American Idol
Season 4
Catch it: 8p ET Fox Tuesdays and 9p ET Fox Wednesdays

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In the world's ultimate talent search - where the eyes of a nation are upon the best undiscovered singers in the country, where the audience has the power to make or break you, and where a million-dollar recording contract is on the line, there is only one rule: If you can sing it, bring it.

Is your favorite still in the running? Check out the Idol Set List!

Recaps by Chico Alexander & Gordon Pepper, GSNN


Host: Ryan Seacrest
Judges: Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
Creator: Simon Fuller (based upon "Pop Idol")
EP: Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Simon Fuller
Packager: 19 Entertainment, FremantleMedia North America
Airs: Tuesdays at 8pm ET and Wednesdays at 9pm ET on Fox

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Round of 20: Roundtable Idol" - February 28-March 2

Gordon: We are back for this week's Idol round table. I am Gordon Pepper, and
Anthony Rojas will be joining us... after he picks up Domino's.
Anthony: Sorry, I went to get pizza. I DON'T LIKE COLD PIZZA.
Gordon: Stick it in the microwave.
Anthony: Chewy, rubbery pizza.
Gordon: Anthony is complaining about his pizza. Just give the public a mere 30 minutes of your time, Anthony.
Anthony: Sure, why not?
Gordon: That's why the microwave was invented.
Anthony: Blah, blah, blah. So can we talk about Idol or what?
Gordon: Yes - you know the drill. I'll give you an Idol, you tell me if they are safe. Since we are down to 10 ladies and 10 men, you only get to label
three of them with 'Trouble'. Ok?
Anthony: (Munching) Ok.
Gordon: Sigh. Ladies first -

Nadia Turner

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Celena Rae

Anthony: Trouble
Gordon: trouble

Jessica Sierra
Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe - she was good last night

Mikalah Gordon

Anthony: Safe. Very good and surprising performance.
Gordon: Safe - could she be a dark horse to win the whole thing?
Anthony: Very much so.

Aloha Mischeaux

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: trouble

Janay Castine

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: trouble

Lindsay Cardinale

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Vonzell Solomon

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Amanda Avila

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe
Anthony: better 2nd week

Carrie Underwood

Anthony: did ok but safe
Gordon: agreed
Anthony: just a wrong choice of song for her

Gordon: So we agree on everything - eerie. Now for the guys...

Bo Bice

Anthony: Safe. He's a wild crazy dude
Gordon: Is he your pick?
Anthony: No. Mario is.
Gordon: Ok

David Brown

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: deep trouble

Anwar Robinson

Anthony: safe
Gordon: deep safe - heh

Mario Vasquez

Gordon: There's your boy.
Anthony: safe.
Gordon: tee hee hee
Anthony: O_o

Anthony Fedorov

Anthony: def safe.
Gordon: he's safe - though he has to get better

Nikko Smith

Anthony: did well - safe
Gordon: he impressed me this week - well done

Constantine Maroulis

Anthony: trouble - He's not better than Bo
Gordon: he's not better than Bo - and that's trouble in my book

Scott Savol

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe
Anthony: He's cocky and confident but safe

Travis Tucker

Anthony: safe - looked like usher out there
Gordon: He'd be trouble, but that last performance may have saved him. Safe, but he better have something special for next week

Joseph Murena

Anthony: bored me... trouble
Gordon: boring + no screen time = Trouble

Gordon: So we agree again with all 3
Anthony: Yea - its pretty easy at this point
Gordon: Either you're getting smarter or I'm getting brain dead.
Anthony: Ha ha.
Gordon: The show tonight is only 30 minutes - do you think last week's parade of malice had anything to do with it?
Anthony: nooooo..of course not...hehe
Gordon: What do you think of it?
Anthony: It's better. Who wants to watch an hour to see eliminations?
Gordon: Not me.
Anthony: It should be a half hour quicker.
Gordon: And speaking of which...we're on!
Anthony: Here we go
Gordon: Ryan starts with 20 people - soon to be 16. Ryan says that time is tight tonight - no songs, just results. We get the judges intro, then he says  that no one likes losing people.
Anthony: Easy and quick.
Gordon: 42 million votes cast.
Anthony: A lot of love.
Gordon: We get the ladies first as we see recaps from there. The women just simply weren't as good as the guys last week.
Anthony: agreed.
Gordon: The judges are mad that some of the singers played it safe. Would you rather prefer a good play it safe performance or a bad performance but took a risk?
Anthony: What good is a risk if you dont take one? :)
Gordon: Recap is done, and Ryan talks to the judges. Ryan calls Randy on the song that he accused Carrie of doing Janis Joplin - and it was Faith Hill's version. Oops. Paula is called for going against Alicia Keyes, and Paula tells the women to tackle a male vocalist. Wha?
Anthony: A woman singing usher? How boring!
Gordon: Simon says that there are good and bad songs in every genre - and to not choose gimmick songs, but to sing songs with a good performance and avoid being an impersonator.
Anthony: I agree with that.
Gordon: Ryan calls up Celena Rae...and tells her that she got the lowest
amount of votes. That was quick.
Quick is the word. I've never seen the first person called go
Gordon: Ryan says that she was great in the dress rehearsal, but was
different yesterday. Randy tells her to take chances, Paula tells her to keep going and Simon says that although the odds are stacked against her, she performed in front of 30 million people and told her to work hard.
Anthony: Throw a point on the board.
Gordon: We both say Trouble - we're both right.
Anthony: Well, I had her in there.
Gordon: How does it feel to be 1 for 1?
Anthony: Well, If you count last week I'm 4 for 5
Gordon: and I would be...5 for 5?
Anthony: yea yea.
Anthony: Can't guess them all.
Gordon: I can =). We take the first break. Is it me or does Ryan look like he just got neutered 5 minutes before going on the air? Ryan notes that the guys aren't partying in the Red Room - but we go back to the girls, as he says were dynamite in Dress Rehearsal. Dress Rehearsal, unfortunately, isn't performance, so Ryan calls the women's names.
Anthony: Here we go.
Gordon: Jessica - Safe. Amanda - Safe
Anthony: So far, so good.
Gordon: Carrie - Safe. Nadia - Safe. Janay - safe
Anthony: WHAT!!. No way. Must be a glitch in the Matrix.
Gordon: Lindsey and Mikalah - safe. Aloha and Vonzell are the only 2 ladies left, and they join Ryan in the middle.
Anthony: It has to be Aloha. Vonzell was definitely better than her
Gordon: Vonzell sad that she was better in the dress rehearsal - and she
wants to redeem herself. She'll get the chance - she is safe and Aloha means good-bye. People are stunned, and Paula and Randy both don't think she should be leaving. Simon agrees, but says that she wouldn't have won the competition.
Anthony: People saved Janay for what reason?
Gordon: You got me.
Anthony: Where's Agent Smith?
Gordon: Agent Smith - Janay is waiting for you to assimilate her. So while we are wondering why Janay is still here, we will be seeing the guys. You think you have a shot to be 4-0?
Anthony: My gloves are up - let the bell ring.
Gordon: Right now - MEN'S RECAP. Mario and Anwar - good. If you had your choice, would you want to eliminate 4 women instead of 2 and 2 this week?
Anthony: Yes and not cause I'm a man, but the women are awful this week.
Gordon: Simon apologizes for being mean to Travis last week.
Anthony: Simon apologize.. oh this is def a weird night.
Gordon: This is a VERY tough call for the week. This week, it
seems pretty easy. We'll see how easy it is. Ryan says that Constantine is safe. Nikko - safe. Bo - safe. Anthony - safe. Anwar - safe. Scott - safe. Joe, Davie, Mario and Travis....well, if they were all safe, then no guys would be leaving. All 4 of them join Ryan up on stage - and 2 of them are safe. 2 of them are leaving.
Anthony: What is Mario up there for?
Gordon: If Mario is one of the people eliminated, do you think that Aldo the
Dominican will be bothering us all night?


Gordon: PIZZA BOY!
Anthony: Sorry, the pizza is good. It would be a huge upset.
Gordon: I think he'll be in the room in 5 seconds screaming his lungs out.
We're back, and Ryan says that safe.
Anthony: Good.
Gordon: Ryan tells Travis that safe. That means that Joe and David
are gone. Surprised?
Anthony: Nope - that's the way it should be.
Gordon: Joe complains about his airtime, but doesn't say that he did anything wrong. You agree?
Anthony: No. He's a sore loser and should have been bounced last week
Gordon: He seems bitter.
Anthony: lol
Gordon: Paula says that David had a lot of potential - but he didn't bring it
in the performances. Do you agree with that?
Anthony: Yes. He bored me, too. He cracked and his time fizzled. It sort of sounds like rice crispies.
Gordon: Well, with that, Ryan says good night. He seems somber tonight,
doesn't he?
Anthony: That's because it's a half hour show. It just ran faster.
Gordon: So you so far are 7 for 8. Very nice. I, however, am.... 8 for 8. WHOO!
Anthony: You will go down, Bubba.
Gordon: You still munching on the pizza?
Anthony: Pizza - oh so good - this is brought to you by the power of CHEESE.
Gordon: That was cheesy. So with that, we are out of here. For the Pizza
boy, this is Gordon Pepper.
Gordon: I hope Anthony enjoys the pizza, and I hope you enjoyed the recap. See you next week!

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