American Idol
Season 4
Catch it: 8p ET Fox Tuesdays and 9p ET Fox Wednesdays

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In the world's ultimate talent search - where the eyes of a nation are upon the best undiscovered singers in the country, where the audience has the power to make or break you, and where a million-dollar recording contract is on the line, there is only one rule: If you can sing it, bring it.

Is your favorite still in the running? Check out the Idol Set List!

Recaps by Chico Alexander & Gordon Pepper, GSNN


Host: Ryan Seacrest
Judges: Paula Abdul, Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson
Creator: Simon Fuller (based upon "Pop Idol")
EP: Nigel Lythgoe, Ken Warwick, Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Simon Fuller
Packager: 19 Entertainment, FremantleMedia North America
Airs: Tuesdays at 8pm ET and Wednesdays at 9pm ET on Fox

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No infringement of copyright is intended by these fan pages; production companies of shows this site covers retain all rights to the sounds, images, and information contained herein. No challenge to copyright is implied. 

Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"Round of 24: Roundtable Idol" - February 21-23

Gordon: Welcome back to the first Idol Round Table. Returning is myself,
Gordon Pepper. Also returning is the loveable (usually) Anthony Rojas...
Anthony: Awww...thanks, DAWG!
Gordon: We'll be getting more people in here as the night wears on, but right now, we start with the first result show of the season. 4 of them go bye-bye - 2 men and 2 women. We start guessed it... a recap. Starting the Longer or shorter than 5 minutes, Anthony?
Anthony: I say shorter.
Gordon: Staring time - 9:07:29 PM ET. We get the recaps of the auditions, such as Mario, Carrie and.... Mr. Crunk. Continue with Dezmond Meeks, the departure of the crooners...
Anthony: Don't you just love bloopers of the losers?
Gordon: The acceptance and screaming of Mikalah Gordon...and the end of the first recap. Ending Time - 9:10:17. Almost 3 minutes.
Anthony: Shorter time wins.
Gordon: Almost 40 million votes cast - the girls are booted first, then the
Anthony: Ladies first.
Gordon: We get rid of 2 guys and 2 girls each week, leaving the final 12. Ryan talks to the judges. Randy warns the contestants about being too safe, Paula warns about song selection and Simon is going to be tougher on the guys. Joining us is another person who has graced his presence with us from Season 2 - It's Aldo Villalona! Say hello, Aldo.
Aldo: Hellllllllllllllloooo...Hello, teddy bears!
Gordon: Ok Aldo - which two women go bye-bye?
Aldo: Hopefully none of the hot chicks.
Gordon: Lets do something different - I'll give you a list of women - you tell me if she's safe or in trouble. Since they are probably going to announce a bottom 4, you can only say Trouble to 4 people.
Anthony: Ok.

Nadia Turner

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Celena Rae

Anthony: safe
Gordon: trouble

Jessica Sierra

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Melinda Lira

Gordon: trouble
Anthony: trouble
Aldo: The Latina stays - lol

Mikalah Gordon

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe
Aldo: Last name is Gordon? has to go
Gordon: Hah.

Aloha Mischeaux

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: safe

Janay Castine

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: trouble

Lindsey Cardinale

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Vonzell Solomon

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe

Amanda Avila

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: safe

Carrie Underwood

Anthony: Definitely safe
Gordon: Safe

Sarah Mather

Anthony: safe. Sympathy vote.
Gordon: trouble. Not in the first week

Gordon: My trouble guesses - Sarah, Celena, Melinda and Janay
Anthony: My trouble guesses - Amanda, Janay, Aloha and Melinda
Gordon: Thoughts?
Aldo: Simon - "I wanna come back as your microphone?" Was that sexual
Anthony: He's British - enough said.
Gordon: We get the recap as Joe Van Ginkel joins us.
Joe: Let me think here. I'm guessing Janay, Mikalah, Sarah and Melinda.
Gordon: Ryan speaks to Sarah, who was upset with what Simon said. She adds that it was harder than she originally thought. Ryan asks Nadia if she was confident - and she says that it's up to America. Ryan asks if she is leaving, and she is concerned. Amanda Avila is nervous, while Janay thought that it was nerves that got to her. Now for the results... The Top Row is all safe. Going to the bottom row. safe. safe.
Anthony: Lindsey - safe. Nadia - Safe.
Gordon: Nadia is safe, which means that either Janay or Melinda is leaving. And...Melinda is gone.
Anthony: Just like that.
Gordon: She is stunned, and if Ryan asks her if she is ok, she is crying.
Aldo: Gordon, you always go against the Latina.
Gordon: I don't go against the Latina - but this Latina didn't sing very well
Anthony: She looks like she gonna kill Simon.
Joe: Okay, so I got one right.
Anthony: Melinda was not a shock, but I thought Janay escaped with a close one.
Gordon: She said that she didn't think that she was leaving soon, adding that she didn't get as much exposure as the others, adding that it was a factor. Randy says that it's the wrong song, while Paula says that there was pitch problems, adding that if she didn't get exposure, she has to make it her best shot - and she didn't. Simon says that she has to give people a reason to vote for her - and she didn't. Melinda sings her final song.
Anthony: I hate this part.
Aldo: I couldn't sing after that.
Anthony: You know this is tough
Aldo: How can you sing with a plum in your throat?
Gordon: She actually sings better now than last night - but it's still just ok.
Aldo: That's what it feels like when you want to cry.
Gordon: Last night, she was 'ok'. OK is not going to win this. Right choice
by America, group? I know what Aldo the Latino thinks.
Aldo: Wait a minute - you think I'm biased towards Latinos?
Gordon: Uhhh....yeah.
Anthony: Oh boy.
Aldo: Damn RIGHT I AM!
Gordon: lol
Anthony: The race card is out.
Gordon: And how would you react if Mario Vazquez gets his walking papers tonight?
Anthony: Ouch. that would be shocking.
Joe: I still would rather have seen Mikalah go. She's not that great a singer, AND she's obnoxious.
Anthony: I agree with Joe.
Gordon: Well, one more woman leaves tonight - it could be Janay.
Anthony: Janay might sneak away again.
Gordon: And we go to commercial with Melinda sobbing in the women's arms looking like she was being eaten by a bear. While we are in commercial, let's quickly to go to the guy predictions. Again, the same idea. I'll give you a guy, you tell me if he's safe or in trouble. 8 safe's, 4 troubles.
Anthony: sure.

Judd Harris

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: trouble
Aldo: trouble

David Brown

Anthony: safe
Gordon: Bad effort, but safe.

Anwar Robinson

Anthony: definitely safe
Gordon: safe

Bo Bice

Anthony: safe
Gordon: safe
Anthony: he was the better rocker

Mario Vasquez

Anthony: definitely safe
Gordon: safe
Anthony: Simon loved him.

Anthony Fedorov
Anthony: Clay Aiken wannabe safe
Gordon: safe

Nikko Smith

Anthony: Ozzie Smith's nephew - safe
Gordon: safe

Constantine Maroulis

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: safe - for now

Scott Savol

Joe: I hope safe.
Anthony: safe.
Gordon: Safe for now.
Anthony: Agreed.

Travis Tucker

Anthony: safe - but soso
Gordon: trouble

Jared Yates

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: trouble
Anthony: bottom 4

Joseph Murena

Anthony: trouble
Gordon: trouble

David Brown

Anthony: safe
Gordon: I think he gets by this round, but he can't keep giving efforts like
Anthony: Agreed.

Gordon: Keeping score this round - Bottom 4 for me are Judd, Joseph, Travis and Jared.
Anthony: Bottom 4 for me are Judd, Joseph, Constantine and Jared.
Gordon: BTW, with Melinda leaving, we both said trouble.
Anthony: Yes.
Gordon: Coming back from the break, we get the men's recap. Ryan talks to the guys. Bo says that the talent is phenomenal, but his age may give him an edge. Ryan talks about Randy Jackson's singing during Constantine's review. Ryan thought that Anwar is phenomenal, and he hopes that he appealed to America. Ryan tells Scott, who looks like a statue, that we go to break.
Aldo: One day someone up there is gonna get a heart attack.
Gordon: So while we are at the break. Which 2 guys go bye-bye?
Anthony: Constantine and Jared
Aldo: You're crazy, Anthony.
Anthony: Maybe.
Gordon: Aldo, your 2?
Aldo: Constantine will stay, plus he's got a movie out there!
Anthony: Remember, they compared him to Bo.
Aldo: Jared yes.
Anthony: And I thought he was bad.
Gordon: I think that Jared and Judd, who both got limited exposure, had to
show why they should be there. Neither of them did, I think they are both gone.
Aldo: Yikes - 3 Jareds
Anthony: Forgot about Judd.
Gordon: I think the problem is that possibly so did everyone else - though I think that Constantine and Joseph will be at the bottom with them. And the latest exploitation show from FOX....stars without make-up. Anyone going to watch this?
Anthony: No - lol
Gordon: Time to eliminate guys.
Anthony: The top row is safe.
Gordon: Anwar, Joe, David, Bo, Mario and Scott are all safe.
Aldo: I would have switched seats. lol
Gordon: This time, all of the guys on the bottom row join Ryan in the middle.
Anthony: Anthony is safe.
Gordon: Anthony gets to sit down. Constantine will not be able to sit down,
but Judd does. Niko also gets to sit down, as does... Constantine. Jared and
Travis are left... and Jared is gone.
Aldo: 2 for 2.
Gordon: Yep - all of us said that Jared would be gone. Very impressive, guys. Randy says that the voice didn't show up last night, Paula says that he should sing it out. Simon is asked if there was anything constructive to say, and he says no.
Aldo: Cut those sideburns, hippy!
Gordon: Jared sing his farewell song, and there's a good reason why he eliminated. Yeccch.
Anthony: Marc Anthony wanna-be.
Aldo: ooo ahhhh.
Gordon: He looks like Marc Anthony. He sings like Greg Anthony.
Anthony: MEOW.
Aldo: Sings like Anthony Rojas.
Anthony: That's a compliment for me.
Gordon: No it's not.
Aldo: LOL
Gordon: We are at the halfway mark. We will be joined by a... Block. Before that, though, we now have Ask Jeeves, featuring...William Hung
Anthony: William Hung - aieeeeeee!
Gordon: We'd like to welcome Jason Block to the festivities!
Jason: Hello all.
Gordon: Welcome Jason.
Jason: Poor Melinda.
Aldo: The Latina =(
Joe: Hiya, Jason.
Jason: Hey Joe.
Gordon: Jason just called me 2 minutes ago in a panic, asking me if that was Mario Vazquez who just got eliminated.
Jason: He looked like him.
Anthony: Hey, Mario is from NY. Don't hate.
Gordon: For those of you who just joined us, Melinda and Jared are toast, as we go through the LIVE forum on the LIVE American Idol results.
Jason: Was either one a shock?
Gordon: According to our panel.... nope.
Anthony: We got 'em right.
Gordon: Panel is perfect tonight so far.
Gordon: We go back to the ladies for the next elimination.
Aldo: They look like they wanna throw up.
Gordon: Someone in the back row got the second lowest elimination, meaning that Carrie, Mikalah, Janae, Nadia and Lindsey are all safe.
Gordon: Aloha does not mean goodbye - she is safe.
Jason: Jessica is safe.
Joe: Come on Amanda! Stay alive!
Jason: Vonzell is safe.
Gordon: Amanda is............. safe.
Aldo: Uh-oh.
Jason: Sarah is out.
Jason: Good choice or not?
Anthony: Good
Aldo: Of course, they put her between 2 hot chicks.
Gordon: Randy says that she didn't give her best performance, Paula says that the song choice did her in, and Simon says that she would have been ok if not for the song.
Gordon: She sings the same song that got her eliminated.
Anthony: I don't think she was that bad - but not confident.
Gordon: She's walking that "I don't want to be here" walk and has as much emotion as a dead goldfish.
Anthony: Yep.
Gordon: She was in trouble completely.
Anthony: No emotion - you've got to own the stage.
Gordon: As we look at the predictions.....Anthony said safe.
Anthony: :P
Gordon: I said Out
Anthony: :P
Gordon: I am a perfect 3 for 3.
Anthony: Of course you are.
Gordon: That's because I am the man.
Aldo: We need to create an over/under.
Gordon: Anthony is 2 for 3.
Anthony: 66% baby.
Gordon: That's still a D in my book - lol.
Aldo: Make millions, Gordon.
Jason: I say Bo Bice is gone - or David Brown.
Anthony: Bo was the good rocker, David Brown, Judd and Joseph Murena bottom.
Gordon: Assuming that someone from the other row is leaving, the prediction would be Joseph Murena
Aldo: I think the top row is safe again.
Gordon: Though Bo and David are in contention. Anthony, Constantine, Judd, Nikko and Travis...are told that they can relax - but Ryan didn't say they were safe. Hmmm...
Anthony: Mario is safe. Scott safe. Bo and David - safe. Joseph gone?
Gordon: You don't think that Anwar has the lowest amount of votes, do you?
Anthony: I hope not - it would be awful.
Gordon: Anwar and Joseph...are safe - which means that someone in the bottom row is out...and it's JUDD.
Aldo: What the hell was that?
Anthony: That's so cruel.
Aldo: Well, I was right.
Anthony: They never told the bottom row they are safe.
Gordon: As we look at Judd, we see that both of us said he would be out.
Jason: So are any of the 4 surprises?
Gordon: Nope.
Anthony: Nope.
Gordon: Anthony is 3-4. I am a perfect 4-4 = 100%
Anthony: :P 75%
Gordon: Paula hates this part, Randy thought he was good, but other voices were better, and Simon said that he chose the wrong type of song.
Anthony: Maybe the song buried him.
Gordon: I bet it did - he may have been trying to invoke the spirit of Jon
Peter Lewis - and failed miserably.
Aldo: Notice how so many people lose cause of the song.
Anthony: He did get good reviews from the judges yesterday - but I guess
America didn't think so.
Gordon: It's a good bluesy song - but the show isn't called bad Elvis Impersonator Idol.
Aldo: Those tight ass pants don't help either.
Anthony: We don't notice that - you do. What does that mean?
Gordon: Judd sings his way out and we are out, while Aldo is mesmerized by Judd's butt.
Aldo: Do you know where your halo is?
Gordon: On your butt?
Anthony: lol
Gordon: One thing that is common for all four singers - None of them got much exposure - and then didn't take advantage of the little that they got
Anthony: :)
Gordon: Tune in next week to see who's exposure runs out.
Anthony: Watch out, Joseph.
Gordon: For Aldo, Anthony, Joe and Jason, this is Gordon Pepper, where we will see you in 7 days.
Anthony: CYA!
Gordon: Pepper, Rojas, Villalona, Van Ginkel and Block out!

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