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Previous Episodes (Season 17)
December 31 - 2007 Year In Review/Push or Flush (1)

The GSNN guys are taking over the world... one game show at a time. Comments are always welcomed here!

Hosted by Chico Alexander and Gordon Pepper, and featuring the editors/contributors to GSNN

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Episode 17.1
January 7

Jason: I saw the show...wrong...but funny.
Gordon: I hear it's being sponsored by the law firm of Dewey, Cheatum and Howe
Jason: Yes.
Gordon: We've got a bunch of funny quotes here. You tell me who said them, and then we discuss. Ready?
Chico: Let's play Saywha?!
Jason: Let's do it!
Gordon: First one...

"I have a strength I didn't know I had. It's a live program, and a naughty British man is constantly making people think there's something weird in my Coca-Cola cup. But I'm proud of myself. I always figure out a way to swim."

Jason: Ryan Seacrest?
Gordon: (BUZZ)
Chico: Jordin Sparks?
Gordon: If this is the easy one, I don't want to know what you guys are going to do for the hard ones. (BUZZ)
Jason: Paula Abdul
Gordon: Thank you. (DING) Is Paula really this strong, or is this the media spin people possessing her as we get into Idol 7?
Chico: I'm going to go with "there really is something in her Coca-Cola cup"
Gordon: Chico wins.
Jason: I go with Chico.
Chico: Coke and Jack.
Jason: Allegedly of course.
Chico: Of course.
Gordon: Coke Daniels. Yummy. Next one...
Chico: Next?

"We're going into our sixteenth season, [a second all-stars] wouldn't be a bad idea... The only thing I can say is that I've come around to understanding that even though the All-Stars we did was a pain-in-the-ass from a production point of view, it was one of our best seasons. And it was our best season because we had our best people back. I get that."

Chico: Jeff Probst?
Gordon: That would be Uncly Jeffy, yes (DING). Jeff's excited about Fans Vs. Fan Favorites. Are you?
Jason: I am.
Chico: Yes.
Jason: This twist might work. Hopefully they cast fans who talk the talk instead of falling into the same traps all over again.
Gordon: I think it will. I also think that everyone knows what to expect from everyone else, so we may see some new twists out of the bag, so to speak. Next one...

"It's official: The people in charge at the WGA have led working writers into a strike that has now cost those working writers more in salary and benefits than the WGA's organizers ever expected to gain from the strike. And the strike continues because the union's leaders are focused on jurisdictional issues that would expand their own power, at the expense of the new media issues that working writers care most about."

Jason: The Los Angeles Times?
Gordon: Nope. (BUZZ)
Chico: The AMPTP?
Gordon: That's it. (DING) Are we all sick of the strike rhetoric yet?
Chico: Yes. Just get a resolution and be done with it.
Jason: Please stop and get this done. You know its going to get worse.
Gordon: And as a bonus, for equal time, here's the WGA's response.

"Big media walked away from the table and refuses to negotiate. The media conglomerates know that the core issue in these negotiations is new media. Their current proposals would cause writers even more economic harm in the future than they claim this strike has caused. To sidestep this fact, they erroneously claim we are focused on other issues. The conglomerates are responsible for creating the economic havoc. They should put their energies into making a fair deal with writers rather than issuing misleading statements."

Jason: ENOUGH!
Gordon: Is the Triple Association Armageddon in June of 2008 coming?
Jason: Oh yeah.
Chico: We all hope not, though
Jason: Here's why. You have Entertainment Weekly printing this week about shows coming out through APRIL. With number of episodes. No one is going to feel the effects of this. You can have all the protests you want at award shows, But if the huddled masses have things to entertain them, no one is going to care. So we have the potential for a huge stoppage.
Gordon: True. Wait until May.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Gordon: You all got your video games stickpiled for this?
Jason: Yes.
Chico: Next?
Gordon: Next one...

"You started to bid 165 million zillion dollars on your showcase."

Chico: Drew.
Jason: Of course that's Drew.
Gordon: It's Drew (DING) on the funniest moment of TPIR this week, when a contestant misreads her friends and attempts to bid on her showcase...$165,000.
Jason: Oops.
Chico: Oh boy.
Gordon: Not only do her friends successfully talk her out of it, she wins her showcase.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Jason: I have one question, outside of the Nazi submarine line...has Drew ever crossed the line? Because he does like to zing a few things here and there.
Gordon: He's been funny, but he hasn't jumped the line
Chico: Not yet. I mean, he's just going about this like he thinks he should.
Jason: Because as I said, TPIR has become...edgy. Ironically enough.
Chico: The most conservative show on television not broadcast on Fox News... is all of a sudden... hip.
Gordon: If anything, Drew has started to add some 'Barkerisms' into his play, like the classic stall before the reveal in The Grand Game.
Jason: You mean the just before pull back thing?
Chico: Yep. Before I pull this...Because you know... ETc.
Gordon: Yep. Good stuff. And he's only getting better.
Jason: Do you think that's imitation or his getting into his own style?
Chico: I think he's getting into it.
Jason: Because Drew and the crew have made it hip.
Chico: Of course.
Jason: Dob and the crew out there have made it fun to watch.
Chico: I hope to go out there over the summer and see it for myself.
Jason: GSC7. Save your pennies now.
Gordon: It's gonna be good. Next one...

"It's a little bit more like American Idol. This is really about kids pursuing their dreams. That mentoring aspect is important....I'm excited -- but I'm not going to lie -- it scares me."

Jason: Carrie Ann Inaba?
Gordon: Correct (DING) And that scares me, too.
Jason: Yeah it does.
Chico: What about it scares you?
Jason: Do we need another Idol clone?
Chico: Besides that.
Gordon: What also scares me is that the losing team will vote off one of their own. Remind you of anything else?
Chico: Biggest Loser! Biggest Loser!
Jason: Survivor!
Chico: Oh, and... umm... everything else.
Jason: What Chico Said.
Gordon: It's The One with Carrie Ann and Bruno. And we know what happened there.
Jason: (BOOM) That is the sound of a nuclear bomb going off.
Chico: This could be Next Great American Band all over again.
Gordon: The Next Great American Bomb?
Chico: Yup. I'll be watching AG, thanks.
Gordon: Last one...for us...

"I've lived with the end-of-Western-civilization thing my whole life,...I'm fine with it. For me, that's sort of how I live and breathe....But, let me tell you, your biggest enemy on shows like these is apathy. So what you want is for people to think it's the greatest thing they've ever seen or the worst, most horrible, most terrible thing ever. That polarization is what we're after."

Chico: Mike Darnell.
Gordon: That's it (DING)
Jason: The guy from the Moment of Truth.
Chico: The worst thing to happen to our genre since Dan Enright.
Gordon: Do we have the end of Western Civilization as we know it approaching?
Jason: You want to know
Chico: Not again, daddy :-)
Jason: And I will tell you why. Anyone remember over the Christmas holidays when a woman was roasted for lying about Hannah Montana Tickets.
Gordon: Yes
Jason: You remember that right?
Chico: Yep.
Jason: And people got a bit of schadenfreude when she got caught.
Chico: Oh yeah.
Jason: This is the exact same thing people are going to get.
Chico: That was pretty funny.
Jason: I hate the show. I flushed it. But its going to be monster.
Chico: Me, I'm looking forward to more of the light-hearted Amne$ia, myself.
Gordon: This is what I was trying to explain to everyone last time out. This will be a train wreck, and I think much more popular than Amne$ia.
Chico: The only reason why Truth will be as big as it will be will be because of the show that precedes it.
Gordon: I think you can stick the show on it's own and it will do well, though I will agree that Idol as the lead in will help, big-time.
Jason: See: Unanimous.
Gordon: Unanimous was an idea that looked mediocre on paper and looked worse executed.
Chico: You're giving it too much credit =p
Jason: But you can put most anything after Idol and it will do well.
Chico: Oh yeah 5th Grader premiered out of Idol.. it helped. Now it does well on its own
Jason: It got lucky.
Gordon: So those are the ones we're done with, but we have a special treat for you, the viewer.
Jason: Oooh!
Chico: I'm afraid.
Gordon: We're going to give you guys a Say Wha for you to figure out. We'll do a random draw from the people who get it right, and the winner will be announced on next week's show. You know what you win?
Chico: What'you win?
Gordon: Your name announced on next week's show. But hey, it's for fun.
Chico: Heh.
Gordon: We promise not to make up a name and announce it as a winner - unless we get correupted enough.
Jason: LOL
Gordon: And here's the quote. You have to tell us who said it. Good luck. Easy one to start, I think.

"I can't say I'm disappointed in Tiffany, because she's young and she's against these two killers -- and they're killers...I am disappointed that you didn't call a very good friend of mine -- Hugh Hefner... Forget about saving it for later. There is no later. This is the time. "

Gordon: I'll add a clue if no one gets it this week.
Jason: I don't think a clue is needed.
Chico: This is too easy.
Gordon: You both know it?
Chico: I know it.
Jason: I know it.
Gordon: Well, there you go. Show us you're as smart as Jason and Chico.

"I can't say I'm disappointed in Tiffany, because she's young and she's against these two killers -- and they're killers...I am disappointed that you didn't call a very good friend of mine -- Hugh Hefner... Forget about saving it for later. There is no later. This is the time. "

Your name:
Your e-mail:
(we don't spam. We promise)

Chico: This is the show, and we're the guys. Back in a bit.

(Brought to you by Shattered Dreams and Broken Banks. Now you can have a shard of the famous Piggy Bank broken on Deal or No Deal. Broken shards cost only one penny each.)