February 23, 2006
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Today is

100 Mexicanos Dijeron by Jason Hernandez, GSNN

Air time: 8p ET/7p CT on Telefutura
Host: Marco Antonio Regil
Jeopardy! by Chico Alexander, GSNN

Air time:  Check listings or
Host: Alex Trebek
Samantha Kaji (supervisor from Chilliwack, BC); $18,900
Bonnie Clair (attorney from St. Louis)
Carolyn Eichner (historian/professor of women's studies from Tampa, FL)

Tonight... Women rule.

Samantha starts with $200 Shakespeare Titles in Other Words. After Samantha gives an "I so knew that!" scoff at the prospect of nearly missing "The Trans-Canada Highway" (an answer in "Trans" Mission), she scores to extend her lead, $4600 to Bonnie's $600 to Carolyn's $200.

Last category in play is Guns. And under $600, the Daily Double. With enough money to take the lead, Bonnie decides not to chance it and bets $1500 on the short-barreled pocket pistol named after the 1840s Philadelphia gunsmith who invented it. "What is Derringer?" Right for $5100. She tacks on another net total of $200 to inch closer to Samantha's $5800 with $5300. Carolyn's $1400 is only good to start Double Jeopardy!...

...with $400 History's Mysteries, finding the Daily Double under $1600. She bets $2000 on this: on a 50th anniversary, Lucia Dos Santos accompanied Pope Paul VI to a shrine in this village in 1967. "What is Santiago de Compostela?" Nope. It was Fatima, as she drops to $1000. Cycling between College Knowledge and Seas Tease, we find the second Daily Double under $2000 Seas Tease. Actually, it finds us, as it's the last clue in the round. Bonnie, in the lead with $15,700 over Samantha's $8200 and Carolyn's $5000 bets $1800 to secure the game before the Final. The clue: you can sail between these 2 seas via Germany's Kiel Canal. "What are the Baltic and the Mediterranean?" She's half right. It was the Baltic and the North Sea, as she drops to $13,900, still leading, but she'll have to work.

Final Jeopardy! in "European Fiction": this 1915 story says, "his numerous legs, which were pitifully thin... waved helplessly before his eyes." Correct question: What is "Metamorphosis"?

Both challengers get it right, as Bonnie rights her previous wrong, winning $16,401. The cycle continues as Samantha leaves with $19,900.

The Price is Right by Chico Alexander, GSNN

Air time:  11a ET/10a CT on CBS (markets may vary)
Host: Bob Barker
It's the happiest hour on television, and Christopher Peterson, Lynnsey Elshere, Gina Dyson, and Lawrence Jague get to be a part of it! First up, a pool table. Actual price: $2195. Lawrence's bid, $2155. Not bad. Now let's see what he can do with a Ford Mustang! The game is Temptation, as he's tempted with an $1199 coffee/espresso machine, $3838 cash money, a $499 vacuum cleaner, and a $500 pair of Blackberrys. First number, 2. He picks out the 1, the 8, the 4, and the 5. He sticks to it, and herein lies the Temptation. Will he risk $6036 in gifts for a shot at the car? Yes. Will he win the car?


Actual price: $21,345. He's ONE number shy of victory.

Christopher wins a $1719 banjo in round 2, as he makes his move to the Make Your Move board. The prizes on tap... a clock/radio, a dinette set, and a jet ski. The lineup... 9 0 9 8 4 6 5 7 8. She thinks the radio is $90, the dinette is $578, and the jet ski is $9846. Is he right?


The jet ski was $9098, the dinette was $465, and the radio was $78.

Gina wins three lamps worth $713 (or about $230 a lamp) and gets to play Flip Flop for a hot tub. The setup: 96 59. Will she flip the 96, flop the 59, or flip flop both? She flips it to $6959. Is she a winner?


She should've flip flopped. The price was $6995. So this Flip Flop turns into a flub, one of two, as Christopher bests her by a nickel in the Showdown round.

Theresa Avila comes on down! Then comes on up! Then comes on down again! Then comes up, having won a set of his & hers golf equipment worth $1440. She gets to play for a new bedroom with sleep set. The game is Grocery Game. The groceries: Capzasin P, Renuzit Airlets, NewPhase, Francesco Rinaldi sauce, and Clorox bleach pen. She takes three of the air fresheners, each one worth $5.49, total of $16.47. Then one of the bleach pens. That tacks on another $2.99 for $19.46. She gets one pasta sauce, giving her $1.99 more... and does she get to the $21?


She's 45 cents over, despite the $22.45 showing on Brandi's NCR.

Myrtle Shepard wins his and hers bikes worth $898. But can she win a fondue fountain? Or maybe a carousel horse? Or a Chevrolet HHR? Or better still, all three? The game is Master Key, and the two smallies are a food dehydrator and a tortilla maker. First, the food dehydrator. Is it $53 or $39? She goes with $53. Wrong, it's $39. IS the tortilla maker $13 or $35? She says $35... she's right! She gets one pick, so she better make it count. She goes dead center. And is this the all-powerful Master Key?


It does open the carousel horse lock, though.

Last chance for Lynnsey to win a trip to the stage with an electric range. The price is $949... and Lynnsey's $49 off to win! She tries to win a popcorn cart and a floor clock. The 1 Right Price is $2940. Lynnsey picks the floor clock. Is Lynnsey the savior of this wretched hour?


But she will get one more shot at the Showcase.

First up: Phire checks into the local inn, only to find the customer service... well, lacking. She gets a bar set, a trip to the Grand Canyon, and a Hi Lo travel trailer to just get lost. Top winner Christopher bids $24,450. Lynnsey takes on a host of dream jobs with a DVD camcorder (Brandi always wanted to be a director), a trip to Thailand (Phire wanted to be an airline pilot), and a Chevy Impala (Shane wanted to be a pizza girl). Lynnsey bids $35,000. Will ANYONE win something today?


Lynnsey's Showcase is worth $27,553.  Christopher's Showcase is worth $22,841. So what started as the happiest hour on TV turns out to be the WORST EPISODE EVER... Zero wins and a Double Overbid to boot. What say you, judges?

Simon: "That was bordering on excruciating."

Stats: skunk, $8739.

Wheel of Fortune by Jason Block, GSNN

Air time:  Check listings or
Hosts: Pat Sajak & Vanna White
We are cruising along with the Thursday edition of "Welcome Aboard" week on WOF from Ft. Lauderdale!
The $1,000 Tossup is ON THE MAP. Sue Hawks is from Whiteville, NC. She solved KENNEBUNKPORT MAINE for $1,000. Izzy Perez is from Miami. He is a 1st grade teacher. Carmie Thiessen is from Waukesha, WI. She is a newlywed from last July. And Pat was sucking up to his wife of 16 years, we go into...
The $2,000 Tossup is LIVING THINGS. Sue is up to $3,000 with BARNACLES. And we add to the wheel a Costa Cruise to the Mediterranean with arifare from Alitalia worth $8,500! Sue starts this round which is PROPER NAMES. She loses $4,950 on Bankrupt...over to Izzy. He misses a vowel..over to Carmie. She misses...back to Sue. She picks up the $1,000 Ocean Pacific Gift Tag. She misses...over to Izzy who solves THE NINA THE PINTA & THE SANTA MARIA for $1,250.  
The jackpot round is sponsored by The category is THINGS. Izzy starts. He hits the jackpot wedge on the first spin and of course cant solve. He misses...over to Carmie. She loses $1,200 on a Bankrupt. Over to Sue, who prematurely picks up the Cruise, but calls a letter and gets it anyway. Next spin, however...Bankrupt. Over to Izzy who solves the jackpot wedge for $8,300 with CHOCOLATE COVERED MACADAMIAS. His cash total was $9,100 He is going to eat them in Hawaii! He is going to the Kona Village Resort worth $6,163! And if you have the ID of are off to Kona...and if you have the Sony Card you get 50 large! That round was worth $15,263 and he has a total of $16,513.
The mystery round prize is $10,000. The category is BEFORE AND AFTER. Karmie starts. She controls the wheel for the entire round and solves NO SMOKING SIGN OF THE ZODIAC for $6,100.
The $3,000 tossup is OCCUPATION. Sue sweeps the tossups with MERCHANT MARINE. She has $6,000. She starts this round which is PEOPLE. We go right into the FINAL SPIN...$1,400 a letter. Izzy solves STAY-AT-HOME MOMS for $4,200.  He wins with $20,713 in cash and Hawaii trip. Sue leaves with $6,000 in tossup cash. And Karmie goes home with $6,100 in cash as well.
Izzy is going to Hawaii. It's an expensive place, so let's see if he wins some more tipping money. He lands on the 1 in $100,000. His category is PHRASE. With the RSTLNE we have:
_  _ _ _ R
S _ _ _ E
He chooses FGCA and we have:
A  F A _ R
S _ A _ E
He got A FAIR SHAKE and won $25,000 in Bonus cash. He leaves with a nice total of $45,713 in cash and Kona Trip. Nice job, Izzy!
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire by Don Harpwood, GSNN

Air time:  Check listings or
Host: Meredith Vieira
Yesterday, as we passed the halfway point of Million Dollar Movie Week, we watched as Steve Striegel (Seattle, WA) made his way to the $50,000 level. He has 2 lifelines left, so he could have a shot at the big one...

Steve recalls the time that he decided to quit his job as a waiter about a year beforehand, to become a stay-at-home dad. So now, his wife Linda, who is in the audience, is getting the paycheck, and she's a waitress. I bet it's not worth as much as the check that Steve will be taking home soon, though. With that, the game resumes...

Which of these Motown classics is not featured on the original soundtrack to the 1983 movie "The Big Chill"?
A: I Can't Help Myself
B: The Tracks of My Tears
C: I Second That Emotion
D: My Girl

Steve decides to phone his brother Bob, who says he thinks it's B, but changes to A just before time runs out. Steve, after saying that Bob is off the hook this time, goes with A... and he's right! On to the next question...

In the movie "The Wizard of Oz," what is the name of the Kansas farmhand who later becomes the Tin Man?
A: Bert
B: Hickory
C: Hunk
D: Zeke

Steve wishes he paid more attention when watching that movie. But he thinks about it, saying he's certain it's not A. He isn't certain what it is, though, so he switches the question. After finding out that it was B, he then sees this one...

[$250,000] (Q)
Which of these pairs of actors were never costars on the silver screen?
A: Mae West & Farrah Fawcett
B: Sidney Poitier & Jack Black
C: Gregory Peck & Jimmy Smits
D: Debbie Reynolds & Woody Harrelson

Steve rules out C ("Old Gringo"), and believes that both West and Fawcett were in "Myra Breckinridge", ruling out A. He's leaning towards B, and after some consideration, he goes for it, saying B... but it's D! Darn, I was really hoping he'd get that one! Well, at least he seems happy with $25,000!

Next up is Kim Leyda (Mahtomedi, MN). She's here because of a friend who hates her. Basically, she won a movie trivia game with a critical question at the last possible moment, and this caused the friend to say to her, "I hate you!" Nice inspiration, eh? Kim starts by knowing that in "Sunset Boulevard," aging film star Norma Desmond famously announces, "I'm ready for my close-up" (good thing it's not spongebath; I don't know about you, but that would have creeped me out). She gets through the lower tier, then faces this...

In a famous scene from "2001: A Space Odyssey," a shot of what airborne object segues into a shot of a spacecraft?
A: Bone
B: Shooting star
C: Spear
D: Coin

Kim asks the audience. 38% of the studio audience and 44% of the AIM users say B. Kim trusts them... but they're wrong! It was A (said by 26% of the studio audience and 18% of the AIM users)! Ouch. That sends her home with $1,000.

In the hot seat now is Craig Hlavaty (Pearland, TX). He has plenty of tattoos, including one of the R rating for movies. Apparently, when he was younger, he tried sneaking into R-rated movies, with plenty of success. Anyway, the reason he's here is because his mother threatened to kick him out of the house if he didn't at least audition for this! Talk about motivation... Craig starts by knowing that as "The Terminator," Arnold Schwarzenegger utters "I'll be back" at a police station (though I bet "I'll raise taxes in '07" would have been more frightening). He eventually gets the $1,000, then after a question accompanied by a clip of a trainwreck from what turned out to be "The Fugitive," this pops up...

The 1970 movie "They Call Me Mister Tibbs!" was the less successful sequel to what Sidney Poitier classic?
A: The Blackboard Jungle
B: A Raisin in the Sun
C: In the Heat of the Night
D: To Sir, With Love

Craig considers each answer, then goes with D... but it's C! Ouch. And another one is sent home with $1,000.

That's all the time for today. Million Dollar Movie Week wraps up tomorrow, and it oughta be a good one.

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