here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 22.1
September 14

Gordon: If you build it, they will come...once they can afford it.
Chico: Or something, you know?
Gordon: I know. I also know it's time for Roleplay. What you got?
Chico: I've got masks! First is yours... You are Jill Wagner... You just saw your Australian counterpart on Wipeout this week. Any thoughts?
Gordon: I think she's a couple of shrimps short of a barbie. I'm not too concerned over my job.
Chico: You shouldn't be. After all, this was just a redubbed episode of the Australian version. Nice to see and all, but... you have nothing to worry about.
Gordon: No. She's personable and stuff, but I have more vocal and emotional panache. And my Dizzy Dummies are bigger than hers.
Chico: ... Wouldn't know. You left town a year before I did
Gordon: Now Chico.
Chico: Now Gordon.
Gordon: You are...Simon Cowell. You don't have Paula Abdul around anymore. Will this make you happier or grumpier?
Chico: Could make me happier to have her out of my hair... which makes me grumpy, because I'm happy. They don't pay me enough to be happy.
Gordon: But there's going to be zero romantic chemistry between you and Ellen DeGeneres.
Chico: I guess I'll have to find me a new target. Wonder if Kara's husband would mind. Probably would, but then again, I'm British, so....
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next... You are Cameron Cunningham, captain of the first team of champs in season 11 of the Feud
Gordon: Got my wheels! (Beep, beep)
Chico: Great champs, great bunch of folks, you guys... but upon further research (and an eagle eye from GSNN reader Aaron Stamboulieh. thanks!)... it seems that YOUR family was missing a couple of days to air. How do you feel about that?
Gordon: Who cares? Give me the car. We'll be repeated at least 6 or 7 times during the double runs anyways. The important episode airing was the one that we won everything. Now we gave to get paid off. Besides I'm sure we'll YouTube the episodes, or something.
Chico: Perspective, don't you love it?
Gordon: Money talks, baby. Money talks.
Chico: Got that right. Next?
Gordon: Chico, you are...Gordon Ramsay. You're watching SYTYCD take a 25% ratings hit when their show aired this past week. You concerned about Hell's Kitchen?
Chico: Not really, because I have a job to back up with. Not to mention a lucrative contract. I think I'll be just (^_^)ing fine, thanks. Seriously, aside from a couple of blithering idiots, I think I have the best of the lot here. And since we're just wrapping, there's no need to worry, yeah? Now... (^_^) off out of my kitchen, yes?
Gordon: Ok, I will... are you Commando?
Chico: You'd like to think that. Heh. Okay, Gordon... You are a Power Ranger. What do you REALLY think about the FootworkKingz?
Gordon: Battle Zord...ON! Create...DINOZORD! Target: FootworkingVille!
Chico: That bad, huh?
Gordon: Hey, they dressed up in the first appearance like one of Lord Zed's evil power beetles.
Chico: I don't think Lord Zed had evil power beetles... Well, one evil power beetle. But now I'm just being a giant geek.
Gordon: And the martial arts moves looked better than ours, so I'm jealous.
Chico: Not happy AND jealous.... and with a morpher. Dangerous combination.
Gordon: Now before I go off and destroy an evil colony in space, here's the last one. You are... Jillian Harris. Despite reports that you are prolonging the engagement, you're convinced that Ed (who was caught shtupping in bars and proclaiming himself as single, according to is the man for you. So when's the marriage?
Chico: Well, I'm just taking it day by day, and until I hear it from Ed, I'm just going to keep on loving him.
Gordon: Oh come on. Are you that blind as to what's going on?
Chico: Not blind, only naive. World of difference!
Gordon: And with that, we grab some plungers, next!

(Brought to you by America's Got Referees. Forget the search for football players and cheerleaders. We have a show to get the best referees, because without that, the games will suck. Think about it.)

Chico: I believe without referees, we would have just people wailing on each other
Gordon: 5th Down? Who's up for some 5th down replays?
Chico: Right here... Hamsters! Bring the toilet!
Gordon: I agree. And they may come with plungers. Fortunately, we have those here. Let's get cracking. What do you got?
Chico: First up...

September 27

Chico: Didn't win all them accolades for nothing. PUSH!
Gordon: I'm looking forward to another fun season. Push. Next one?
Chico: Gonna be hot. Next...

September 28

Gordon: Brain games is a popular application on the Wii. This is a TV translation, and it could work. Push.
Chico: It's a translation of a Japanese game show... This oughta be fun. PUSH. Next...

September 30

Chico: There's something about a show that is a ripoff... and don't think it... that just turns me off. FLUSH.
Gordon: BET finally gets a trivia show. I want this to succeed. Push.
Chico: I doubt it will. Next...

October 4

Gordon: I didn't like their original decision on Michael Symon winning, but they definitely made the right choice. I won't doubt the show again. Push.
Chico: I never did doubt the show. It's a perfect combination of "Next Food Network Star" and "Iron Chef". It's not going to disappoint. PUSH.
Gordon: Next one?
Chico: Next one...

October 5

Chico: I was rather doubtful at first, but the more I read, more I think it can work. PUSH.
Gordon: It can definitely work. If they stay with the tradition of the show, that combined with the fact that there's no other game show choices in that time slot, will mean surprise potentials. Push.
Chico: Good stuff. Next...

October 12

Gordon: Blah blah good show blah blah blah contestants need to learn how to play the game blah blah someone needs to tranquilize Alfonso Ribiero blah blah pastry blah blah blah
Chico: As long as we have contestants that can add, I have no problem with it. PUSH. Blah blubbity blue.
Gordon: Last season, we had some contestants that DIDN'T know how to add.
Chico: My point exactly; next...

October 12

Gordon: I thought this worked well. Carnie is only going to get better. PUSH.
Chico: Of course. This is a diamond in the rough. I'm ready for it to shine. PUSH. Next...

October 17

Chico: Greg Proops is a good host. Whoopi Goldberg's a good producer. I think Science Channel has another hit. PUSH
Gordon: This looks like a fun game, Whoopi Goldberg knows how to produce. I will definitely give this a good look-through. Push.
Chico: And finally...


Chico: Could be fun to watch. Great viewing if you're a Sasuke fan. PUSH.
Gordon: Pastry. I like the idea, but we're just selecting the person who's most likely to get past round 1 and fail in round 2 on the real thing.
Chico: It'll be nice to watch, though. And tons better than Pirate Master.
Gordon: It will. And that's what we have to look forward to. If you also like breaks, you have THIS to look forward to.

(Brought to you by I Survived the Summer of 2009! Talent... Big Balls... A notable flop that was so unpopular that no one even knew it existed... It's been a heck of a summer... now let's never speak of it again)

Gordon: (Puts the ashes in an urn. Buries the urn)
Chico: You forgot to burn the urn.
Gordon: I won't burn it, just in case someone gets feisty and we need to discipline someone.
Chico: Fair enough. time to wrap this baby up. Speed Round! Big Brother... Who wins?
Gordon: Kevin wins the final HOH, brings Jordan with him...and loses as Jordan springs the 4-3 upset.
Chico: Kevin.
Gordon: AGT: Who wins?
Chico: Kevin Skinner in a surprise.
Gordon: I like Skinner, but just to be different, I'll say Barbara Padilla. WOF's Free Play: Will we be praising it or whining about it?
Chico: Praising.
Gordon: I have a feeling I'll be whining.
Chico: J!'s Stefan Goodreau.. does he pick up where he left off?
Gordon: He'll win a few. I don't think he survives the week. Any mail this week?
Chico: Nope. Which means it's time for us to say deuces until next week
Gordon: But you out there can change it. How can they, Mr. Chico?
Chico: Simple. just toss us an e-mail to or find us on Facebook.
Gordon: Or YouTube. Or MySpace.
Chico: Thanks for reading, and we'll see you next. For Gordon and everyone at GSNN... I'm Chico... Until next week... Game over... and spread the love... Deuces!