EXTRA: Lingo Tournament of Champions:
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Over the past year, the best and the brightest spellers of five-letter words were invited for one final shot at a Suzuki Verona. We started with eight teams, and now we're down to just two: Ben and Josh against Tim and Catherine. At the end, two people will be driving home from the Lingo Tournament of Champions. As Chuck Woolery said, "This is where the rubber meets the road."

Chico Alexander
news editor


Yellow: Ben (hotel auditor) and Josh (soundboard operator/production assistant), friends
Red: Tim and Catherine, friends/students

Two teams enter, one team leaves. Let's get it on! Tim and Catherine start  things off with ABOVE, following STIRS and stirring up a red ball. Ben and Josh TOTAL up their first 25. But Tim and Catherine steal FROZE. Ben and Josh answer back by stealing WRECK, following with LIKES. But Josh pops up red for the yellow side. Tim and Catherine don't CHOKE on their Lingo, as they leads it, 150-75. Josh gets OPERA, and Ben Lingos to tie the game, 150 at round's end.

One round away from a new car. Tim and Catherine stall, but get MUDDY. Catherine draws red, though, giving Ben and Josh a chance to even the odds. They do with GIVEN. And they pull another red stopper. Tim and Catherine capitalize with PACKS, DODGE, and the Lingo, giving them 400 to the reds' 200. Ben and Josh need every word they can get now. They get VITAL... and that's it. Tim and Catherine still lead it, 400-250. So game over, right? W-R-O-N-G.

It's time for round 3. It's still anyone's game, because now scores are TRIPLED. That's 75 for a word, and 150 for a Lingo. Ben and Josh have control, but Tim and Catherine have HASTY for 75. They also have another red ball. Ben and Josh with control back and NOTED and LABEL. Their Lingo puts them back into the lead, 550-475. One word separates the two teams. Tim and Catherine get BLEED to tie and EASEL to pull ahead. They need 62 for a Lingo. Catherine pulls... a ? ball. That's a bucket of ice water on the game point.

In a heated clash of titans, Tim and Catherine emerge as your season three champions by a score of 775-550. Ben Helverta of American Suzuki Corporation comes to present each player with a key to a 2004 Suzuki Verona, which Tim and Catherine say will be driven off together.

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