The 25 Million Dollar Hoax
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What would happen if you were suddenly given an opportunity to fool your family into thinking that you've won the lottery? That's the conundrum that one woman faces, and if she pulls it off, her family will score a big win... for real.

Recaps by Chico Alexander, GSNN


George Gray
Announcer/VO: Townsend Coleman
Creator: Maverick Television (based on a British format)
EP: Ben Silverman, Stuart Krasnow, Scott Hallock, Kevin Healey
Packager: Hallock Healey Entertainment, Krasnow Productions, Reveille
Airs: Mondays at 10:00pm ET on NBC

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Web design by Jason Elliott. Logo by Chico Alexander. 

"The Line..." - November 15

Chrissy Sanford just won at least $5 million that she didn't really win. Now she has to fool her family into thinking that she's gone from gentle to mental, spending the balance of the prize money on herself and herself only. Any more tension? What do YOU think?

Day 3:

Time for Chrissy to up the ante, as she charters a flight to Beverly (Hills, that is) to go shopping some more. Today's challenge: ignore the wants and needs of her family, and if they want something, Chrissy has to buy it for herself. Dad Guy is concerned that Chrissy's funds are depleting all too quickly. But Chrissy has made her choice, as she heads up Rodeo Drive. While on Rodeo Drive, Chrissy and family roll up in the limo (in case you haven't seen a reality show, that would be ten years ago what the Bentley is now). Chrissy pretends to love it, and the others buy it, lock, stock and barrel.

But if she's going to spend like a high roller, she's got to look the part. The first stop: Jonathan, which, if you don't know, is the salon on Bravo's "Blow Job." Guy sees a side of Chrissy that she's never seen before in a $300 hairstyle and a $100 fruitplate. So what do brothers Eric and David do in the meantime? Get a $14 cut at Supercuts.

Meanwhile, Chrissy wants sushi for her sophisticated taste buds. Holly calls greed.

Now to the shopping spree. After hitting up Lladro (one of a kind porcelain sculptures; $47,152.37), Eric decides that he hates shopping... except with Holly. They get to talking about a mermaid sculpture that Eric would sacrifice his disability check for. Well, better hurry before... Oh, too late. Chrissy bought it.

Next, St. John, where Chrissy stocks up on shoes, belts, jackets, dresses, and... more champagne for the family. They're beginning to worry that Chrissy's spending habits may get the better of her. The price of her St. John spree: $57,412.06. "She's winding down, I hope." Not after a trip to Chopard, the most expensive jeweler in LA. Chrissy gets a $750K necklace, and a pair of $850K earrings. Guy puts it best. "This is getting crazy."

This is way beyond Chrissy's character, as she gets a pink-diamond watch instead of the watch that David wanted.

Eric and Holly call BS to the lottery official, saying that Holly was crying her eyes out. "Watching my family have nothing to do with me is not what I expected," Chrissy says, as she plunks down $1.7 million on precious bling.

Next up, Chrissy decides that she wants to become... a pop star? WTF? "I do have a really really BAD voice!" Don't worry, Chrissy. Lots of people with bad voices are into pop stardom right now. *ahem*Ashleesimpson*ahem* To that end, she takes everyone, including wannabe country singer Holly, to a recording studio. Wait, it gets better. Mom's favorite group: *Nsync. Assisting Chrissy in the studio... Lance Bass *presses popstar button* "It's great music for a 52-year-old bride."

Needless to say Holly was hurt, and it's not just at Chrissy's mangling of Britney Spears.

Simon: Absolutely dreadful.

Holly: I've worked for years doing this, and she's in there doing it off key... I'm just going to jump in that room and sock her!" Get in line. Chrissy's jam session cost $18,000 in voice lessons.

So far, Chrissy spent $1.8 million on herself... and zero on her family. Although they did get some free champaggin out of the deal.

Well, she regains her composure, so no punching of the Chrissy today, though she does think that Chrissy more than went over the line.

Back to the resort, the conversation gets a little heated between Eric, Holly, and Chrissy, while David said "Please just make it stop." After all, who wants to see a rich bitch spin for $50,000,000?

Day 4:

Chrissy now has to fool the family into thinking that she wants to get some serious nips and tucks. Guy thinks that he's getting some lasik. Meanwhile, the doctors (actually paid actors) decide that she should really have some botox for her forehead, collagen injections for her lips, and breast augmentation for her... breasts. Guy and Lois note that she loves to play soccer and that this would totally go against her tomboy nature.

The doc gives everyone some samples to.. uh.. play with. And if that wasn't enough, Tabitha, the doctor's secretary, gives the Sanfords a... shall we say, demonstration?

Three letters.. F... C... C. Implants: $28,000. The bouncing Chrissy footage... priceless. But she still has $3 million (give or take a few hundred thousand) to spend in order to qualify for the big spin. So it's time to buy up some property. Enter the realtor. Guy could think about the lot for $1 million, build a home for another two, and then sell it back for $4.7 mill.

Nope. Chrissy wants to look at houses. Matthew thinks the house is huge, Phillip likes the pool table. The tag: $4.75 million. House #2: $7.2 million. Two words: theatre room. "Definitely a cool outing," David said. "But if she thinks about buying a house... I'm done!"

Winner: House #1, as Chrissy buys it for whatever money she has left, at least $3 million. And after all this hurrah about not really having enough money remaining, and all in the morning of...

DAY 5:

... and the Big Spin is forthcoming. "You just spent the whole frickin' load.. Are you STUPID?!"

So let's take a rundown: Chrissy's $5 million... gone. Guy's dream of building a house for her only daughter... gone. All the love they had for her in the first place... gone. David doesn't want to be a part of the spin... but will he come around?

"Get her back in here. We've got to talk some sense into her."

Next time... the Big Spin.

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