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Previous Episodes (Season 18)
May 26 - Episode #200

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

Opinions expressed in We Love to Interrupt do not necessarily reflect those held by Game Show Newsnet as a whole or its parent partner, Stormseeker Digital.

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 


Episode 18.1
June 2

Chico: *holds quarter up*.... We've got tons of these... Get them off our hands NOW.
Jason: At the low low price of $19.99
Chico: First, though.. we're going to use a few. Let's play Heads... or Tails.
Gordon: I was too slack-jawed reading the ad to make a comment
Chico: Alright. You know how this works. We'll give you a statement. You have to tell us whether the people were thinking with their heads... or their tails.
Jason: Got it.
Gordon: First one...

Clay Aiken wants to show the world that hey, he can make a baby!

Chico: Not just any baby... an artificially inseminated baby with his 40-year-old producer friend. That's a HEAD move.
Gordon: make it 50 year old
Gordon: Um......ew.
Jason: TAILS. Ok. Clay here's the deal. I am not usually one to out people, but you and I know that you are gay. The world knows you are gay. Admit you are gay, and this was a publicity stunt.
Chico: Cougar + skinny geeky white boy... = win.
Jason: When this came out...he became EVEN more of a laughingstock.
Chico: ... Please buy my record.
Gordon: Well, hes doing it for a good cause, but I'm shuddering to see what the kid is going to look like. Head on the move, though I may be having nightmares over it.
Jason: We all will be.
Chico: Oh yeah. WE have the technology, you know... I'll stop there, though. Next...

Deal or No Deal's syndication format is out. 22 cases. 22 people. Two models determining who.

Jason: This is a HUGE HEAD move. This is more the UK style of game. I am LOVING this.
Chico: HEADS. Even better when you consider the two that are choosing... #9 and #21. AKA Patricia and Tameka.
Jason: This is going to revitalize the Deal format--big time. Fanboys will love this.
Chico: Even BETTER when you find out that the Deal Wheel will do it. I. Officially. Can't. Wait.
Gordon: It should be a fun format - and it also allows you to switch up the game once in a while. and a $500,000 top prize isn't too shabby, heads.
Chico: HEADS on DoND. Word. Next?
Gordon: Next one -

Celebrity Circus will be, and I quote, a 'Great Family Show'

Jason: What...the Manson Family? TAILS.
Chico: TAILS. It'll be great for one night. Then it'll be yanked and replaced with an episode of Dateline
Jason: Probably.
Chico: And the world will be better off for it.
Gordon: I see nothing good coming out of this show. Tails. Next?
Chico: Next..

"There's been a rise in studio-based shows this past year, which are often less expensive to produce."

Chico: This comes from Jane Lipsitz as she discusses the solution to the budgetary pinch coming from reality TV
Jason: That is...TRUE. That's heads. The studios are still feeling the effects of the writers strike...even the reality shows.
Chico: But are we seeing more studio shows because there's a pinch in production or because of ONE little show?
Jason: The Moment of truth?
Chico: I was thinking DOND.
Jason: How about a little of a and b?
Chico: Because, you know... all it takes is one.
Gordon: Sure are. The recession isn't helping either
Jason: How about slow growth....I still won't call it a recession. But the idea is the same.
Chico: Sounds like we've got a winning plan here. HEADS. Studio show saves money. If it hits, it pays for itself. Hence why we have so much hope for Password
Jason: Very few shows can get on the road. And that may delay the plans for TPIR to go on the road.
Gordon: True. It's the economy, stupid.
Chico: Word.
Gordon: Next one...

We want to see as one of celebrities in next year's Celebrity Jeopardy...Britney Spears!

Gordon: Britney had a little chat in the offices of Merv Griffin this week. Some media speculate that this could be the outcome of said chat.
Jason: TAILS...are you kidding me? Britney Spears needs to get her parenting skills in gear.
Chico: TAILS. Britney needs to get her (^_^) back first. Otherwise, I can only see this going one way. Horribly.
Gordon: I'm going to say...heads. Based on the ratings on the other shows she's guest-starred in, it would be a ratings bonanza. I'd watch.
Jason: You would.
Gordon:  Wouldn't you watch?
Chico: Her on Jeopardy!... not so much.
Jason: No I wouldn't. I am sorry. I don't want to see TRAINWRECK TV. I would specifically NOT watch, her on How I met your mother...cute and funny. Her on Jeopardy....NUCLEAR DISASTER.
Gordon: I'll take Baby Mama Drama for $200.
Chico: See, I imagine that people like her wouldn't take the game seriously and we'd have SNL-level celebrity Jeopardy!.
Jason: Yeah, and the writers would make the questions like "What is the color of George Washington's White Horse?" You know?
Gordon: "What is like pink?"
Jason: Thats pretty much it.
Gordon: I think it could be fun :-)
Chico: That's just... that's just a whole six pack of wrong right there.
Gordon: (pops back and opens a 6-pack of wrong). Burp.  Last one?
Chico: Last one...

Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, and Buddhists competing on a game show designed to promote religious harmony.

Gordon: Sure. Heads.
Jason: TAILS...(in Ben Stein Voice) - Jews? Jews? Is anyone surprised that an Islamic Channel forgot them...neither am I.
Chico: Should be noted that this is all in the UK.
Gordon: We can't please everyone.
Chico: Really can't. But this is a good start, right? And besides, this is from a press junket. They could have Jews, right?
Jason: They could, but honestly, I am not holding my breath,
Gordon: As long as the activities don't include Pin the Scud on the Jewish Settlements, Im all for it.
Chico: I'm going heads... It's something that's sorely needed. For every person that thinks me being a Buddhist is cool... there's another that sorta gives me the eye? You know what I'm saying?
Gordon: I have no problem with it as long as it does not put anothewr race down
Chico: I surely hope it doesn't. After all, we're all in this together, right?
Gordon: You would think, yes
Chico: Yeah. That's the problem... I would think. No one else would, though.
Jason: We are.
Chico: Except for Block. Who always thinks. :-)
Jason: I think. That's why I saw the problem. I have no problem with the idea or the concept. I have a problem with the execution.
Chico: Sure. It's always the execution.
Gordon: And on that note, we break. We execute shows with plungers next!
Chico: SuperToilet 200 is next!

(Brought to you by Million Dollar Spud. Can you call out the right numbers and tag everyone out for a million dollars?)

Chico: I heart spud.
Jason: I don't remember the game, myself.
Chico: One team plays evens. The other plays odds...Toss a ball in the air and call out a number. That person has to catch the ball and step three paces to another team's player and try to tag them out with it. Hit them, you get a letter. They catch, you get a letter.
Jason: Got it. Now I remember.
Chico: First team to spell SPUD loses. I was KING of Spud.
Gordon: Cause it's my destiny to be the Kind of Spuuuuuuuud
Jason: King of Spud...sounds like a Food Network show.
Chico: One that we won't see this summer, but we will see a lot more stuff. Time for Push or Flush. Last time, we pushed AGT3. We're picking up on that with...

June 19

Chico: Mario Lopez is back with his gang of game show misfits to find a worthy successor to the JabbaWockeeZ. Big push.
Gordon: Great show. I want more. Push.
Jason: Everything seems to be in place for a 2nd season of goodness. Let them work out the camera kinks and I will be there. PUSH.
Chico: Three pushes. Royally.. (fanfare) Next...

June 24

Jason: This is going to be THE surprise hit of the summer. People love this type of show. PUSH.
Chico: The obstacle course genre is making some serious ground thanks to Ninja Warrior and Unbeatable Banzuke. This will PUSH it to the mainstream. And hence, so will I.
Gordon: I hate to say this... but I agree with you. We all love Unbeatable Banzuke, etc. If they take this seriously, this could be a surprise summer hit - which will fail once they try to get it in the fall. But for now...push.
Chico: Next...

June 27

Chico: ABC's looking for America's best dancer... so is everyone else..
Gordon: This will NOT be the surprise hit of the Summer. Flush.
Chico: Too... much... dancing.... FLUSH!
Jason: Do we need another show about dancers? No. FLUSH. Hit the TWO... THREE!
Chico: PLUNGE!
Jason: Weeee!!!!
Gordon: Weeeeeeeee
Chico: And watch it freshen itself.
Jason: Huge flushing power...and the hint of Vanilla.
Chico: Mmm... vanilla. Next...

July 1

Chico: This could work if the players work.
Jason: Roker is going to get a game show out of this. This is going to be fun. PUSH.
Chico: You know what... Feud is hard to mess up. PUSH. As a player, feud is hard to mess up. As a host, you can mess it up six ways from Sunday... Louie. I'm guessing Al Roker won't have that problem.
Gordon: I hate to say this, but... Last time this helmed a Summer show, it was part of Game Show Marathon, and it tanked. Now we have it back, and we don't even have John O'Hurley. This will not recapture the show. Sorry. This reeks of filler. Flush.
Chico: I blame the package. GSM was, as a whole, not very memorable.
Jason: Oh it was memorable all right...for all the wrong reasons.
Gordon: It went the wrong way. And I think so will this.
Chico: Okay, next... VH1 celebreality all-stars say what they've been thinking all this time...

July 6

Chico: If it's celebreality on VH1... we'll ride out. Push.
Jason: I hate to say this....but.... This is going to be the cheesetastic, guilty pleasure, trainwreck TV that we all love to watch. Media hos become money hos. PUSH.
Chico: Media hoes become real hoes.
Gordon: Cheese to the nth degree - but it will work. Push.
Chico: That's worth watching. (fanfare) Next...

July 10

Jason: PASTRY. America loves Dogs. But I am not sure if this is going to be purebred or a mutt.
Chico: This reeks of filler. FLUSH.
Gordon: Dogs..(cough).give.(cough), cough)...allergies (cough, cough gag) FLUSH (cough, cough, wheeeze)
Jason: (hands Gordon inhaler)
Chico: Easy, dude... Take a cetirizine. Next...

July 13

Chico: One word.. WHY!???! One more word... FLUSH.
Jason: Three...words...JUMP THE SHARK. FLUSH HARD. Especially after Adam "I don't know a group I won't offend" Jasinski."
Gordon: Blah blah blah, summer ratings,  blah blah, people watch, blah blah, push, blah blah blah
Chico: Because it's Big Brother and people will watch no matter how crappy it is. How about this one...

July 15

Gordon: Its Barfalicious
Jason: And nasty. FLUSH.
Chico: In the toilet with your hurl. FLUSH.
Gordon: That's where it should go. Flush
Chico: And what do we do after? ONE! TWO! THREE!
Jason: PLUNGE!!!!!!
Gordon: Weeeeeeeeeee
Jason: Nasty. Worst concept in a while.
Gordon: Oooh. swirly marks
Chico: Next up...

Comedy Central
July 17

Chico: Return of a favorite.
Jason: Pastry with reservations.
Chico: I'm going to Pastry. I can't wait to see what Dave Attell does with this.
Jason: Me too.
Chico: But I know that the Gong Show is easy to mess up. Ask George Gray.
Gordon: Pastry sounds good. What made the original a classic is that everyone fit in the right spot. That may be hard to recreate
Chico: Next..

July 20

Jason: This reeks of squeezing blood from the stone...but the Ashley Perls will watch it. PASTRY.
Chico: Another musical audition. The only difference is that this one has familiarity going for it. The kids will love it. I, on the other hand, still don't get it. Pastry.
Gordon: School's out for the Summer. Time to blow up the school. Flush
Chico: Thank you Alice Cooper. Next...

July 21

Chico: Ant & Dec have a full-fledged show in the US. And it involves gambling on insane stunts... I'd watch. PUSH.
Jason: But no one is going to watch. This German Import is going to fail. FLUSH.
Gordon: I bet that after we see this, Simon Cowell may want to think twice about them replacing Ryan Seacrest. Flush.
Chico: Ha. Okay, one more.

July 27

Chico: We're going to write songs, you guys!
Jason: And you know what.,..I am going to PASTRY this. I think Burnett has something with this.
Chico: Write a jingle for the SuperToilet 200... FLUSH. This is going in the bin with all the other Burnett failures... My Dad is Better Than Your Dad... Amnesia..
Gordon: I have a Jingle. Can I sing it?
Jason: Sure.
Chico: Sure can.
Gordon: (to the Merrie Melodies tune) We have Mark Burnett, the man we have to thank... As he goes oh-for-4 straight shows when this one hits the tank. Flush. Let us not forget Pirate Master
Chico: Oh yeah. That. Okay, that's enough of the toilet for now. We're going into the Big Finish.. NEXT!

(Sponsored by Indiana Jones and the Shrine of the Silver Monkey. Can Indy get through an obstacle course in 3 minutes without getting caught by the Temple Guards? Coming to a Video Stream near you)

Jason: That I will watch.
Chico: I smell blockbuster
Gordon: Time for the BIG FINISH. Do we get another sense of Deja Vu next week?
Chico: Why not. The summer's young.
Jason: How do you mean?
Chico: Repeat offenders... Auditioners.
Jason: Of course.
Gordon: Million Dollar Password - Any good?
Jason: I am holding out hope.
Chico: Betty White approves. How bad can it be?
Jason: She was on Game Show offense.
Chico: Hey.. That episode proved that Match Game can work in the here and now.
Gordon: I think you'll approve anything that gets you a steady paycheck
Chico: We shall see. What about Legally Blonde. Am I the only one not lining up to watch this
Jason: I am with you not watching.
Chico: Well, I kinda have to... if only for the site.
Gordon: I'm watching. I don't think it will be as bad as you think it will be. What about The Mole?
Jason: Holding out judgment.
Chico: Watching.
Gordon: Ill watch too. Do we have any mail to watch?
Chico: Yes we do. This one is a Wuthrich mail.

FROM: Jason Wuthrich

Again, congrats on the start of your 18th cycle, and to celebrate, I have three leftovers from Season 17. In the Idol S3 finale, Diana DeGarmo didn't forget the words to "Don't Cry Out Loud". Her ear monitor malfunctioned, resulting in a note only dogs could hear. You also forgot to mention the _real_ reason you'll be watching "Wipeout": the show's hostess is equatorially hot car shiller Jill Wagner. You've got to put ABC on your list! Finally, I just found out last week that the "Guys and Dolls" tune you called "A Person Could Develop a Cold" or something is officially titled "Adelaide's Lament".

Chico: Thanks, J. ... Jill Wagner! How could I forget!
Jason: Thats her.
Chico: In short, I believe the word you're looking for is... "Hello."
Jason: Oh yeah.
Gordon: Yoooooo
Jason: She was also on the Blade TV Series killing vamps.
Chico: Funny thing is.. she was attending State around the same time I was attending UNC... We could've bumped into each other and no one would've ever noticed...
Gordon: like 2 ships passing through the night. Awwww.
Chico: Except we have a mutual Doctor/Master relationship. At least on the surface.
Jason: Yup...
Gordon: So what do they need to do for us to look at their email?
Chico: just shoot us over a line at Or if you're on the Myspace, so are we.
Gordon: And with that, we are done with another episode. Special thanks to Jason Block for joining us.
Jason: Thank you.
Chico: We'll be back in a couple of weeks after I've rode the Griffon and lived to tell the tale.
Jason: Enjoy. And I will be heading to LA again :-) Business.
Chico: Business is good?
Jason: Trust me. It is. When I can say, I will.
Chico: Gotcha. Gordon... Have fun gambling.
Gordon: So For Jason and Chico, this is Gordon, saying Game Over, and Spread the Love.