American Idol
Season 4
Catch it: 8p ET Fox Tuesdays and 9p ET Fox Wednesdays

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In the world's ultimate talent search - where the eyes of a nation are upon the best undiscovered singers in the country, where the audience has the power to make or break you, and where a million-dollar recording contract is on the line, there is only one rule: If you can sing it, bring it.

Is your favorite still in the running? Check out the Idol Set List!

Recaps by Chico Alexander & Gordon Pepper, GSNN


Host: Ryan Seacrest
Judges: Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
Creator: Simon Fuller (based upon "Pop Idol")
EP: Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Simon Fuller
Packager: 19 Entertainment, FremantleMedia North America
Airs: Tuesdays at 8pm ET and Wednesdays at 9pm ET on Fox

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Round of 16: Roundtable Idol" - March 7-9

Gordon: Welcome back to the American Idol Roundtable. Gordon Pepper is back in action. You've seen Anthony Rojas - and he is back, too.
Anthony: Back and scorching.
Gordon: Also returning is Aldo Villalona, Jason Block and Joe Van Ginkel.
Joe: For all the good I'll do.
Gordon: We have a newcomer in our midst - the lovely Josh Yawn. Welcome, Josh.
Josh: Thanks. Although, like Joe, I'm not sure I'll be of much use.
Joe: I think we're here for comic relief.
Anthony: Exactly.
Gordon: We start with 5 easy questions.
Joe: Which works for me, because I'm good at it.
Gordon: I Ask a question to each one of you and you give me the answer
Anthony: Shoot.
Gordon: Question #1 - Aldo - Does Mario the Latino last another week and what will you do if he is eliminated?
Aldo: He'll last just so racism isn't an issue - then he will be cut immediately.
Gordon: Thank you Aldo. Joe....
Aldo: So Mario will move on.
Gordon: Question #2 - Joe.
Joe: Yeeeees?
Gordon: Does Amanda Avila make it to the top 12, and what will YOU do if she doesn't advance tonight?
Joe: Easy. Stop watching the show. :-D. And yes, I think she will. At least I hope she will.
Gordon: There's no other woman besides Amanda you'd watch?
Joe: Not on this show. :D
Gordon: lol - Question #3 - JOSH - The ratings for this year's Idol is better
than last year's. Are you surprised?
Josh: Not really. Idol has a pretty loyal audience although I have a feeling this is just a spike and we'll see it on the downhill stretch from here. Idol by far is not the most brilliant idea ever thought up and I feel like that eventually people will get tired of seeing it. It's not a show you can really make fresh season by season except for new faces. You can't do insane twists or anything in the name of being fair. So, to go back to your question, no, I'm not surprised, but again, I'm sure it'll be downhill from here.
Gordon: We'll see. Anthony - Question #4 - Will there be any upsets tonight?
Anthony: I think Scott is a possibility or Nikko Smith - but Constantine  and fake usher Travis may be the unlucky ones.
Gordon: Question #5 - to everyone.
Anthony: yes?
Gordon: Who will like to run down the safe/trouble section for me?
Anthony: I will.
Gordon: Let's go down the list. You get 2 Outs, 2 Troubles and 4 Safes
Gordon: 2 points if you get the outs on the nose, 1 point for trouble
Anthony: OK.
Gordon: The score so far -I have been perfect with 16, while Anthony has been almost perfect with 14.
Anthony: OK.
Gordon: Here we go....

Nadia Turner
Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Jessica Sierra
Gordon: safe
Anthony: safe

Mikalah Gordon
Anthony: trouble
Gordon: safe

Janay Castine
Anthony: out
Gordon: out

Lindsay Cardinale
Anthony: safe
Gordon: out

Vonzell Solomon
Anthony: out
Gordon: trouble

Amanda Avila
Anthony: hmm
Gordon: hurry - we have to do the guys too
Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Carrie Underwood
Anthony: safe
Gordon: trouble

Gordon: Now for the guys

Bo Bice
Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Anwar Robinson
Anthony: def safe
Gordon: safe

Mario Vasquez
Anthony: def safe
Gordon: safe - go Latinos!
Anthony: lol

Anthony Fedorov
Anthony: def safe
Gordon: trouble
Anthony: what

Nikko Smith
Anthony: trouble
Gordon: safe

Constantine Maroulis
Anthony: out
Gordon: trouble

Scott Savol
Anthony: trouble-safe
Gordon: troublesafe? no no no
Anthony: Toss up.
Gordon: No fence sitting.
Anthony: I didn't like it.
Gordon: Trouble or safe?
Anthony: trouble
Gordon: I'll be easier - out

Travis Tucker
Anthony: out
Gordon: out
Anthony: Although he danced well.
Gordon: The show isn't called Bad Dancing Idol or Joseph Murena would still be there.
Anthony: lol

Gordon: Ryan welcomes us back and is on the verge of naming the Final 12. It's the highest vote yet - 120 million votes.
Anthony: Wow, that's a lot of phone calls and texts.
Gordon: We have 16 people on Ryan's right - and 12 seats on the left. You
have the feeling that instead of eliminating people, he will announce the winners?
Anthony: Who knows?
Gordon: Ryan thanks the judges as we get to the women's highlights from
Anthony: They try to change things up some every week.
Gordon: True - now we get the men's recap. First up - Mario, Lindsay, Anthony and Vonzell are called up. They are all... Safe!
Anthony: lol
Gordon: They are in the Top 12, and hugs and kisses are flowing around Ryan says that Constantine and Bo - which one stays...which one goes? We find out at the break. With Lindsay and Vonzell both safe, we both lose an out, which means that we could have an upset.
Anthony: Tell me about it.
Gordon: We are back to the show, and we have 4 people safe - and 12 people sweating it out Next Carrie safe. Nadia
Anthony: 6 more spots left.
Gordon: Constantine and Bo are asked to join Ryan. Constantine is asked if he is still concerned if 2 rockers could be in the Top 12. Constantine says that they can both be in the Top 12. Constantine is...Right.
Anthony: Oh boy.
Gordon: Ryan congratulates Bo... then congratulates Constantine.
Anthony: Geez. Not a good start for my two outs.
Gordon: Randy is thrilled that the 8 people who made the Top 12 are there. I still have 3 out of 4 left.
Jason: Who is left?
Gordon: For the men - Travis, Scott, Nikko and Anwar
Anthony: Anwar is safe...will be.
Gordon: For the women - Jessica, Mikalah, Janay and.... Amanda. Could Joe Van Ginkel be howling at the moon in 10 minutes?
Anthony: Well it could be Travis and Scott
Jason: If Scott--the American people are asses.
Gordon: I disagree - I think Scott wrote his own elimination warrant when he went after Simon.
Gordon: What happens if Nikko and Anwar are the people eliminated?
Gordon: Back to the men. Ryan says that Anwar
Jason: There you go.
Gordon: Back to the ladies. The safe woman here is...Jessica. No surprises so far.
Anthony: So who do you pick as the other person to advance - Amanda or Mikalah?
Gordon: I had Janay as out. You had her as out and Mikalah as trouble.
Anthony: Yep.
Gordon: I will have to disagree. I think Mikalah gets the final spot The guys go up and meet Ryan at the center of the stage.
Gordon: Ryan asks the judges who should make it. Randy says either Scott
or Nikko. Paula says that they have all done well (fence-straddler), Simon
says that Travis will... be leaving. Nice, Simon.
Gordon: The person who gets the last spot is... Scott.
Jason: Told you!
Anthony: So Nikko's slow start doomed him.
Gordon: Time for the women. Randy says Mikalah - and he's right.
Gordon: Amanda and Janay leave.
Jason: Amanda Avila is gone?
Gordon: Goodbye, Amanda Avila - and somewhere, Joe Van Ginkel is ripping down posters.
Jason: Joe is going to be pissed.
Anthony: Very good top 12.
Gordon: We have our final Top 12. Our stats....
Gordon: I am 2 for 4 for the week. Anthony is 2 for 4 as well
Anthony: Err...
Gordon: The judges tell them to go for it, have fun, and be their age.
Anthony: Take risks, and show some skin ladies he he...
Gordon: lol
Gordon: Anthony got 2 troubles to my zero, so the final score after prelims
(for 2 points for an out and 1 for a trouble) is....

Gordon - 20
Anthony - 20

Gordon: You suck, Rojas.
Anthony: OH YEA - bang bang!
Gordon: So we take our tie into the final round.
Anthony: Uh huh.
Gordon: We will see you in 7 days, when we do this again.
Anthony: Cya!!!! pizza time
Gordon: For Pizza boy, J Block, Josh Yawn, Aldo Villalona and Joe Van Ginkel (don't destroy any cars, Joe!), This is Gordon Pepper. Match Game and out!

Opinions expressed in the Roundtable are only indicative of those who take part, and do not represent Game Show Newsnet as a whole.

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